If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.
421: adorable artist:SyriaSirlay cake character:Katia_Managan happy waggy_tail
5241: artist:doxhun character:Katia_Managan merchandise monochrome questionable sketch very_casually_underdressed
Vidiotdragon: Someone's pretty good at foreshortening.
Rick2tails: now this is what I was looking for!
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sacridshadow: Yikes! No bones about it, that tail is just a piece of rope!
bluedraggy: Hey, I like censortail. It reminds me of Christmas garlands I put around the Christmas tree. Also ultimate boneless relaxation.
Rick2tails: lovely color work there draggy!
5251: Kvatch_arena_armor animation artist:Toxic character:Katia_Managan
animated ![]() |
Toxic: I think I've got the hang of art for now. With superhuman effort and lots of practice, anything can be achieved.
bluedraggy: Yes Katia. Yes, I see them. You have cleavage. Congratulations. (but really, good work Toxic!)
Rick2tails: not just any cleavage Bluedraggy, fabulous cleavage! and yeah the animation on it and the drawing as a whole is top notch!
5186: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:Ta-Na character:Katia_Managan non-alcoholic_beverage not_sure_if_racist
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bluedraggy: Oh Katia, NO! That's not how you drink hot coffee. You'll burn your tongue! WAIT! STOP!
Awwww. Anybody have some icewater?
Rick2tails: GIRL! you gonna burn your tongue!! Don`t worry though I`ll kiss it and make it better ^_~
Kavro: I mean, if Katia's tongue is anything like an actual desert cat's, that won't hurt. And at this point, she absolutely deserves a nice hot cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate or whatever.
5250: artist:Pepsikat character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing swimsuit
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Un_Mapache: Great job dude
Rick2tails: this is very cute
DarthVader: Lovely job!
5246: Dark_Souls Katia's_wizard_robe Safety_hat character:Katia_Managan crossover meme monochrome sketch text
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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: That knight seems very excited to meet a cat person on the road.
damrok4321: Kaz should add + or "like" button on booru
XenoYparxi: @damrok4321: I guess it would be hard to implement since it's just a site preset with only thing that is changed is the css styles (I guess >_>). Also need a person who can write code and know how to work with database
5240: artist:Kazerad character:Nah character:your_weird_OC vampirism
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Rick2tails: got this from Kaz last night. this picture takes place right before it turns night. you know that period where theres just a little bit of light? not night but a bit of light ...
bluedraggy: Heheh Rick. Dusk... In the gloaming... Just as the stars begin to twinkle. Twinkling light time.
Rick2tails: yes a story of two lovers torn by werewolves er I mean khajiits threatening to split their loving embrace asunder
XenoYparxi: oh ok I didn't read the second comment >_>
PermanentFace: Kaz is still doing commissions?
Rick2tails: not exactly. this was in exchange for a favor I did for Kaz. he may take some when he streams but hes not really doing it on a regular basis
5192: Safety_hat Skyrim animation character:Katia_Managan destruction_magic
animated ![]() |
gdfsgdfg: tl;dr big guy so mad that i killed his friends that he launched someone else instead of me to the moon, i'm a god at this game
gdfsgdfg: i'll stop posting my horrible drawings, but here's part 3 and 4 https://i.imgur.com/c0vUckE.gif https://i.imgur.com/PKwWC5j.gif
Unidentified_BA: I like your drawings, you should post them here.
5225: adorable artist:glacierclear character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome
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CrafterOfWorlds: Drawn by the amazingly talented GlacierClear on a discord, she gave permission for me to upload it here.
Rick2tails: OMG! this is wonderful!!!
bluedraggy: It really is wonderful. Funny how everyone brings a slightly different style to the same character. Hers is excellent.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: I love dis
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SilentOrbweaver: Beautiful.
LuminosityXVII: Glacierclear! Haven't heard that name in a while! Fantastic artist.
5255: Cosplay animation artist:Kazerad booze character:bartender crossover persona5 text
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Also, I legit thought this was Katia to begin with. The bartender never smiles! (I bet you thought I was being racist for a moment there, eh?)
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