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7395: artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan food pig snow
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lapma: "Dont eat that carrot, we need it"
It is 1st winter of Princess she does not understand concept of snowman, so hopefully Katia will forgive her. How could you stay mad at Princess anyway?
Skybolt06: Yes, this is adorable as always, and I'm sure Katia will forgive her, cause you're exactly right, who could stay mad at such a cute piggy
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bigchungus: one main question is.....how did this princess pig thing start anyway?
lapma: @bigchungus: Long story short, Princess started when they added new free Pet to ESO, piggy named Princess. I just like pigs and wanted to make a pun "Free hogs" instead of "Free hugs" so i drew this-https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6905#search=pig And what can i say? I fell in love with that piggy idea. (It even changed my life a bit, since drawing Princess looking for diffrent references and such things i noticed that i dont want to have anything to do with what happens to those animals so i went vegan) So yea piggy started as a joke/pun and became important part of my life and kinda a symbol i guess?
7396: Night_Eye artist:Bluedraggy artist:KuroNeko character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC fanfiction literary_endeavors maid questionable text
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bluedraggy: Well, you never know about those catfolk. They're awfully primitive.
I kinda promised someone I'd write this little story, but I also had to sort of join it to prior Evil Quill-Weave stuff. So focusing on Albino Maid for a bit. Also my punchline was originally "blue panties?!" but then at the last minute I remembered QW is colorblind so that didn't work. Also this work was in no way influenced by KuroNeko's own self-inspired picture. No way. Uh-uh. Not at all!
bluedraggy: (Also isn't this a clever, subtle way to get an otherwise non-booru-acceptable OC image into it? AHA! Foiled those mods yet again!)
bluedraggy: Also I'm particularly proud of the book title "Cat on a Hot Thatch Roof". :)
KuroNeko: This is a pretty good start, really funny
![]() Also Mookie wiping Quill's mouth and her going along with it despite being angry was pretty cute.
ADudeCalledLeo: Is this truly the end of Evul Quill-Weave's naughty misadventures? Nah, probably not.
Also yay more Quill x Maid semi-lewd stuff!
Skybolt06: I love this, and find it epic that I am not the only writer here, as I have seen your other writings before, such as the ones with Rajirra in the place of James Bond, though I was wondering if you were ever going to write more, and you have, and I think this is a really good start, and even though you said you hoped there wasn't too many chapters, I would love to see more!
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bluedraggy: Thanks guys! And fellow author Skybolt06! I don't mind being known as 'the semi-lewd Prequel fanfiction author." The truth is silly to deny. Mostly I just hope it's entertaining and I don't cross the line too far honestly. But it's fun to write Evil Quill-Weave! She's SUCH a good natured idiot.
6203: artist:KuroNeko braids character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king chiaroscuro dreams fear guar_plush monochrome text
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Zargothrax: These are absolutely fantastic! And scary. Poor little Katia
PermanentFace: Is that a real language?
KuroNeko: @PermanentFace: This is aldmeri, the high elves language,
I made a lot of mistakes but it should mean: "You hero of fate, who is slave to dead gods. Why do you stand for this lightless world?." and on this page https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6222 it says: "Fear the dragon's child, fear it, fear it, fear it. Soon the new world will come. Dawn is breaking."
KuroNeko: If you're interested you can find all the Elder Scrolls languages here: https://www.imperial-library.info/content/hrafnirs-languages-nordic#Aldmeris
7272: Kvatch_well artist:ChrisMono cat khajiit_racism streets_of_Kvatch
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Varanonegro: Excelente dibujo, muy bien detallado ![]() Si es que eres nuevo en el fandom te doy la bienvenida
Zargothrax: Has a strange charm to it, nice post.
damrok4321: You probably spent a lot of time on it, my appreciation for that. It looks really cool :D
ChrisMono: thank you y muchos gracias
It does have a lot of resemblance to kvatch, although things aren't in the right place and I wasn't basing this place off of any particular town. |
7390: Friends_in_High_Places artist:Noxygen character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology firearms monochrome
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_Noxygen_: I'm back from the trenches lol. This is a project I'm still working on for Skybolt, and it's taking forever (sorry about that). It's been like three weeks without an update so I thought I should post what I have so far. I really underestimated how difficult this was going to be (I've redrawn the gun and hands alone like 7 times lol), but I'm still going to try and finish it! Also the signatures are only going to get weirder. Sorry if I sound a little pessimistic, I'm just frustrated with my skill level and how long this took. Hope you enjoy what I have so far! Also gimmie some advice
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GrizzlyBear: That looks really awesome! I gotta say that design is leagues better than what I was going for, so idk if there’s any valuable advice I’d be fit to give. What I’ve been working on is also taking a while and it still looks pretty awkward, so I’m a little pessimistic too lol. Outstanding job
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Denis: Ну опять таки, тут больше насмотренность и понимание объёмов требуется. А на это нужно время, иначе никак. Лично мне хотелось бы посмотреть скетч с построением к этому рисунку. Тут надо разобраться с размером ног относительно друг друга, предплечий(хотя могло быть так и задумано)
Skybolt06: This is epic, I'm so glad that you're enjoying drawing this stuff as basically fanfiction fanart XD, thanks so much, the helmet is very cool and different from how I imagine it, but variation is what makes art awesome! Amazing job here!
_Noxygen_: @GrizzlyBear: thanks! coming back to this After watching some memes and passing out, I feel better now lol
@Denis: thank you for the feedback! I'll post the base construction when I figure out how to embed images inside posts, or find some other method. I'll see if I can still fix the limbs up to look more proportionate. I know I can fix the arm at least. Also that portrait you did looks amazing! @Skybolt: thanks, I was going to go with a much more detailed and brutalist design with the helmet, but that proved to be more difficult than I thought. Still going to add the glowing etchings all over it and hopefully save this thing when I paint it lol |
7393: Safety_hat brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable text very_casually_underdressed
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PuChiPi: Long time reader here, but I only recently started drawing Katia! I think she'd do just fine during everything going on right now.
AMKitsune: Considering that we don't live in a world where you can cure any ailment by simply chugging a potion, this is very sound advice.
Rick2tails: well if we both wear masks Katia we dont need to keep far away from each other especially if we are not keeping our faces right next to each others face
7388: Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave fish merchandise monochrome pencil_drawing very_casually_underdressed
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showing 10 of 18 comments
KuroNeko: @Bokdan0: @Skybolt06: @Rick2tails: Thank you :D
@AMKitsune: I'm super happy you noticed. She definitely has those nictating membrane over her eyes but I was afraid it wasn't very clear.
bluedraggy: I'd started a colored version too, but then when I saw AMKitsune's, I'm like - "Na. I couldn't approach that!" I knew when I saw Kuro's drawing first it was going to be fantastic. Your coloring took it to the next level.
damrok4321: It turned out really awesome, im honestly amazed how cool it looks. Really nice job, counting for more like that one.
bluedraggy: Okay, okay! Here's my version. Doesn't have the detail that Kuros original has, but that let me play with it in my style a bit more. If I've overemphasized her butt, that's because I overemphasize butts. :)
ADudeCalledLeo: @bluedraggy: The day you don't overemphasize a butt is the day we'll all think you've been replaced by an impostor.
A+ work, lads!
AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Now that you've uploaded it, I'm even gladder that you were working on your own version. While it's simpler, it's also much brighter and more colourful than my version. I particularly like the highlights on the bubbles and how you removed the line work on the 'splash'. It's quite amazing how different the same picture can feel in two different styles, isn't it?
I'm also regretting not putting a thin strip of green on her tail now as well XD. I was struggling with finding ways to break up the brown monotony as it was, but that never occurred to me!
KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: To be fair I'm surprised you didn't also overemphasize her chest too. Are you sure it's you who colored this :p
But seriously, it looks great. I love the bubbles and the smooth, almost perceptible light coming from above. And also the scales. Scales are great. @damrok4321: @Whistle: Thank you :D |
7386: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC chiaroscuro elsweyr magnus pig wallpaper
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ADudeCalledLeo: Lovely picture!
7392: black_eyes character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear portrait
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Skybolt06: Very cute, just like AI version, but we all had the same question on that one, what was in the corner next to her shoulder?
FonkDerok: @Skybolt06: according to @ADudeCalledLeo, giant tumor
it seems to have been safely removed without affecting cuteness, thankfully
ADudeCalledLeo: The surgery was successful, I see.
3184: Daedric_text adorable artist:Guardian artist:ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu banana cake candle character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC comic dragonish food pineapple romance sexual_tension tapestry wordplay
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So Much innuendo, I can't even begin to fathom.
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