Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

2513: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:Tolargonian character:Katia_Managan magic magic_fire pineapple text waggy_tail

Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:Tolargonian character:Katia_Managan magic magic_fire pineapple text waggy_tail

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AMKitsune: Now I wish I had "FUCKIN' MAGIC" to.
I suppose I'll just have to make do with packs of cheap lighters and suspending my fruit from the ceiling with string like everyone else...

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Tolargonian_arts: Omg an amazing artist commented on ma shitty lil pic Q/)(\Q

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Geravind: @Tolargonian_arts: Your picture is somewhat okay, Katy has interesting expression here.

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Tolargonian_arts: O/)(\O thankies

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I look forward to seeing more of your silly, cute art in the future, Tolargonian!

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KillerfishSG: waggy tail <3

2501: Compact_Story artist:JJR character:Rajirra character:Sigrid law_enforcement tavia

Compact_Story artist:JJR character:Rajirra character:Sigrid law_enforcement tavia

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Geravind: Rajirra so badly banged on the table, that whole hill with the city began to slide into Oblivion, yes?
Even in such situation a true city guard refers to her charter.))
Sigrid decided to save the only worthy thing in whole this cursed place.

Sorry for inconsistencies, if any. =*_*=

2510: Cookie_Memorial character:Quill-Weave photo

Cookie_Memorial character:Quill-Weave photo

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Filthypaladin: Clever, clever!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Excellent.

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Man_Of_Mer: I want a piece of her face in my mouth, thats not weird is it?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Man_Of_Mer: The way you phrased it, made it sound weird.

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AMKitsune: Alone, each is a non-themed cookie. Together, they are Argonian themed...

I can't tell if this is cheating, or so ingenious that it should win!

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PyroSlime: I'm glad you all liked it. I had a real fun time making them, but now comes the best part... having to eat them all.

2460: 4chan character:Katia_Managan dreams sleepy

4chan character:Katia_Managan dreams sleepy

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angrybacteria: She's so adorable when she's dreaming about competency or power of any kind. Like that other one where Katia is dreaming of being mistress of a magic college.

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AMKitsune: By dreaming, maybe she's actually watching the real of existence where the voices in her head come from? Perhaps when she (occasionally) dreams of being popular and loved by all, she's seeing all of us in some way?

I still hold the headcanon that our reality is (in the context of the comic) a Daedric realm that Katia has some mental connection to. Think about it, seeing as none of us come from Mundas, that technically makes us all Daedra. It would also explain why the ideas that she 'gets' can be quite erratic in nature, given that they would literally be coming from a collection of different beings in another dimension.

A strange thought. Probably wrong, but a thought none the less :D

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @AMKitsune: I'd say it's pretty creative! Very nice thinking.

also Our kitty is having a good dream for once. :3

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Dawwww this is so fucking adorable :v

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Man_Of_Mer: What is /co/?

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AMKitsune: @Man_Of_Mer: The comics section of 4chan. There's usually a Prequel thread on the go there.

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Tahrey: Her head is a meteorite destroying the world on which those beings reside ... is that good or bad?

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theworstninja: What exactly is happening in this picture?

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AMKitsune: @theworstninja: Katia's dreaming about a bunch of anonymous users from the 4chan comics board standing before her giant head while heavenly rays of light shine from behind her. Come on now... It's pretty straight forward stuff when you think about it XD.

2505: Cookie_Memorial argonian artist:Adroma food photo

Cookie_Memorial argonian artist:Adroma food photo

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VashTheStampede: Kill...

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AMKitsune: Eat... Me...

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VashTheStampede: Cook...ie

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AMKitsune: Wall...E...

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @VashTheStampede: Put that Cookie down, at this very instant, Ah ah ah- no nibbling!

2504: Cookie_Memorial argonian artist:Adroma photo

Cookie_Memorial argonian artist:Adroma photo

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Kewot_Rokar: Argonians! Nice!, make a Black and white one!

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AMKitsune: Mmm... I can almost smell the culturally ingrained servitude.
Top job on keeping them in theme with the actual ones in the comic.
They look so sad... How fitting!

Best of luck with the contest :)
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MetalC0Mmander: Are they crying blood?

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Adroma: @metalCOMAnder no its the snout

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Adroma: @AMKitsune: : )

2490: 3D Kvatch_arena_armor animation artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan eyepatch

3D Kvatch_arena_armor animation artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan eyepatch

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makingfailure: Posting here because I won't ever do anything with this ever. I used this to learn about 3D character creation and fucked up a lot along the way, so technically it's not usable... But I learned a lot, thanks Katia.

If people are interested I can compile my folders and put it up for download, but it's pretty much only good for mediocre poses and learning from my mistakes.

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MikeyTheFox: @makingfailure: Do it! I'm pretty sure someone could make it into a use-able model :D

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KillerfishSG: @makingfailure: I'd like to put her into the game we're making! (Just for funsies) What do you feel about seeing Katia punching some robots? :p

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Kewot_Rokar: This is really good! I always found it difficult to bring a 2d drawing into a 3d environment without making it look like the artist had a stroke while modeling. But this is great!

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KillerfishSG: @Kewot_Rokar: Z brush works wonders!

2502: animation character:Katia_Managan knock_off musicality smelly_peasant

animation character:Katia_Managan knock_off musicality smelly_peasant
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Jack_M: Jack J Managan(no relation) here. This is a picture someone made for me

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John_Medina: This is perfect! XD

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Kewot_Rokar: I can't contain the laughter!

673: Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan grievous_bodily_harm knock_off mudcrabs murder surreal

Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan grievous_bodily_harm knock_off mudcrabs murder surreal

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MANAMEISVIKTORREZNOV: Did I just see Katia fucking dat mudcrab...

2491: adorable artist:Kazerad character:Nah knock_off red_eyes vampirism

adorable artist:Kazerad character:Nah knock_off red_eyes vampirism
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tubeman1: Great Job.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tubeman1: Nah, but in all seriousness, nice edit!

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Tubeman1: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks a bunch.

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Tubeman1: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: By the way I'm still learning how to use this, I just made this account.

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Geravind: "Hi, sweety! Do you want some jam off this one's neck?"

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AMKitsune: Just to make things extra clear, I added Kazerad as an artist tag and put a link to the indiegogo project as the source for the original image. Edits like this (which are essentially 'cleaning up' Kazerad's other images) are often questionably eligible for posting here. Most people have absolutely no issue with them, we just need to be careful that we don't end up getting overwhelmed by them over new original content. If you do feel the need to upload an edit, be sure to tag the original artist (with the tag "Artist:ARTISTNAMEGOESHERE") and 'edit' (as you've already done here).

This is a good clear edit that's really well done. You wouldn't know it's a fan edit by simply looking at it. But it's also extremely similar to the original, which somewhat limits it's eligibility to be here as a piece of 'fanart'. I won't remove it (as that's not a call I feel I have the right to make alone for pieces like this) but just be aware that edits like this aren't always able to be considered 'new works' in their own rights.

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POMA: Well to be fair it's not good edit considering how much was cleared. You can see here that hairline is almost straight here which is not what can we see on other pictures of Nah on IG page. Also her jacket on the left side goes up in weird manner and flows right into her skirt instead of covering it.

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Tubeman1: @POMA: In my defence this is my first ever edit plus I was merely practising using MS Paint so I kind of figured I'd make some errors, I just wanted to show my work.

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Tubeman1: @AMKitsune: I'll remember that for next time, thanks for the tip.

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MANAMEISVIKTORREZNOV: Why does my neck hurt???
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