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7383: Katia's_wizard_robe books character:Katia_Managan outskirts_of_Kvatch skill_book training

Katia's_wizard_robe books character:Katia_Managan outskirts_of_Kvatch skill_book training

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Skybolt06: XD, I love this, very nice expression here

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ChrisMono: well done

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ADudeCalledLeo: this is undoubtedly gamgyul's best work :)

7382: Artist_Celebration_Day artist:Bokdan0 character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off text

Artist_Celebration_Day artist:Bokdan0 character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering knock_off text

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Zerorganic: Bokdan is actually still a hyper new artist in our fandom, or a new artist in general. I cant belive he improved that fast. Some may say its natural talent...and that might be true. But one important factor is also that he practises a lot. Everday he streams how he practices different things like loomis, shading, animation etc. In terms of effort and will power he is a person some of us (especially me) can look up to.

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Skybolt06: Congrats Bokdan! I agree, he is a very great artist, and I also think that many of us can learn from him and his amazing artwork

Keep up the good work Bokdan!
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Denis: Конечно, если набивать руку, будет лучше получаться. Особенно в плане пропорций. Но я не могу точно судить, так как самому ого-го сколько ещё учиться. Мне нравятся его работы

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ChrisMono: I'm pretty new here as well, so i wasn't able to see how they started. But if its true, then that's a pretty good feat.

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Bokdan0: Thanks very much for these nice words.

The prequel showed me an entirely new world of webcomics and in the end, inspired me to start drawing so I'm glad I was able to add something here.

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Sashimi: Looking at this collage, there's so much diversity to Bokdano's art, and it's wonderful!

1954: Kvatch_arena_armor animation applied_telekinesis artist:Bazelini character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan strife text witch-hunter_control_panel

Kvatch_arena_armor animation applied_telekinesis artist:Bazelini character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan strife text witch-hunter_control_panel
showing 10 of 13 comments
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SomeShadyGuy: Damn it took me long to figure out that Gharug wasn't casting magic using his nipples...

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tronn: This is the most excellent fanart!

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Bob: Gro-up: Max luck

Katia missed attack!

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furnut: Ouch o.o;;

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @furnut: Oh, come on, It doesn't hurt /that/ Much.

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Tahrey: Obviously you've never had it done to you /properly/

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Tahrey: Also, such smooth gifwork, I'm impressed.

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AMKitsune: That's it. There's nothing else to learn. Levelling up's useless and no enemy can stand in her way. Katia has achieved the ultimate understanding of the most painful magic there is. As long as Katia only ever encounters shirtless opponents, she'll never have to worry about a fight ever again.

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Toryu-Mau: And that is how Katia F. Managan came to realize the subtle, yet earth shattering power of Mysticism.

"Carma's a Sigrid, Gro-Up."

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: oh shit not the nipples

5806: animation artist:Raydio casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro christmas fire merchandise presents questionable

showing 10 of 22 comments

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bluedraggy: Do you ever look at your older stuff, Raydio, and realize how good you've become? It's really impressive to see. I sometimes don't think artists can appreciate it sometimes, and it's not just the linework either. Just look away from the cat's tail and appreciate the color choices here too! Really really nice.

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Raydio: @bluedraggy: Thanks a ton draggy !

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COBA_RU: Hmmm, somewhere i saw full story... Nvm.

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Dominik: Ok, i don't know how to describe it. I am confused and all but that is a good piece of art.

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EverestingLink: Oh shit. So this led to that one NSFW post. Damn.

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minatovic: just wat i needed

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Skybolt06: I find it awesome that people are still looking and commenting on Ray's amazing art, even though I've seen this one many times, it never gets old, a true masterpiece my dude

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Sashimi: @Skybolt06: Ray really does great art, and his ability progressed so quickly in such a short amount of time.
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Denis: Прыгожа. Прама вельмі

7104: accidents_waiting_to_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave character:Weedum-Ja monochrome mudcrabs swimsuit

accidents_waiting_to_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave character:Weedum-Ja monochrome mudcrabs swimsuit
showing 10 of 13 comments

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KuroNeko: -that line.
Also I just noticed there's acruel lack of drawing of Weedum-Ja on the booru.

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Zerorganic: who is weedum-ja ?

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: One the chapel worker in Kvatch, Katia meets her when she arrive in town. Afterward, she's seen again, cleaning the chapel of Akatosh after Katia has put it on fire.
In oblivion she's one of the survivors of the daedra attack on Kvatch.
Also in fanworks she's given a more mischevious side and is often shiped with the bartender.

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Zerorganic: ahhh its the chapel lady. I still dont like the ongoing joke that every khajiit looks like katia... or more like they all look the same. But one thing is sure...i love that like every character has some fan art.Only wish rajirra hasnt

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Caps: Ah, crab in the pants.
The oldest trick in the book.
Awesome drawing, though I don't know who is the prankster.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @KuroNeko: To quote Kazerad himself, >>948
Also, at least it isn't a mudcrab.

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KuroNeko: @Caps: That's Weedum-Ja. If you don't know who that is, see my post above or @ADudeCalledLeo:'s

@ADudeCalledLeo: I actually thought about making it a mudcrab but then forgot about it.

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Zerorganic: whats so bad about mudcrabs tho

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: They can only feel hatred and therefore you don't want one in your pants :p

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PermanentFace: The real joke here is that an argonian is wearing a snorkle.

7378: Khajiit artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:bartender monochrome smoking

Khajiit artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:bartender monochrome smoking

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KuroNeko: Something like two months ago, I told rick2tails I would draw the bartender again but kind of forgot about it until now.

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Zargothrax: He looks pretty much like

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Skybolt06: wonder which gang he's in, he's also very ripped, nice work as always Kuro

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semiafro007: @Skybolt06: a biker gang

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semiafro007: @semiafro007:

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Hehe, that true. But that cat is smiling a little so it can't be him :p

@Skybolt06: Thanks. He was in the Oblivion's Dagons, but he left when they got in trouble over the name.

@semiafro007: Did he just spit out his cigarette while still having one in his mouth XD
But seriously it looks awesome, I love ink drawings.

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Rick2tails: the Bartender is a bad ass!

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Rick2tails: also man you could wash clothes on his sexy abs! :)

7375: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:ChrisMono character:Katia_Managan outskirts_of_Kvatch text

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:ChrisMono character:Katia_Managan outskirts_of_Kvatch text

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ChrisMono: ¿Qué es acción de gracias?

animated speech practice part 1/2
this was meant to be at a lower fps so the words would be easier to see, oh well
also its close to thanksgiving, so hurray

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Skybolt06: YOOOOOOOO (feels like I just let out a YouTuber yo just now) this looks so cool, and very accurate, I think you did a good job, also yes, ThxGiving stuff

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ADudeCalledLeo: That's some nice mouth animations.

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Rick2tails: its when we feed cute kitties chocolate cake (or pumpkin pie)

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KuroNeko: Wow, you actually animated her mouth :o
Nice work
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GrizzlyBear: It’s bizarre seeing her mouth actually move to the words she’s saying for once

7058: Katia's_wizard_robe animation books character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro merchandise questionable

showing 10 of 24 comments

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Zerorganic: Well if this is really your first attempt then you are truely gifted. I find it enviable how you could get so much out of such simple and yet so
effective shading. Makes me feel bad about my own stuff

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madmanransom: ass

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Whistle: This drawing is well drawn, and in some places even very well drawn, that's for sure

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damrok4321: the whole image gives a nice and comfy atmosphere feeling, I also like how her tail bends here it shows it's weight and fluffiness

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Tejo: Very well done! I definitely want to see more of this.

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Skoon: Das butt!

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Greiylin_Terragon: three kinda people:
hey nice art!
b i g

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_Noxygen_: That's hot

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Skybolt06: Visited this image before, still one of my favorites to look at :3

7016: Chorrol Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:Doupper_art black_eyes character:Katia_Managan smiling

Chorrol Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:Doupper_art black_eyes character:Katia_Managan smiling
showing 10 of 11 comments

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damrok4321: awwww this is beautiful

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AMKitsune: Isn't it just typical? After barely stepping foot out of a bakery with sweetroll in hand, you look down to see this.
Looks like you'll be enjoying an entire half of that sweetroll.

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APayne1776_2: That's cute, I like it

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KuroNeko: Here we see Katia doing her fist dark brotherhood quest by trying to murder her victim with cuteness. What a monster.
Nice to see more of your art. It's really adorable. Great work.

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lapma: This is great, nice work.

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Rick2tails: @AMKitsune I`d gladly give Katia half of my sweet treat

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Caps: When your new tiny kitty ask you for food.

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Zargothrax: Aww, she's so cute. And such great colors! Nice shading too. (her neck/shoulders scare me a little though. Must be a witch hunter trick she learnt along the way)

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Caps: @Zargothrax: I think her shoulder thing is because you are seen her from above her.
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Greiylin_Terragon: >katia: ask mr. obama for help

7373: Katia's_wizard_robe Mercantile artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan crossover legend_of_zelda

Katia's_wizard_robe Mercantile artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan crossover legend_of_zelda

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egliomatn: bombs

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Skybolt06: Is that a Zelda reference I see? (also I don't care if anyone asked or not, chapter 17 is almost done, #selfpromotion)

Love it UwU

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SaintDumos: "Sorry, Katia. I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little, MMMMMMMM, richer!"

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_Noxygen_: 'm getting strong brooklyn Mario flashbacks
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Varanonegro: @Skybolt06: XD

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Zargothrax: Katia wants to drop the bomb
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