Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

7318: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Tales_and_Tallows anvil artist:lapma character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC pig

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor Tales_and_Tallows anvil artist:lapma character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC pig

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lapma: Next year Arvena will be sure to stock up on candies for trick and treaters. This toilet paper and dug up garden will be good reminder not to mess with evil duo!

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NotGodOkay: Blurry screenshot from the game itself? Are you my Momma?

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ADudeCalledLeo: Eeeeeevil!
And also adorable

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lapma: @ADudeCalledLeo: Yea Princess is rly evil with digging up yards and making mess.
And Quill is kinda adorable ;p

7054: Booze_O'Clock artist:KuroNeko booze character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome sad tears text

Booze_O'Clock artist:KuroNeko booze character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome sad tears text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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APayne1776_2: She drinks to forget but always remembers

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PermanentFace: Me

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Rick2tails: Quill needs some AA meetings I think

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KuroNeko: @APayne1776_2:

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lapma: Poor thing.

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Dominik: Carefull there with that bottle

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PermanentFace: @KuroNeko: I take it back, THIS is me.

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KuroNeko: @PermanentFace:

Well, on the bright side maybe one day a yellow Khajiit will come crashing in your bedroom.

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PermanentFace: Oh no, the tof.cx image is gone!

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KuroNeko: @PermanentFace: Yeah the site died some times ago.
Now my Vaermina in bikini is lost forever :(

7315: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock fansnark knock_off non-alcoholic_beverage sweet_roll text

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock fansnark knock_off non-alcoholic_beverage sweet_roll text

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Zerorganic: Bad shit edit. Had this idea while i was showering and had to do it

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Vidiotdragon: I was so sure it was pikachu... or perhaps jigglypuff seen from a very odd angle indeed.

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_Noxygen_: haha rock go brrrrrr

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ADudeCalledLeo: I've given the rock the provisionary name of "Kvatch Rock".

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Zerorganic: Rocky D:

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Rick2tails: thats no pokemon ! thats a digimon you goof!

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Goopyox: It's the stone age

7313: Tales_and_Tallows artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers masser pumpkin vampirism

Tales_and_Tallows artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers masser pumpkin vampirism

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Skybolt06: I like, but also despise this, it's great, yet cursed, should I bleach one eye and then leave the other? (I need help, this is like the fifth time I've bleached one or more of my eyes, it's a problem)

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Skybolt06: (good art though!)

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Zargothrax: Batia Managan returns!

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ADudeCalledLeo: Batia why are you stealing a pumpkin
Good art!

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KuroNeko: From the thumbnail I thought this was a vore pic and I was like "WTF guys"
But it turns out it was just a cute bat. Nice

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AMKitsune: I love the idea that in a world of scary vampires, when Katia transforms into a bat, it's a fruit bat

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Rick2tails: this is now how you make pumpkin pie batia !
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko: Should'a, would'a, could'a

7260: character:Katia_Managan monochrome questionable very_casually_underdressed

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Whistle: Katia in the grove

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Whistle: after bathing she decided to sit down and dry the fur on the warm grass

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lapma: Nice
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Varanonegro: Bien

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ADudeCalledLeo: yep that's a naked kat alright

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KuroNeko: I see that her head is more well proportioned than before. Good work.

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Whistle: @KuroNeko:yes, I think I tried very hard, over the features of the body, thanks

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Whistle: @lapma: thanks

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Whistle: @Whistle:I don't remember how I wrote this

7311: Friends_in_High_Places fanfiction

Friends_in_High_Places fanfiction

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Skybolt06: The plot thickens!
actually wanted to say that for a while
anyway, hope y'all enjoy! (even though this one was kinda short)
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GrizzlyBear: I’m sorry but Kаtiа’s sudden name change has made this a little hard to take seriously lmao
But still, it’s a good chapter. I kinda wondered when Rajirra would show up

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Skybolt06: .@GrizzlyBear: Wait, kat's name was changed to slutty meatsack?

Also yeah, Rajirra's appearance was bound to happen, but don't worry, the names won't be confused too much, I'll always call Katia Katia, but whenever Turgenev addresses to her, he will call her Rajirra, everyone else will also call her Katia, and in case you were wondering, Foles never called her Kuznetsov, he just described where Rajirra was going before they captured her

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Skybolt06: (idk know if I like the slutty meatsack thing, it will probably confuse kat's name for people more than what was happening my fanfic)
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GrizzlyBear: @Skybolt06: I agree, that could be a problem in this case. You can try asking AMK about it, and maybe he can disable it for fanfics somehow

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Skybolt06: @GrizzlyBear: Sounds like a plan, all I need to do is find something he commented on and then private message him from there
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GrizzlyBear: @Skybolt06: You can find him pretty easily by going to admin and moderators in the help page sidebar

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Zargothrax: Looks like khajiits do look the same after all.

238: artist:Julienya blood character:Dmitri_Argoth neck_wounds necromancy smiling tears

artist:Julienya blood character:Dmitri_Argoth neck_wounds necromancy smiling tears

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CheydinhalWell: Poor dude!

7302: artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan magnus sunlight very_casually_underdressed

artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan magnus sunlight very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 14 comments

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Whistle: Praise the SUN !

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semiafro007: don´t you understand? now she is God

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egliomatn: @semiafro007: a benevolent yellow cat ponders at creation from the heavens and wonders if gets to keep the cool saintly aura

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Whistle: @egliomatn: This is interesting job (:

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egliomatn: @Whistle: thank you :)

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KuroNeko: "Katia saw all that the fans made, and it was very lewd"
Genesis 1:31 of the book of the holy pineaple.

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Zargothrax: Katia achieved CHIM

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Skybolt06: I think I'm one of the only one that actually gets the CHIM reference, unless you're not referencing the one fanfiction someone made, that Kaz read on stream like three years ago, also yeah, I'm that new to the community, so I started watching old Kaz streams, not too interesting tbh, but there were some damn funny parts

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Zargothrax: @Skybolt06: I've been here a while and didn't even know that Kaz streams are archived somewhere.

7317: artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan monochrome portrait sketch

artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan monochrome portrait sketch

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egliomatn: cat gazes

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Whistle: (^ ^) very cute gazes

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Skybolt06: nice!

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ADudeCalledLeo: coot

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Rick2tails: *pets the cute kitty*

7316: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Noxygen black_eyes character:Katia_Managan knock_off portrait smiling

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Noxygen black_eyes character:Katia_Managan knock_off portrait smiling

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_Noxygen_: I want to say thanks to AMKitsune and Zargothrax for basically teaching me how to do layering and fill base colors, as well as how to do cell shading! This picture didn't come out too well but I learned a lot about krita and digital coloring from it. I'll certainly have a better workflow with digital in the future now!

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Skybolt06: Bro, that is fucking badass, great job

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Zargothrax: You're welcome!
Understanding the toolset in digital art is as much of a challenge as learning anatomy. But they are there to help, not to obstruct. It's important to try out different workflows with different tools from time-to-time. But for now, well done!

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ADudeCalledLeo: I think Katia's gone off the deep end, guys
Good art!
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