Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.
2387: artist:loodovono character:Katia_Managan merchandise monochrome questionable sketch
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SomeShadyGuy: @Kazerad: I don't see how this would be crossing the line, in my opinion this is barely questionable
2376: adorable artist:gatograph character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear very_casually_underdressed
2301: artist:Mediocre_Scrublord braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia character:Little_Quill-Weave character:Quill-Weave sleep-over text
- Reply The idea that Lil' Katia has absolutely no idea how normal social interaction works, no sense of self perception and lets her excitement get the better of her. Simply precious. (kind of reminds my of myself when I was little, except this is actually adorable XD) - Reply - Reply |
2355: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable anachronism artist:makingfailure character:Dodger monochrome
- Reply Wow, I love the colours, let's see if the hood fits as well. Yep! So I'll just flip that dowwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! >Dodger: Strip off the cloak very quickly and return it to the slightly creepy Argonian mage you just freed from a life of slavery, telling him thank you very much but his gratitude is more than reward enough. - Reply |
2371: Blade artist:Radian character:Dodger dodger:_break_the_law inconsistent_rendering knock_off looking_badass redraw sketch
- Reply Прикона. =*_*= Откуда там крылья, так и не понял... ну, Каз такой Каз -- ему видней. - Reply Prikona. = * = * _ From there the wings, and did not understand ... well, so Kaz Kaz - he knows better." Verily. - Reply "Where are two more katanas, scaly?! Nice. =*_*= Where/when/how she got those wings? Oh, Kaz is such a Kaz, he knows that for sure." - Reply |
2346: JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure character:Katia_Managan crossover magic_fire pineapple yellow_eyes
- Reply - Reply Stand Ability: Telekinesis Power: A Speed: A Range: D Durability: E Precision: A Potential: B Description: Able to move objects according to the user's will. Furthermore, the stand is able to vibrate an object on a molecular level, causing it to heat up and catch fire rapidly. Currently limited to 1 object at about 3m (10 ft) from the user and efficacy decreases with wieght of the object, but the user is capable of affecting heavier and more objects with training. - Reply - Reply On the left, write "awesomeness" On the right, write "what in all the heck?!" In the middle, write "this image". - Reply ...which also begs the question whether it can also be used as the basis of magical ventriloquism, or visual illusions (...or magical lasers!). As in you make the very air itself move at a distance, or create vibrations so highly focussed and of such intensity/frequency that they begin to emit light instead of heat. With practice you could make them coherent enough to form convincing images, or piercing beams of pure energy. - Reply |
2403: artist:FreshJams casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan merchandise questionable swimsuit
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2441: Marksman artist:JaHannar's_Sister character:Katia_Managan photo sketch text
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I'm a little confused by the tags though. Your caption implies that this is your sisters drawing, yet you've included yourself in the tags? I see that this is you're first upload, so it's understandable that there could be tagging mistakes. If the tags are correct as they are though (if this is your drawing), just say so and I'll fix the artist name tag for you to be an actual 'artist tag'. Otherwise, we might want to remove your name from the tags if you're not the artist.
And again, this is really adorable :3