Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

2599: Compact_Story Daedric_artifact Oghma_Infinium adorable artist:foxipso character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro sleepy

Compact_Story Daedric_artifact Oghma_Infinium adorable artist:foxipso character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro sleepy
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Foxipso: I only learned about the contest two days before it ended, but I decided to do one anyway

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Tahrey: :3

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Kewot_Rokar: Well done!

2602: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan portrait

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan portrait

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Ladas2: Just a altenative from my last picture. I like how it looked without the border... and without a flamethrowing hand. Feel free to do what ever you want to do with it, if you want to.

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Tahrey: Looks like an extra from RWBY or the like :D

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Ladas2: @Tahrey: Hm..., guess that team KAQA. Katia, Aggy, Quill and Asotil. Would be a team funny picture ^w^

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Tahrey: Now there's an idea for a spinoff. Pitch it to roosterteeth immediately. Divert the merch money to developing the project. Pretty sure no-one will mind.

2597: artist:FistHombre character:Quill-Weave monochrome sketch

artist:FistHombre character:Quill-Weave monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 31 comments

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FistHombre: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: Yeah, thanks a lot, admittedly I was very hesitant about uploading this in the first place but I'm glad I did since it ended up generating some very insightful discussion

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FistHombre: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Oh, on a semi-related note, I think your Megaman-Prequel crossovers is the most kickass stuff ever(among with all of your claymodels really, they're all really impressive!), so I'd love to try drawing something inspired by that at some point

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Mayrasiili: @FistHombre: Gonna give my two cents here as well, because I adore people who are ready, able and willing to learn. Of all the things that makes an artist, I think willingness to improve is one of the major traits. That might only be me, though.

First off, regarding the drawing itself: for someone who's just recently begun drawing (I presume?), you have a very clear way of drawing. It looks as if though you just mastered this on one go. Something that I can say that I totally can't do. It's awesome to see clear lines like that, but don't be afraid to doodle as well. As has been pointed out before, the proportions, angle and all the little things work for all intents and purposes. Sure, it's always nice to try some dramatic angles or weird poses or such, but honestly, what you have here, works. And that's all it needs to do. The little details like the hands and the belt clasp will work themselves out in due time, if you just take fifteen minutes out of a day to look up some pictures of hands and belts.

As for practicing drawing, I've got a few things to say. I'm hardly an expert myself (and I certainly have no mentionable education in art), but from my experience there are few things as important as having fun with drawing. I can totally relate to your wish to improve in certain aspects, but neglecting one's satisfaction and amusement over practice only works for some people, and requires an amazing amount of motivation. I'd really recommend what others have already recommended: work on what you want, otherwise you will work on something you -have- to. And such mentality can be crippling for an aspiring artist. Most of the time, anyway. I mean, I totally couldn't have pulled that off when I first started. I'm weak like that.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was to incorporate the practice you have to do to the things you want to draw. For example, you said you needed to work on hands and legs. When next time you draw something, be it whatever, just casually have a look at the hands and the feet, and give them some extra care. At least for me it has worked, since I get to work on what I want, but I also give that one extra thought to the thing I need to practice on.

Sorry about the massive wall of text, I am such a blabbermouth. Anyway, with a will to learn like yours, you're already well on your way to becoming quite the masterful artist!

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FistHombre: @Mayrasiili: Thank you so much, don't worry about the text wall, I'm very grateful for any and all advice I can get! One thing I'm starting to realize is that it sounds pretty redundant to keep saying oh I need to work on this and that, anatomy/hands/shading/angles/etc because really I need to work on everything. Sure, I guess you could say I feel more confident making X than Y, so I'll focus more on Y but really at the end of the day I'm just going to try and focus on the whole thing. Not sure if what I'm saying is making sense, but either way, I really appreciate the feedback

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Tahrey: Hang on ... is this Quill-Weave, The Simpsons/Futurama Years? :)

(yay differences in stylising)

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Mayrasiili: @FistHombre: You're welcome, I'm glad if you managed to pick up something you could use from that horribly mangled pile of thoughts.
It does make sense, trust me. Keeping the whole of the picture in mind (in several ways) is always a good thing to keep at the very least at the back of your head.
And yeah, well... Sure it sounds redundant to keep saying things like "I need to improve on X because Y", but there's nothing wrong with it, I think. I mean, after almost six years, I still do that. If you're anything like me, it's kind of motivating to keep saying what you want to improve at.

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FistHombre: @Tahrey: I can see the similarities now that you mention it, yeah. I do want to practice making more dynamic and actiony poses so I don't develop Family Guy syndrome or something where everyone is always on a stiff unmoving angle

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: @FistHombre: Well if dynamic poses is what you're looking for, google images has no shortage of good reference images.

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FistHombre: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: Well, Iv'e been trying to draw some poses from imagination but on a smaller scale and with more realistic proportions, using the method suggested by Olaffson, and I gotta say it is surprisingly helpful. Well, maybe it isn't surprising, I just didn't expect to feel so much more in control using it. If anyone is finding themselves in the same position as me, I'd strongly recommend trying out this method

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Tahrey: Did somebody say DYNAMIC ENTRY?!


482: 3D artist:Zorryn artistry character:Katia_Managan paintbrush painted_underwear questionable smiling text

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Olaffson: Holy Frack! I know they are pretty old but why no one ever commented on this artist's works?? D: They are amazing!
There are quite a lot of hidden gems in this gallery!

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KillerfishSG: @Olaffson: There's no comments because the fan-art booru didn't exist back then! When Kazerad moved the fan-art over here, the comments on the original images were lost :(

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: It is pretty amazing.

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Olaffson: @KillerfishSG: That explains! Quite a shame indeed. :|

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2591: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome text

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Tahrey: oh shit, otaku flamewar incoming
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MetalC0Mmander: @Tahrey: Between a cat and a vampire. Nerds are wierd.

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Tahrey: I don't see how that changes my statement in any way.


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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Turn A was pretty overrated now that you think about it.

2593: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan portrait wilderness

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan portrait wilderness

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Armael: Drew Ahnassi from morrowind and decided that I might as well make a katia, hence the edit tag.
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MetalC0Mmander: I don't think that tag is appropriate unless you've redrawn a previously existing picture and not just deciding to change a picture while drawing it. So you decide if you want to keep the tag.

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Kewot_Rokar: YES!

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Tahrey: :-o

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OppoQuinn: This is beautiful, well done!

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AMKitsune: This texture work is simply sublime.
Not a word used very often, but very apt in this case.
Fantastic job :D

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Radian: Really nice job and wonderful colors!
But I think neck a little too long.

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Geravind: The background and the character suit each other very well.

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Geravind: @Radian: Artists, which depict high collar, usually lose character's neck proportion.
This one put a ton of efforts for proportions and shapes of his first (in entire life) art work.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Nicely done!

2605: Katia's_adventurer_outfit artist:FistHombre character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Katia's_adventurer_outfit artist:FistHombre character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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FistHombre: Some practice after heeding some advice I got on my last upload

In case the angle isn't coming through, and I think it isn't, she's suppoused to be sitting on a rock

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FistHombre: The background enviorment is also very crude, I just thought it felt too empty with just blankness so I attempted to fill the void a bit

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Tahrey: Ees' ver' nais.

Kat needs to turn around and stuff some of those potentially magika-restoring mushrooms in her mouth though.

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FistHombre: @FistHombre: http://s7.postimg.org/6ku0qci3f/potentiallymagicaregenerating.jpg WOW GOOD IDEA TAHREY

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FistHombre: And I just replied to myself, even gooder idea

2596: artist:Somnivagrious casually_underdressed character:Gharug_gro-Upp clover monochrome questionable

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somnivagrious: MY friend Dweenyo asked me to draw Gharug so I did

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AMKitsune: I spent the first minute and a half to two minutes tearing up and trying to maintain a steady breath while trying to come to terms with the fact that you've drawn an image that by pretty much all modern social standards, shouldn't exist, but in such a magnificently detailed and well composed way that no one in their right mind could possibly be truly offended by it! (well, maybe some could...)
You've well and truly succeeded in confusing the morality part of my brain, and for doing it so utterly brilliantly, you have my full congratulations.
I'll admit though. The more I look at his expression, the more a feel a growing sense of reasonable apprehension.

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Nefel: My only complaint is that Gharug needs a bigger clover if you wanna cover him up properly.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: What the fuck are you talking about. We have so many pictures with someone posing naked. Doesn't matter how good a picture is, a questionable image remains a questionable image.

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: Oh, I completely understand that. My point was simply that regardless of being questionable, the fact the a picture with what is essentialy a silly premise (buff, practially naked Orc man giving you 'a look') has such a realistically rendered style to it. Especially when compaired with other similar pictures. I genuinly teared up and laughed when I first saw this for pretty much that reason. There's no questioning its 'questionable' status. Looking back, where I said that no-one could be offended by it, isn't the best choice of words. What I was trying to get across was that I felt that it had such a degree of humor about it that no-one could view it purley as a 'to be taken 100% seriously' nude image. I was basically praising the artist for magaging to seemlessly combine such a serious style with such a silly subject.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: Oh ok yeah that make sense. Although I would say it's more of a great artstyle rather than a relastic one. For one his eyes are still too big.

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Tahrey: travelling minstrels sideshow & chill?
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BadReligion: What have been seen cannot be un-seen. ._.

I hope my mind won't send me again these pictures when Gharug and Kati...
Oh NO! It's happening again!

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somnivagrious: Thanks for the comments fellas. Hope you all get some good luck today ;^)

Sorry for not originally putting the filter on this when I uploaded it, I wasn't too sure how to do it heh.... So thanks to whoever added that.

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Tahrey: BR: He was quite literally introduced merely as an excuse for a double-value terrible pun, and the first we see of him, they're naked in bed together. That ship has sailed.

(His surname is "Upp". Katia spent a night of inadvisable lust with him. She "fucked up".

His middle name is "Gro". Or "grow". He often acts in a somewhat childish, fratboyesque manner even whilst pretending to be a serious adult businessman. Gharug needs to grow up.

I'm not even entirely convinced his first name isn't a triple pun of some kind that I'm not smart / well informed enough to figure out.)

2601: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fireball magic magic_fire

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro fireball magic magic_fire

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Ladas2: I know the hand is kinda strange but i still had the urge to upload this pic. :D
Nothing really special i guess, mostly a shading test and another crappy fanart of mine, but to see that i am getting (a little) better at drawing fills me with determination^^

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Ladas2: Better than my Hand anatomy xD

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Geravind: It's not a hand, it's a transformable fire-cannon like that Temple Guardian's one in Sacred 2 game.
That expression :3 reminds a chameleon, readied to tongue-shot his target.

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Ladas2: @Geravind: That would explain the fire :D

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Ladas2: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I wish it would be easier to draw hands q_q, because it would be very hand-y :D

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Tahrey: I just thought it was a slightly malfunctioning limb enhancer with plasma cannon capabilities.

Which currently is in a configuration superficially resembling a bunch of hideous cat-like fingers.

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Ladas2: @Tahrey: That definitely it xD. You know, she is kind of a cyborg in this picture.
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