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1702: Buffalo_Wild_Wings_baked_chicken_wings_with_medium_sauce adorable artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan food photo sketch
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showing 10 of 12 comments
PermanentFace: The sort of scarf bit and tunic hanging over the lower robes is Skyrim fashion.
CaptainLackwit: @PermanentFace: Well, according to Aggy she's in Bruma, so I'm sure she can find some imports.
Nefel: >Draw Katia in traditional comfy khajiiti clothes.
>Something a Khajiit mage would wear. "I am going from vague memories of the traditional khajiit clothing that appeared in Redguard and some of the text references to it. I'm Haven't actually looked into TESO's take on it"
CaptainLackwit: @Nefel: Traditional Khajiit clothing is fairly loose fitting, with plenty of gaps in the clothing. Nothing risque, mind. Arms are often sleeveless, Strangely enough it's fairly similar to nord stuff, albeit with moon sigils in place of all the leather and remains. Just for reference.
Even if ESO is a horribly flawed game, it has done a -lot- for fleshing out that which was not before, and for that, man do I appreciate the hell out of it...
Mediocre_Scrublord: All the khajiits wore silly looking hats and a lot of green.
Nefel: @CaptainLackwit: I was just quoting the /co/ posts that came with this picture.
This is what Kazerad pulled from memory when someone asked for Katia in comfy khajiit mage clothes
CaptainLackwit: @Nefel: They fit her very nicely. I really, really, want to see her actually have this outfit.
1686: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan seduction skeletons stranger_danger text wilderness
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MetalC0Mmander: Explanation please? You know what, nvm. I'm sure you don't feel like saying it an I'm not sure I want to hear it.
Man_Of_Mer: Is that . . . Dmitri?!
1769: character:Katia_Managan dress
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MetalC0Mmander: I don't know... The mage robe looks fine but this one I'm not so sure.
684: character:Katia_Managan magic_fire rude self_inflicted_burns
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Yugjak: Jika (OC from my project SNAFU): Well, looks like we're two birds of a feather. *flips off boulder* F*CK YOU! *rock explodes*
VashTheStampede: Is this like some new thing where old pics are suddenly masterpieces?
Mediocre_Scrublord: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/12
Oldest post I could find. You know what to do.
Sasquatch_boote: I think in light of the recent controversy and threats of rebellion over the featured masterpiece, this is quite fitting. Whoever did this, i applaud you.
Unidentified_BA: @Sasquatch_boote: Thank you. It was the most vivid image involving the middle finger.
PermanentFace: Well played. But the People cannot be so easily quelled.
Bob: @PermanentFace:
I'll say this, there should be like a nomination system at least where people can vote for the best image for the month. (Gripes' images would dominate that each month though.) |
1784: Robin_Hood artist:makingfailure character:Quill-Weave crossover
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seajay3647: I blame scrublord
Mediocre_Scrublord: How dare you.
VashTheStampede: What did poor Scrubby ever do?
VashTheStampede: He might be a scrub, but he's our Scrub.
1796: TES_Online knock_off text
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CaptainLackwit: Tell me you at least played a Dragonknight?
VashTheStampede: That wouldnt make it any better, Lackwit T-T
MikeyTheFox: And this is why my Katia is named Pineapplekitten XD
stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Racist fucks. Don't want to talk to them anymore.
1192: Daedric_text character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave video_in_source
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Mediocre_Scrublord: that's racist
Mediocre_Scrublord: >:(
MikeyTheFox: Good thing I didn't see it. I don't take kindly to Racist comments :/
Man_Of_Mer: The rest of the world is like," What the f**k is Prequel?"
Bob: @Man_Of_Mer:
Give it a few years and we'd all be prequel hipsters. Sad cats were cool until it became mainstream. |
1701: Conjuration artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan necromancer necromancy photo skeletons sketch text
1792: animation blingee cat_puns character:Katia_Managan
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MetalC0Mmander: Dammit! I thought I killed all those gifs in the 2000s... Guess I'll go get my shotgun and laptop.
Bob: @MetalC0Mmander:
Thought I purged my eyes from this evil. Need to bring the bleach and welding torch. |
1727: VESTS artist:POMA character:Kazerad fansnark
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It will not only rule the world, it consumes those within it, until they no longer realize they will never be done with their panels.
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Why did you get rid of my "vests" tag? I feel like thats appropriate.
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