Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

1703: artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan digitigrade sketch teeth very_casually_underdressed wicked_air_lute_solo

artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan digitigrade sketch teeth very_casually_underdressed wicked_air_lute_solo

- Reply
Nefel: Request was for Katia with digitigrade feet.

- Reply
Grape: She looks like she's mid-way through a very intense air-guitar solo

- Reply
Nefel: I don't think she'd be a guitar player. Maybe a death metal accordion solo

1716: Cosplay Dark_Souls armor character:Katia_Managan crossover

Cosplay Dark_Souls armor character:Katia_Managan crossover
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MetalC0Mmander: Humm? Double post?

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POMA: He praised the sun twice in previous one.

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POMA: This actually makes me consider why tronn isn't a mod on booru yet?

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tronn: Because I don't want to?

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Unidentified_BA: @POMA: I thought I was doing pretty well.

- Reply
VashTheStampede: I'll handle some of this tagging.

1687: PTSD adorable artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia hugs kittens text

PTSD adorable artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia hugs kittens text

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DestinedFateX: : <

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Geravind: I can't recognize them -- Katia with her mom?
It looks pretty nice anyway.
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raggedy: @Geravind : I think that's Katia in the future as a mom, having horrible horrible flashbacks of what this child would go through if they were just like her.

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Plague_of_Gripes: Someone asked for Katia hugging herself.

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Nefel: ^
Katia hugging Young Katia

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I think it has something to do with the motherly vibe an anon caught from rajira
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Mr_Darkwraith: I wouldn't want me to hung myself either Katia.

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yugijak: AK: You SURE you want that?
YK: M-hmm!
AK: Ok...just remember...


1562: sequel text

sequel text

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191wjd: I decided to move my little "comic project" to a blogger site to support better formatting and other advantages to posting pictures. the link is in the source, have fun! Please post commands on the blogger from now on, it'll make it easier for me.

- Reply
Gren: Cool! I've seen that you made some changes in the previous pages which I consider a nice improve. You seem to be taking this seriously and that pleases me very much. I'll be waiting for the next update (I'll be following you on the blogger, of course). :D

- Reply
191wjd: @Gren: Thanks, I've never done something like this, and I really appreciate other people noticing my "work"!

- Reply
VashTheStampede: But I thought Michael Bay was doing this project?

- Reply
191wjd: @VashTheStampede: he was, but paying him the crusts of my pb and j's started to get too high.

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PanzerLeopard: "Blog has been removed" What happened?

- Reply
Mediocre_Scrublord: it updated like twice and was forgotten

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PanzerLeopard: What was the plot of it then?

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POMA: You're Champion's of Kvatch grandgranddaughter in Skyrim™

1718: Hand_to_Hand Kvatch_arena_armor Kvatch_well Yellow_Team accidents_happen artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Sleeps-Darkly fish poison racial_bonus red_eyes slaughterfish strife text

Hand_to_Hand Kvatch_arena_armor Kvatch_well Yellow_Team accidents_happen artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Sleeps-Darkly fish poison racial_bonus red_eyes slaughterfish strife text

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PermanentFace: I feel I should note that Sleeps-Darkly wouldn't necessarily notice/care if poison were introduced to the well. Argonians are immune.

- Reply
Mediocre_Scrublord: yeah
i noticed that after drawing it
i was gonna post a version without the poison, so it would just be lizardkat karate kicking fish but SOMEONE *glares at tronn* beat me to it.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: jk
i love you, tronn

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tronn: The poison adds to ambiance.

1691: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra disappointment meme text

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Plague_of_Gripes character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra disappointment meme text

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Man_Of_Mer: Ba da duh da duh DA! *Roll credits*

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Geravind: Their aspects are exaggerated, but that will do. Like.

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Francix: why plague!?
why do you have to be so awesome?

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Sasquatch_boote: Hehehe. Pretty great if you ask me. I dig the expressions.
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Mr_Darkwraith: @Sasquatch_boote: My thoughts exactly, love the look on faces, like a 90's sit-com opening.

1510: Calvin_and_Hobbes adorable artist:SomeDork braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia crossover fire guar_plush

Calvin_and_Hobbes adorable artist:SomeDork braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia crossover fire guar_plush

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POMA: Reminds me of stairs sequence.

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Man_Of_Mer: Who's the lizard?

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TVhead: @Man_Of_Mer: It's a reference to Calvin and Hobbes, except with Katia and her weird stuffed lizard thing.

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tronn: Oh yes this is the best fanart.

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Man_Of_Mer: @TVHead: I know it's Calvin and Hobbes, I'm just wondering who that lizard is.

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POMA: It's little Katia's plush guar :3

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Gren: Little Katia and her imaginary guar friend surfing a cigar over an ocean of flames. Aww this is too much adorable. I think I'm gonna eat a salt shaker right now, this is too sweet for my own good.

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CaptainLackwit: @Gren: pumkin
is that you

- Reply
PermanentFace: I really love this one. Can we get a feature for this masterpiece?

1672: artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan comic spear text wordplay

artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan comic spear text wordplay
showing 10 of 11 comments

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VashTheStampede: They're relevant and therefore hilarious!

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Sasquatch_boote: "I don't do shafts"

- Reply
Zokva: this is adorable as fuck

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Geravind: Стиль рисования не очень понравился, немного не торт (сам-то лучше не нарисую =-_-=), а юмор -- этапядь!
Russian-speaking? Stop right there, criminal scum!

- Reply
POMA: Дааа, стиль :D Я слишком не умею рисовать, чтобы у меня был стиль. Кстати, почему тебя нет на реакторе? 2 month of self-teaching and you appeal to style :3

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Geravind: Не, не в смысле "коряво нарисовано", просто она у тебя получилась какая-то... дерзко-мерзкая шо ле, как панк/рейдер, но не Катя Сновачеловек >_<.
Joyreactor который? Я с него узнал про этот комикс, я там не зареган. Читаю в тут оригинал, т.к. органически не перевариваю "полный ПЭ".

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POMA: Ну а вообще, это же отсылка на чужих среди нас/дюка, поэтому такая тема сама напрашивалась.
Немного обидно такое читать, когда ты порой бьёшься по несколько часов надо одной фразой, только для того, чтобы немогущие в английский могли насладжаться историей наравне с остальными.
P.S. на самом деле нифига не обидно, я просто тебя заманиваю читать свой перевод:3

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Xevrrer: I do not understand what's going on with "polish spears", Does it refer to the story?

- Reply
Mediocre_Scrublord: By 'polish' they mean 'make clean by rubbing' and by spear they mean 'penis'
- Reply
Nermish: Do they even have spears in Poland?

1697: /co/ 4chan actual_underwear artist:Plague_of_Gripes casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC literary_endeavors unwelcome_guests

co 4chan actual_underwear artist:Plague_of_Gripes casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC literary_endeavors unwelcome_guests

- Reply
CaptainLackwit: This works too.

- Reply
VashTheStampede: Close enough.

- Reply
POMA: Not sure if Conrad broke 4th wall or it's Quill's new novel -_-

1692: artist:Kazerad character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gharug_gro-Upp if_you_know_what_I'm_saying romance sexual_tension sketch text

artist:Kazerad character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gharug_gro-Upp if_you_know_what_I'm_saying romance sexual_tension sketch text

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Sasquatch_boote: Ohh geeze. I hope this isn't a harbinger of whats to come. (Or do i?)

- Reply
Xevrrer: disgusting :/

- Reply
tronn: I know, he's a necromancer for heaven's sake!
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