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4766: adorable artist:ackro character:Little_Katia portrait text

adorable artist:ackro character:Little_Katia portrait text
showing 10 of 16 comments

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Rittilisers: Nice community!
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SkyAce_76: Wait, this a reference to Young Sheldon, not Doctor Who.

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LuminosityXVII: @SkyAce_76: Whoops! I haven't seen much of young Sheldon, honestly. Or any of the Big Bag Theory, actually. I'm told this is a heinous crime, so I guess that makes me an outlaw.

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LuminosityXVII: Big Bang* Theory

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: The bowtie threw me off at first also, but I like this, she looks like she's gonna start somethin!

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Rick2tails: if this is cosplay of young sheldon I`d say this cute piece of art is based on evil corporate lameness..

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ackro: glad you all enjoy my young sheldon fanart.
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SkyAce_76: @ackro: AH, PROOF!

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Toryu-Mau: ... Ooh, such fanciful Bow-tie! Add a Fez on top for boonbucks!
Yeah, Fez is Cool. >);^]

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3350: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:annyeongo-o blushing character:Katia_Managan claws eyepatch happy inconsistent_rendering nightgown painted_underwear sad tears text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:annyeongo-o blushing character:Katia_Managan claws eyepatch happy inconsistent_rendering nightgown painted_underwear sad tears text

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Guardian: Adorable!!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I nose! Its so cute my heart is just going to melt.

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Vidiotdragon: random dead guy in the background there...

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Vidiotdragon: I think it's the artist, because he does have a lot of time to draw anymore.

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fastolaf: source: http://annyeongo-o.tumblr.com/

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @fastolaf: Don't worry, I tagged the artist.

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Toryu-Mau: Time.
Artist's worst enemy.
But when one finally finds time, inspiration got bored and left us already.
Woe is me, woe is us.

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furnut: Extremely cute

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4784: artist:olddelhi54 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

artist:olddelhi54 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing
showing 10 of 15 comments

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DarthVader: @damrok4321: I can kinda see that now that you point that out
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forestOverlord: I've never play an Elder Scrolls game. Do khajiit generally have whiskers? If so then maybe Katia does have them even though they aren't shown in the comic's style. If not then this would seem to be inadvertent khajiit racism.

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madmanransom: @forestOverlord: Khajiit do have whiskers in-game, but like you said, they aren't seen in the comic. I like to think that Katia just trims hers.

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Rick2tails: I nominate this artist to take over Kaz`s art duties in the comic! XD seriously though awesome work!

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KNOWNvictor: owo
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Asperger_kitten_1337: agile body frames

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Toryu-Mau: ... One has to wonder what sport leads to knife wounds in the gut. >):^?
Also, ABS!

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Evilpopcorn: @Toryu-Mau: This one- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb-rRK6PqxI

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Sashimi: Beautious!

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Skoon: I love it. <3

3715: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan meme

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan meme

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Kryfrac: Yet another abomination of mine.
Dunno if this has been done before.

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Enheldor: And I said: Booo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooze, boo-oo-ooze. I said "booze". Not drinkin' now!
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BadReligion: @Enheldor:
-And she tries...
-Oh my gosh do I try! I try all the time, in this institution... ;-;

(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)

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Rick2tails: I said HEY! whats going on?

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Asa_of_elswher: This thing that is here is a good thing

4763: artist:_gpainfox55 character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism knock_off meme text

artist:_gpainfox55 character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism knock_off meme text

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madmanransom: Thanks, pain.

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gpainfox55: @madmanransom: No problem

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Raydio: The pained look on the last one is so visceral
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: The suffering

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AMKitsune: "fun time in the bucket" could have numerous different meanings, if you know what I mean.
Whatever the case though, Katia clearly wasn't expecting such a... hands on experience.

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gpainfox55: @AMKitsune: God dammit AMK xD
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Asperger_kitten_1337: "not my painted underwear, nooo"

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Toryu-Mau: ... Oh, Noes! It's the sudden yet inevitable betrayal! D^:(<

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Adroma: Fine art as always

4781: artist:_gpainfox55 character:bartender

artist:_gpainfox55 character:bartender

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fastolaf: this one will not give that one up

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Rick2tails: bartender for the win

1337: bed character:Katia_Managan crossover dwarven_corvette morning_after painted_underwear

bed character:Katia_Managan crossover dwarven_corvette morning_after painted_underwear

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Nefel: On the plus side the window doesn't look broken this time around
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Decimus: Oh man this is great. I just finished binging that show.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: What is this even crossing over with??

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pT-Asotil: This is image 1337, hold onto that, it will serve as a special memory.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Wait, did Katia crash a car into Quil-Weaves upper /second story/ bedroom?

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: You... fucked up?

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Unidentified_BA: Is that the hair of the adoring fan in the bottom left corner? What is going on here??

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Xanthu_the_Crimson_Wizard: so they got the sword out of the wall then?

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Tahrey: JJR: It happens sometimes.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: i was bored and decided to see what lucky image holds the id 1337
i am not disappointed

4780: Anvil_dinner_party Katia's_wizard_robe MS_Paint amulet_of_silence artist:MevisRivinel character:Haskill character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Sheogorath comic dwemer_technology

Anvil_dinner_party Katia's_wizard_robe MS_Paint amulet_of_silence artist:MevisRivinel character:Haskill character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Sheogorath comic dwemer_technology
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MevisRivinel: So I was rereading the story and got to this part. This is how I imagine Shegorath would react to it
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MevisRivinel: um . . . by "this part" I mean the imagination at the dinner party thing.
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MevisRivinel: @MevisRivinel: O_O HOW DARE I MISSPELL SHEOGORATH'S NAME?! I shall now try to escape my doom by hiding in da closet. .____.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Kat or Not, that is the question! >):^?

4778: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic MS_Paint TES_Oblivion artist:MevisRivinel character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan night paintbrush text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic MS_Paint TES_Oblivion artist:MevisRivinel character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan night paintbrush text
showing 10 of 16 comments

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LuminosityXVII: Cause this does not look like "first art ever". Nuh-uh. I call shenanigans.
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MevisRivinel: @LuminosityXVII: Yeah, I mean Prequel XD
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MevisRivinel: If this was my first art ever . . . XD
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MevisRivinel: Hmm . . . actually, apparently it's not my first Prequel art. I just found some drawings on paper, but I'm not going to upload them because everything is just too messed up and I tried drawing it with my left hand and upside down so, yeah

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madmanransom: Oh, come now, boyo.
Worry not.
'Tis a good piece.
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MevisRivinel: Thanks

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Toryu-Mau: ... Looks like Sheogorath was pulling pranks on mortals with Vaelmina's brush set again... . >)X^D

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Geravind: @LuminosityXVII:
LuminosityXVII said:
Cause this does not look like "first art ever". Nuh-uh. I call shenanigans.

Have you seen Khajiit's "furst art ever"? (The previous collage doesn't count, it was not much of drawing.)

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PermanentFace: For those of you not in The Know, Oblivion had this weird glitch with paint brushes. If you dropped them from your inventory, they'd hang, immovable, in the air, almost like they were part of the environment. You could use this to build staircases to the top of White Gold Tower and other places you weren't supposed to get to.
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: mortals and ex-mortals! XD

4775: artist:Radian beautiful brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan

artist:Radian beautiful brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan

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Radian: I tried to remember how to paint after 2 weeks without painting :|
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Asperger_kitten_1337: nice

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DarthVader: Looks really impressive

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bluedraggy: Goddammit Radian, why do you have to be so good?

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Geravind: Ого, какие си.. шансы!

Ёшк тебя растуды! Вот этой розоватый блик на левом "углу" лба и на правом уфке ни в... звезду, ни в Красну Армею (в первом случае сильно искажает правильность формы, во втором -- пуфыстость поверхности). Голова не на месте (вроде, не сильно, но там явно перелом шеи со смещением). Пуфыстость внутри ушка у котеек, вроде, начинается от переднего края, нэ?
Если левый глаз настолько дальше другого -- по ходу ширина её мордахи чуть больше длины головы (спереди-назад), что странно.
Судя по корпусу Катьки, камера, вроде, выше её головы и смотрит не горизонтально, а немного вниз -- отчего голова снова выглядит не так.
Хаос теней у левой подмышки выносит мозг в попытке экстраполировать местоположения светильников. Кроме солнца слева-сверху-вдали тут ещё, похоже, фиолетовое НЛО где-то позади-справа зрителя.
И бакенбарды аж до затылка -- у Помыча научился жы.
Судя по засветке ткани на сисе и плечике -- блик на кайме возле шеи немного не там (но всем же насрать).
Крч, эмоция/миминяшность -- пядь, цвета -- пядь (попробовали бы иначе), детальки -- почти тоже пядь (и даже репа не огромная) ...ох и рачишь ты всё ещё местами (прям как я, ток в других аспектах).

А вообще, yay, Радик чё-т нарисовал! :3

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Radian: @bluedraggy: B-but I'm not D: Just look at Gera comment :P

@Geravind: Чьорт, у меня ведь даже есть моделька головы, надо все-таки ее нарисовать несколько раз :\

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Enheldor: @Geravind: I absolutely love the google translate for your comments. Our future overlords still have a bit to go.

My favourite translated sentence: "Chaos of shadows in the left armpit causes the brain in an attempt to extrapolate the locations of the luminaries."

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bluedraggy: My translator: Chaos of the shadows at left-hand armpit bears intellect in attempt to extrapolate the sites of fixtures.

I'm unusually interested in the proper translation of "luminaries" and "fixtures" :)

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Geravind: @Enheldor: @bluedraggy: "Chaos of shadows near the left armpit blows your brain out in attempt to extrapolate the light sources' positioning."
Unexpectedly, g-t little by little gets used to Khajiit's wild wording.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Thanks Google. >):'^]
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