Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

2600: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Undertale adorable artist:Diadorin character:Katia_Managan character:Toriel crossover magic magic_fire text training

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Undertale adorable artist:Diadorin character:Katia_Managan character:Toriel crossover magic magic_fire text training
showing 10 of 12 comments

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CaptainLackwit: I don't think I can put into words how great this is.

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yugijak: When will this crossover happen?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: So, Katia is standing on her tippy-toes! she adds another 3 inches to her height! her ears are down, so... ~5'9", with her base of 5'6", It appears that Toriel is 5'11".

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Itriedmanitried: This fills me with all of the determination...all of it.

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Man_Of_Mer: So if this became a thing, wouldn't Katia be a monster?

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Skoon: I approve in many ways. Some of them are unacceptable in public.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Man_Of_Mer: Probably not one of those that tries to kill you at the very leasté

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Kewot_Rokar: Seeing Katia succeed... Fills you with DETERMINATION.

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angrybacteria: @MetalC0Mmander: She'd try but all of her attacks would be really easy to dodge. In a peaceful run you would have to convince her of her own self worth (maybe something interesting like requiring that the player intentionally tank a few shots).

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Tahrey: Katia hasn't actually attacked anyone unprovoked though, has she?

something something Brisk™ Iced Tea

2500: Compact_Story Daedric_artifact Kvatch_arena_armor Mage_Sign Molag_Bal Mr._Scruffles Safety_hat Sanguine_Rose Yellow_Team artist:Radian bed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave clover daedra dark_welkynd_stone magic_staff magic_wand missing_tail morning_after star_signs

Compact_Story Daedric_artifact Kvatch_arena_armor Mage_Sign Molag_Bal Mr._Scruffles Safety_hat Sanguine_Rose Yellow_Team artist:Radian bed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave clover daedra dark_welkynd_stone magic_staff magic_wand missing_tail morning_after star_signs
showing 10 of 12 comments

- Reply
Gren: Random High Elf > You fucked up.

That's archmage Traven's room, am I right?
I just noticed the rings on their hands. They got married lol
Also, why is Katia on yellow team? :O
PD: BTW, I think you mistook Welkind-kitty with Mr.Scruffles. The last one is an undead cat, while the first one is the one who's looking for Katia.

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Radian: @Gren: Yes, you right.
Who knows why Katia wear yellow team armor? It was good party tonight.
I thought Welkind-kitty and Mr.Scruffles is the same cat.

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Gren: @Radian: Nope, they are not. Welkynd cat even has its own tag here in the booru.
Mr. Scruffles technically is still locked inside Dmitri's chest. Welkynd kitty is the one that was playing with the welkynd stone back then when Dmitri was still alive.

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Geravind: Только по чертам лица... эмм... самки на подушке и аккуратной няшности Катеньки почти угадал твоё авторство ...хитрюга! =>_>=

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Radian: @Geravind: Мне считать это комплиментом? Потому что я смотрю на рисунок и рука сама фейспалм делает. Тут даже стены кривые :D

Also, read Quill-Weawe page on UESP wiki if you have no idea who this woman in the bed.
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TemporaryFace: Is that supposed to be Volendrung, by any chance?
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TemporaryFace: And is that the Sanguine Rose in her hand?

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Gren: @TemporaryFace: I think that's a regular daedric warhammer.

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Radian: @TemporaryFace: I used daedric warhammer as reference. And yes, that's Sanguine Rose.

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: Why do I feel like I've been there before? (COUGHANIGHTTOREMEMBERCOUGH)

1520: Khajiit artist:AMKitsune artist:guoh character:Rajirra claws featured_masterpiece knock_off snow spear

Khajiit artist:AMKitsune artist:guoh character:Rajirra claws featured_masterpiece knock_off snow spear

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AMKitsune: "This one does not care for the sky ice."

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CaptainLackwit: Holy shit. This is amazing.
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TemporaryFace: "Snow Was Not Expected"

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VashTheStampede: "Every second I am out here is agony."
Nailed it with that paraphrasing.
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BadReligion: Honest to the pain, first she do then she ask, dead serious, selfish, may she is coward and cruel, but I can't hate her, I tried but I can't, and this masterpiece ...oh gawd, freakin beautiful.

1582: artist:Riess character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave checkers fear games royalty

artist:Riess character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave checkers fear games royalty

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I like the way her lizardsnout is scrounched up.
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Mr_Darkwraith: She knows what shes saying.

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CaptainLackwit: Haha, oh that's mean.

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tronn: I dig the way Quill-Weave is drawn here, she looks like the old lady she is!
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MetalC0Mmander: Should start learning french if you want to play this game Katia. Cause around here we say "dames", ladies in english.

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: nobles nobles nobles

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Unidentified_BA: I thought this looked familiar.

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TemporaryFace: Good call to Armored-Struggle-Wagon.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @TemporaryFace: Thanks!

2587: adorable artist:Radian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan green_eyes mercandise modern_clothing smiling

adorable artist:Radian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan green_eyes mercandise modern_clothing smiling

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Nefel: Pretty good, Rad. Nice to see a fluffy Katia

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Geravind: Радик, вылазь, я тебя узнал!
Если этот манекен у тебя дома, значит... тебе shipping уже дошёл.
Глаза у неё слишком "приклееные" -- или много блеска, или мало размытости, пушистости ресничек. А вообще молодец-молодец...

- Reply
Radian: @Nefel: Thanks.
@Geravind: Никуда я не вылезу, мне тут хорошо :Р
Про глаза учту, спасибо. Вообще они на отдельном слое так что ты даже более прав чем думаешь.
Про манекен не уверен что правильно понял. Если что, я ничего не заказывал. Яж бедняк и рисую за еду (на самом деле мне за рисунки даже еду пока не давали).

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Tahrey: Now that's how they should have been modeled on the IGG page :)

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AMKitsune: @Tahrey: *Khajiit not included.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @AMKitsune: *Aftermarket Khajiit optional.
*Pants not included.
*Not to 3 Sad Onions.
*Make sure to Keep Khajiit fed, watered, and washed.
*Machine Washable.
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BadReligion: WTB!

Wanna touch this fluffy fur. :v

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Radian: @BadReligion: I have big fluffy cat :P

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Tahrey: *Nought to 3 Sad Onions you mean :D

Also not forgetting
*Made exclusively for Poundland by Funtastic!™

Or maybe in Katia's case it's a special order from Dr Wondertainment, possibly even "Are We Cool Yet?"

2598: TES_Oblivion artist:Adroma inconsistent_rendering knock_off screenshot spoilers text

TES_Oblivion artist:Adroma inconsistent_rendering knock_off screenshot spoilers text

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Kazerad: I feel like this might be too obvious to go on this page!

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Adroma: @Kazerad: Gotta love that ole mistresse's son, Mankar. Mehrunes would be proud.

2585: booze food photo replica text

booze food photo replica text

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Tahrey: >Hopeless_Drunk: Buy mead

Bartender: we have basic mead for one septim, or above average mead for three.

>Hopeless_drunk: still have incongruous standards and a two bottle thirst.

You decide to get one of each and try mixing them. Surely this can only go well.

>assess finances

You have one septim, something that looks like it might once have been a coin before a century of dirt and corrosion did a number on it, and a pocket full of bric-a-brac.

>try bartering

It's surprisingly effective! The bartender accepts your offer of one septim for the basic mead, plus an unknown coin, some disembodied eyes, a single cufflink and a decorative button for the above average mead. Whether he's just taking pity on you, knows something you don't about the junk that collected in your filthy pockets - or maybe the Mead - or is simply a magpie-like hoarder, you will never know and don't care to, as you've already uncorked both bottles and tipped them into an oversized stein you keep secreted in a hidden corner of your lengthy beard.

After that, things get a bit hazy.

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Tahrey: Dammit, why is the picture sideways? It was the right way up when i selected it off the file list...

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AMKitsune: @Tahrey: EXIF jpg meta data. Some cameras try to add 'rotation' data to the jpg that's created. Some site and programs use this data better than others...

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Tahrey: Grah! If it's able to do that, why doesn't it just save it the right way up in the first place? JPGs can be rotated 90 degrees rapidly and losslessly after all.

Lunacy. But thanks for fixing it, whoever that was.

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AMKitsune: @Tahrey: You're most welcome. And it's pretty ridiculous, not all programs respect/acknowledge this 'rotation meta-data' and the ones that do don't necessarily interpret it in the same way. There's absolutely no standardisation to the process.

While it's a pain to do, you'd honestly be better off removing the meta-data from your images before uploading them to the internet. Not only might they contain slightly annoying things like rotation data, but they'll also have things like the date the picture was taken, the camera make and settings and possibly even location data if the option's enabled on your camera (and possibly other things that I don't know about).

There are a number of ways to strip this EXIF meta-data from jpg's but one of the easiest ways would be to use one of the many online meta-data removing tools. I actually created a 'Daedric fun tip' a while ago mentioning the whole 'image rotation problem' and included a link to a website that lets you view/remove the unwanted meta-data. I can't imagine that many people would have noticed it though. Daedric isn't exactly the easiest thing to read XD.


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Tahrey: Date/time the picture was taken: literally an hour or two before upload.

Camera make/model/settings: Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, mostly auto but usually with flash forced on or off as appropriate and occasionally forced focus or exposure.

Location: I always turn that shit off as part of the initial device setup, so no fear there. The GPS only ever gets turned on when absolutely necessary anyway, because cellphone GPS in general and Samsung's in particular is utterly hopeless and mainly just drains the battery for no real benefit.

As for stripping it etc before upload, maybe a bit tricky on a smartphone that I was already having upload issues with, but I might try filtering through that site in future if needed.

But really I don't understand why it even bothers including that info when it would be just as easy to change the orientation of the picture before encoding it... I mean, if it knows enough to set a rotation tag, it knows enough to save it the right way up, right?

(I'd prefer that it did neither, in fact, rather than attempting to save some kind of corrective data and making things worse. At least then I'd only have myself to blame for not correcting the rotation before upload)

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Tahrey: Also if I felt confident enough that it would have worked in a timely fashion I'd have reduced the resolution too ;)

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Tahrey: >TFW you find a small altoids-type box whilst doing a back bedroom clearout with a bunch of strange coins and silvery buttons in it that would have been just perfect to act as septims a few days after uploading this.


2588: Brian_Chippendale artist:Tavei character:Katia_Managan crossover grotesque headphones

Brian_Chippendale artist:Tavei character:Katia_Managan crossover grotesque headphones

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RoninSmall: Brian Chippendale, very mentally ill musician and artist from Providence, my idol along with Katya. Ps: for better understand who is Brian: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YxSi4a0Ygk8
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BadReligion: The fk happend to her? ಠ_ಠ

Or no, I don't want to know.

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Yewty: what even

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Is Katia's face.... melting...?

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Geravind: @RoninSmall: Понимаешь... пока все дочитают до сцыль на юпуп, они скорее крикнут "что за чёртов зомби!" и убегут. =-_-=

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RoninSmall: @Geravind: не знаю от чего, но эта ситуация вызывает у меня улыбку@Armored-Struggle-Wagon: THIS IS MAAAAAASK!

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Man_Of_Mer: All I can think of for the caption is ," I feel pretty!"

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Tahrey: Is he the guy who puts a load of latex stuff on his face and then moulds it into a variety of disturbing character masks whilst it's still setting, on-camera?

2589: artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra christmas monochrome sexual_tension sketch

artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra christmas monochrome sexual_tension sketch

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Ladas2: A drawing from me.

Just a question. How can I tag the artist or am i doing it right and it´s changing itself for tagging it Artist:Ladas2 ?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Ladas2: tag yourself as "artist:_Ladas2"

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AMKitsune: @Ladas2: In your case, that would be solved by instead putting your name as "artist:_Ladas2"
We don't know why this bug exists in the booru software, but at least we have this way around it when it occurs.

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Ladas2: Ah..., so thats how its done. Thanks to you two^^

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Ladas2: No problem, Man!

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Tahrey: No no no... you want MISTLETOE at the top of the frame :D
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