
5797: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan iconography lockpick

artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan iconography lockpick

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SlashSeven: "nyah I'm a smart assed kitty, just look how easy I can lockpick it up!"
Nice tail, yo

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DOOMGUY11: Katia dosent even know how to lock pick

5794: Colored character:Katia_Managan happy portrait

Colored character:Katia_Managan happy portrait

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Bill: Worked on this and I think it came out well.

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SlashSeven: Forehead curve is a bit strange, but hey, that khajiti girl. She's pretty :3

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SlashSeven: Body parts are non proportional btw. But you can get over it
everybody can.

5790: Colored Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan

Colored Katia's_Thief_Tunic character:Katia_Managan

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Bill: Submitted wrong lol

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Bill: BTW I already realized the left eye is off and tried my best with my current editing software but I submitted wrong version

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DOOMGUY11: Dont worry bill you're barely starting but I have a really good feeling about you future artwork so dont stop!

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Bill: Thank you! The compliments are greatly appreciated. I have looked and some of your art and it's really good.

5792: Blade artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan iconography

Blade artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan iconography

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lapma: Ok, so TwistNtwirl's work inspired me to try do something more realistic, i realy liked look of faces he made for khajiit's so i made something similar. I present to you thieves guild Katia.
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Vinarto: I like the blue on the armor.

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SlashSeven: You did it well. But tail and head have a different fluffyness. just why

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Rick2tails: she looks good in that outfit! :)

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XenoYparxi: ok, I think this is going nowhere... I understand that you're learning and "tracing" the things you like, but you're not going to learn without figuring stuff out and practising it on your own. maybe you should start doing something yours that you yourself own and taking drawing/stylistic cues from other pieces along the way? not just "traced" images with a few corrections

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Nicros_Man: Nice outfit! Reminds me of Dark Souls. Or is it Dark Souls?

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Zargothrax: @XenoYparxi: I’d say „"tracing" the things you like” is the way we develop our own style. Well, as long as we don’t actually trace, of course, just taking more inspiration from others than what then could be regarded later as „original”. I’d call it „mimicking”. Art styles rarely pop out of one’s head, it’s usually just a mixture of styles we liked and copied.

By the way, I think this comment would’ve been more impactful If you had written it under >>5782. Here, only the head is is mimicked. I wouldn't call it a "traced image".

I think the worst lapma could be accused of here is „art style theft”. And if someone starts stealing your style, in my opinion that’s the biggest compliment you could recieve as an artist (save for extreme cases where you make a living from your art and someone’s trying to steal your wind). Because it means that you inspired others. It’s the equivalent of others looking up to you and saying: „I want to be like you”.

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Zargothrax: There is wisdom in what XenoYparxi said though. There are ways you can impove faster. In my opinion, that is by learning and doing technical stuff. If you wan’t to go down that route I’d recommend reading the comments under >>5710.

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DOOMGUY11: Wtf now I'm just gonna applaud you because she is cute in this outfit

5788: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan fire fire_safety imminent_death magic magic_fire tavia's_shop_storage_room telekinetic_shield witch-hunter_control_panel

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan fire fire_safety imminent_death magic magic_fire tavia's_shop_storage_room telekinetic_shield witch-hunter_control_panel

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Nicros_Man: Nice move!

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Rick2tails: got to practice those skills?

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Rick2tails: or is that the imp battle? either way not a bad picture

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DOOMGUY11: How it feels to chew five gum...
Stimulate your senses.

5777: Katia's_wizard_robe acrobatics books character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_staff magicka monochrome poledancing sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe acrobatics books character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_staff magicka monochrome poledancing sketch
showing 10 of 17 comments

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Nicros_Man: That is so badass!

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DOOMGUY11: B my dude

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AMKitsune: In order of preference, A,C then B.
Although I have to say, I'm finding her more 'feline' face a little uncanny-valley-esque. Specifically in B and C. I think it's probably the size of her eyes and their distance to her nose and mouth more than anything.

I know that this was uncalled for, but this is somewhat how I'd imagine Katia's facial proportions working in your style. Of course, this is just a personal stylistic preference/interpretation, so make of it what you will.

Whatever the case, I look forward to seeing which ever of these sketches you choose to take forward.
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SilentOrbweaver: Ohhh, they all look great. I'd say A for sure. A hot-head Kat.

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Sashimi: This is pretty badass looking! I'd go with A.

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Zargothrax: These are all absolutely fantastic!
I'm going to elect 'A', because I love flowing capes/hair and arcane badassery.
Also, I just noticed (especially on C) the extra details on her nose. The wrinkles, from the nature of the expression are exactly how they should look like on felines!

(I really hope the boruu dowscales this image as it's gigantic)

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Zargothrax: @Zargothrax: <Relieved> thankfully it did.
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twistNtwirl: @AMKitsune: Thanks for taking the time to do a paint over, I'm flattered you'd take the time to help me out! :) And yea, I too got that funny, uncanny feeling when I was done drawing her too. I'll be changing her face when I paint her.
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twistNtwirl: @Zargothrax: Thanks! I'm glad you noticed! Since I decided to do Katia fanart I've been sitting down in my local area studying cats play, fight, meow, hiss, it's been enlightening!
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twistNtwirl: Thanks for choosing which ones you wanna see! Looks like I'll be doing 2 paintings! A and B!

5779: Blade character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome sketch

Blade character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome sketch

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DOOMGUY11: I just though about Kill Bill and thought to parody it to Prequel. Enjoy!

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PermanentFace: More like Kill Rajirra, amirite? Cause she's the one who actually left our protagonist to die after gaining our trust?

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XenoYparxi: both of them!

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Rick2tails: oh I see what you did with the title there

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SlashSeven: Nice drawings, M8! It could be a good movie.

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DOOMGUY11: Ha! you guys :)
Rajiira: I panicked :(
Katia:*in disbelief* You panicked!? That's your explanation?!

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: The Lols are strong with this title dude XD

5778: Blade Cosplay artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan curled_tail modern_clothing

Blade Cosplay artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan curled_tail modern_clothing
showing 10 of 13 comments

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lapma: 2nd episode of daystone is out.

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Rick2tails: Katia is looking fine here

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Kavro: Awesome, wanted to see someone do this since Daystone episode 1 came out. I tried, but was just too crap at drawing to make it satisfactory.

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DOOMGUY11: Hey daystone!

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Nicros_Man: Woooh! She looks badass!

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APayne1776: Didn't know what this was until I saw the tag

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CaptainLackwit: did you like

trace my drawing

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CaptainLackwit: https://imgur.com/G2RHfcE

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lapma: @CaptainLackwit:

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CaptainLackwit: @lapma: oh shit neat

5786: artist:Bluedraggy character:Rajirra crossover spy text

artist:Bluedraggy character:Rajirra crossover spy text

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Sashimi: UGH! Why does the love interest always show up at the worst time! Greats stories D! I can't wait for the next chapter!

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bluedraggy: It's a trope too engrained to ignore. Maybe someday! Also, I'm going to risk oversaturation and post the next one in just a minute. On the good side, if you never read this stuff you can always ignore. Probably won't get to write again till after Xmas, but I'm going to try to get 9 up as a Christmas present. Maybe I can even put something in there as a sort-of gift.

But I'm sure 8 will keep you plenty happy, esp. if you like Quill-Weave. :)

4990: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:squiddlybopbop character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:squiddlybopbop character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece
showing 10 of 15 comments

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CandyDragon: invisible chairs...

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Robbyn: Oooooo this is so cute!

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DarthVader: So cute!

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SlashSeven: It looks not very like a cat, more like a Chinese with big eyes, ears and tail to me D=

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DOOMGUY11: She looks soft as heck

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Toryu-Mau: ... I must know which brand of shampoo she's using to look this glam~! >):^D

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XenoYparxi: It's called groomed fur

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Toryu-Mau: @XenoYparxi: ... "Own Spit" brand body polish? >)X^D

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scoopski: @Toryu-Mau: Only the finest of brands for the finest of Khajiit!

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Bill: Reminds me of D.va. Anyone else?
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