All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.
2642: Blade Kvatch artist:YeOldeAlekk brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan
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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: She is ready to kick some ass! Hopefully with out alcohol on her mind.
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MetalC0Mmander: See now that's how I would expect Katia to look like in the RPGs.
Geravind: Remarkable! It looks like a cover-picture of an adventure book. Such a strong and confident one! =*_*=
AMKitsune: I realise that it's part of the shading/colouring style (and an amazing style it is to), but I can't help but think that after a long day of adventuring, she's going to need a bath XD
Adventurer dirt™ doesn't rub out of fur half as well as it does skin. Also, I love how you've made her dark eye shadows work in this realistic style. Very well done indeed.
Tahrey: I'm thinking choose your own adventure. Or maybe an also-ran young adult bandwagoner of the Shannara or Pern serieseseses or the like.
Not bad on the realistic anatomical dimensions and shapes there btw. Did you use a model or are you just extra-arty?
Armael: @Tahrey: I just 'constructed' a body out of shapes. I feel very cheap when I use a reference picture, so I use them only for commissions.
Tahrey: That's a damned fine bit of body-from-shapes construction, then. One thing that never seems to get covered with those is the subject of how to do the knees, for example. And the face feels like one of the more realistic (if it's even appropriate to use such a word in this setting) takes on how KM would actually look.
doodlemancer: lookin' fine
2659: Katia's_Thief_Tunic acrobatics artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan fire green_eyes
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POMA: And again I failed at drawing things I wanted. Initial plan was about memes and shovels...
OppoQuinn: I like to imagine she found one of these: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Scroll_of_Icarian_Flight#Scroll_of_Icarian_Flight
Tahrey: Is this the point where she discovers that a bathtub full of Bug Musk is actually incredibly volatile and violently flammable even in liquid form let alone when filling an enclosed area with vapour?
AMKitsune: I can't get over how adorable she is in this picture. It's probably because of her proportions here, but I keep thinking that she looks like a 'Micro Katia' that could live in your breast pocket and that you could take with you on your travels.
Tahrey: Pocket Khajiit!
Your miniature friend! Pocket Khajiit! Your friendship never ends! Pocket Khajiit! Avoiding disasters like wow! Pocket Khajiit! Available in toystores now.
Tahrey: I'd be wary of the whole "Katia in my Pocket" thing, though, if actually animate. I've seen that "Granpa in my Pocket" TV show. Things usually go badly and are only saved by an amusing confluence of several deus ex machina and the infuriating, unrealistic ignorance of all the other adults involved in the scene.
Kewot_Rokar: Falling towards the sky! Waiting for my ride!
437: Anvil_dinner_party Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:Vero cake character:Katia_Managan milk non-alcoholic_beverage
235: animation armor_design artist:Juco beautiful character:Katia_Managan eyepatch looking_badass magic_fire
2655: CHIM action_pose adorable artist:arcsome casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan crossover pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick questionable text yo-yo
showing 10 of 17 comments
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Kazerad: I'm fairly certain a pineapple pike won't penetrate Steel, or any metal, unless it's mercury, let alone Kevlar, or any polymer fabric...
AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: That's clearly because you're not thinking like a witch-hunter. The pineapple doesn't penetrate the armour, the armour opens up to make a small hole for the pineapple to pass through. It's common knowledge that practically all armour is partial to sweet, tropical flavours. On the other hand, most pieces of armour greatly dislike the earthy flavours of things like other metals and flints. That's why they protect so well against them.
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MetalC0Mmander: @AMKitsune: Alright so how do you know the armor's desires and how come it's the same for all of them? Personally I think you're just prejudiced against armor.
Tahrey: Cut Him Into Morsels. It's a cannibal cultist codeword.
Also when you flail a pineapple fast enough, the yo-yo string cuts like monofilament.
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Anyways, in all seriousness, I find this incredibly adorable, especially Katia's little snoot! :3 good job, my friend.
Arcsome: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: the most adorable thing is when you comment because your little icon is the terminator and it makes me laugh because it's like watching the terminator "awwing" at katia.
AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: I happen to know a few pieces of armour and they tell me it's a cultural thing.
2658: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:FistHombre character:Sleeps-Darkly magic monochrome pencil_drawing sketch
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showing 10 of 15 comments
AMKitsune: @FistHombre: The fact that you're planning on keeping drawing already means that your on the path to success! With every new picture comes improvement, even if it's at a rate that you can't see it. As far as critique goes, anatomically speaking, you'll want to pay extra close attention to a characters shoulders, hips and overall proportions. I say this because humans are very good at recognising other humanoid forms (as we grow up with them all around us and see them on a near daily basis), but that also means we're very good at noticing when there's something not 'quite right' with one (proportion wise). A bit like when playing with the face settings in any modern game's character creator, there's very little middle ground between what looks 'acceptably human' and what looks strangely 'off'. Especially with things suck as eye distance and torso length when compared to other limbs.
When drawing humanoid characters, it might be worth having a google image search page full of pictures of people open to help you get a better idea of how different poses should look. Of course, for cartoony characters like this, you've got far more artistic license to play around with the proportions. Basically, don't worry too much about your drawings not looking as 'good' as other more experienced artists. Most of the 'better' character pictures out there have quite accurate anatomy and with time and practice, that's something that'll become more and more intuitive to you. Again though, in your picture here, you've done a good job. Just have a look at some pictures of characters from another artist who's work you like and see how they form things like shoulders and hips. The more you see and actively pay attention to these body parts, the easier you should find drawing them. @Arcsome: The phrase "Juice box" sounds more adorable to me than it probably should (we tend to just call them cartons over here). That combined with the mental image of an adorable Sleeps-Darkly holding a little carton of apple juice or something similar made me squee more than I probably should have XD
FistHombre: @AMKitsune: Thank you! I've always liked cartoony styles, but I feel like it might be a good idea to get a better grip of realism and more accurate anatomy/structure before working more stylized. I totally get when people say that you should just keep drawing and enjoy yourself as opposed to forcing yourself to practice certain aspects, but I don't know, I'm a bit conflicted. I get the feeling that you might end up learning to draw in a 'wrong way'.
A friend of mine who's an experienced artist said ''if you don't learn to draw realistically first there's a chance that ones drawing ends up inbred, it doesn't look quite right''. Anywho thanks for the advice, I'll keep in mind to look at bodies from other perspectives as I'm noticing I have a tendency to draw characters from the same angle.
FistHombre: @Arcsome: I'm going to keep practicing and keep that juice box in mind, MAYBE ONE DAY
AMKitsune: @FistHombre: If you draw for your own pleasure, you might very well be better off drawing what you want, when you want and making slow progress than 'forcing' yourself to develop and turning the whole process into a chore. I can't speak about what's important for professional artists, but as a hobbyist, your enjoyment of the process is the most important thing. Not only because your happiness is the most important result of your art, but also because the happier the whole process makes you feel, the more inclined you'll be to do it again and again. Practice makes perfect and practice is so much easier when it's something you enjoy doing.
Again, other people will have different views on the matter and these views all have some degree of value and validity to them. Basically, just go about it however feels the best to you, and try not to let your expectations of how your preconception of a 'real artist' would do things steer you into uncomfortable territory. It's true that learning by 'traditional means' is a valid route to 'good' art, but it's by no means the only one.
Tahrey: ^ this
fanarts of something you like, either in your own style or trying to ape the original, are all well and good, but trying to force it one way or the other is a road to ruin and needless self loathing because it's not coming out perfectly like the way some other person did it. Everyone has their own style which develops fairly organically, outside of some basic practice and theory acquisition. |
2652: Security artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro digitigrade dress fire green_eyes looking_badass
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showing 10 of 12 comments
CaptainLackwit: whoa, I really like her eyes.
RoninSmall: @Radian: Радиан не оставляет мне выбора. Придется сидеть дома и смотреть пикчи с Катей
Tahrey: Still waiting for an actual film about a female secret agent who works this kind of way, rather than being a crossgendered Bond/Bourne/Indy expy (Salt, Hanna, Lara)...
Well, at least, one that isn't actually a thinly disguised porno, or an ensemble/novelty piece like RED...
angrybacteria: @Tahrey: What kind of way are you really looking for?
Just wondering, are your referencing Garrett's style mentioned in the first comment? Or something entirely different?
Tahrey: I have no idea what that is, as I didn't watch the video the first time, it went into a loooooooooooooooooong unskippable ad when I clicked it just now (so I didn't bother waiting), and I've never played or seen that much of Thief but AFAICT it's not what I meant.
I'm meaning actually more feminine (without being a sissy/damsel/whatever - more yer noire femme fatale or whatever) and giving more an impression of having been written for an actress rather than having a script turn up for a burly action dude and someone going "hey what if we make it a woman to make it a bit different on the cheap" > Ctrl-F, replace, repeat repeat. Though Salt did come quite close without quite making it 100%, and it looks like the newer Tomb Raider games might do. ...maybe I was just having a bit of a hormonal moment, IDK. Especially as I was about to add that a section similar to that Khajiit Thief animation, complete with rainbow 6 style stealth outfit, would be a cute touch. tl;dr --- a movie about the Bond Girl / Bourne's Unwitting Accomplice / etc (maybe or maybe not featuring an actual Bond/Bourne/etc expy as a side character), instead of that guy himself. Particularly where said BG is one of those who was herself a secret agent from a different team or the like. Weirdly enough Goldeneye had a little of that I think. I'm now wondering how much footage you could get from a supercut of Natalya being quietly badass/pretend-secret-agenty, maybe enough to put a fake movie trailer voice and "coming soon" titles over the top? |
1345: Kvatch_well artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra missing_tail rope strife
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Mediocre_Scrublord: (she really doesn't)
Man_Of_Mer: Do a hyper combo! Then tag out with Quill Weave!
1528: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Prequel Safety_hat adorable blood blushing character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan friendship sexual_tension smiling
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princessBonny: Oh dear me no but that's cute..
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Sheogorath: NIEC NIEC!
VashTheStampede: Adorable.
Also, don't worry. It's just the blood of Criminal Scum. Which is still bad, because killing, but you get the idea. |
2668: artist:Radian character:Quill-Weave portrait sketch
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Морда лица слишком грубая для женственной ящерки ...и глаза злые ...и шея минотавра!
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