Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

2452: Athletics Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:anonymous character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king fear tears

Athletics Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:anonymous character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king fear tears

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Outstanding! Very good job! I hope to see more of your art here in the future.

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Tahrey: #foreshadowing

...how are you meant to escape from the nightmare when you effectively can't open your eyes?

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Gren: The feels. This is amazing.

@Tahrey: Well, last night the nightmare King said he was going to give her a rest. So I think we won't see him in a while.

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Geravind: Nice!
@Gren: He will, the daedras will not...

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Tahrey: Yeah, but how long ago was that? I've totally lost track.

2434: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:Bhoren character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan happy magic snow streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis telekinetic_shield witch-hunter_control_panel

Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:Bhoren character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan happy magic snow streets_of_Kvatch telekinesis telekinetic_shield witch-hunter_control_panel
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Bhoren: just upload the second one, someone will come along and delete the previous one :p

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Bhoren: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks ! Will do ! I can't believe I missed that :(

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Bhoren: Don't sweat it, we all make mistakes, Even the perfect man of perfecttown does!

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AMKitsune: I went ahead and replaced this image with the newer one. Fantastic stuff by the way :D
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TemporaryFace: This is incredible.

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Kewot_Rokar: The amount of yes.

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Tahrey: :)

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Tahrey: Is it just me or is there not actually any difference between HopeForYouYet.jpg and HopeForYouYetError.png?

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Bhoren: @Tahrey: Almost none, but on HopeForYouYetError, katia doesn't have the armor's pants. I added them once Armored-Strugle-Waggon told me they were missing.

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Tahrey: ...damn, I'm so blind, totally didn't notice!

2453: Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor artist:JJR character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering wordplay

Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor artist:JJR character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering wordplay
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MetalC0Mmander: Katia pumping 2 cocks?

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Tahrey: oh ... oh!
... oh no :/

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Tahrey: benchpressing a pair of chickens

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Geravind: Is she standing on start position with extended jump jet on her back, and those two birds serve for navigation and additional propelling?

2297: Prequel:_Precede adorable boat character:Katia_Managan green_eyes rags waggy_tail

Prequel:_Precede adorable boat character:Katia_Managan green_eyes rags waggy_tail

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POMA: First day on a ship.

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AMKitsune: Enjoy the novelty of it while you can. It won't be long until you're 'sick' of the whole thing...

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Geravind: Именно это я и пытался сделать во флэшке -- непроходимо. Но как идея для арта -- супер.
У неё вид не столько счастливый, сколько одержимый. Смотрит не вдаль, а в точку прямо перед носом. (Хотя, если б я увидел дреугха, выглядел бы не лучше. =-_-=)
Похоже, что весь корабль движется только за счёт её хвостика.)))

A bit of critics.
It looks like the whole ship is propelled with her tail only. =>_<=

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John_Medina: And then she falls off.

2443: artist:Dook character:Dodger dodger:_break_the_law drugs inconsistent_rendering knock_off

artist:Dook character:Dodger dodger:_break_the_law drugs inconsistent_rendering knock_off

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Yewty: Oh, you know, just up in the club, looking for a cocaine, yo.

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Yewty: Original Poster: Dook
I did not make this, ALL credit to Dook.
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Sly_Lass: [airhorns]

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AMKitsune: Lick sap everyday
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MetalC0Mmander: @Sly_Lass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i6rFjNQUwE

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John_Medina: Smoke skooma ev'ryday

2436: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:AMKitsune artist:actionbastardvirginblaster character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC happy hugs knock_off romance smiling

Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:AMKitsune artist:actionbastardvirginblaster character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC happy hugs knock_off romance smiling
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MetalC0Mmander: SHIPPING BATTLE!!!!!

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Geravind: Awwww. :3 Romantism is overflown.

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tronn: Her head is grotesquely cartoonish compared to the man's more realistic one.

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AMKitsune: @tronn: There aren't that many details that you could add to Katia and have it still look like her. Although, a little 'eye shine' can go a long way...

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Man_Of_Mer: I like the art style. ThoughI l personally think shipping is destructive and demeaning to the actual characters.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Man_Of_Mer: I can only see shipping destructive when it goes against the character entirely, though, I have an exception for Katia X Quill cause its too adorable.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Thanks to AMKitsune for coloring it :3.

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Tahrey: >MOM
Better stay off the internet then, because where there be two or more characters in a piece, there will be shipping.

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reiler12: remember what I said kazerad! Well as I said is not hate just a logical analysis of thing. :)

2444: character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear tears

character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear tears

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Tahrey: MS Paint is best paint

2446: Blunt Cosplay Fallout armor_design artist:Cider casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave crossover raider

Blunt Cosplay Fallout armor_design artist:Cider casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave crossover raider

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Tahrey: "wait ... I wasn't wearing this a moment ago ... what happened?"

or maybe she's checking her barbarian / post apocalyptic wristwatch and has realised she's late for the ritual murder. It's almost half past sunset!

2442: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:JaHannar character:Katia_Managan

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:JaHannar character:Katia_Managan

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Salamanakis: I fully agree! Very nice work! :p, also, here's a quick little guide to drawing Katia, just a little tip :p

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AMKitsune: There we go. Looks much better the right way around XD.
I also have to agree with Salamanakis, the shading's amazingly even and accurate for being hand drawn. Top notch stuff :D
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MetalC0Mmander: Wait I'm loking at this picture again and... what shadding?

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: In this case, I mean shading in the 'getting different parts of the picture to have different shades of grey' using only a line based tool' sense of the word (probably a pencil here).

2427: amulet_of_silence artist:swomswom character:Katia_Managan eyepatch magic_fire painted_underwear self_inflicted_burns very_casually_underdressed

amulet_of_silence artist:swomswom character:Katia_Managan eyepatch magic_fire painted_underwear self_inflicted_burns very_casually_underdressed

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Kazerad: Another Swomswom piece! Here she's naked and holding fire.

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Tahrey: That's not a very dramatic description :(

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Gren: I think that's actual underwear.

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tronn: That expression is just perfect!
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Sly_Lass: It's painted on. She bought some actual underwear recently and it looks like regular contemporary underwear. I mean, we've only seen a bra strap, but it looks very much like a modern bra strap.
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