The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


main image

Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Question: Can It be a crossover of a series?

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Kazerad: Sure, yeah, why not!

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: How do you feel about gifs and gif like elements?

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I specify no animation, so gifs are fine as long as they only have one frame. As for gif-like elements, you can also reduce a PNG file to 256 colors.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Kazerad: Cool. Also, you did not specify what happens when one of those people that bought the highest tier wins. (They will probably try the hardest at any rate) I think they would be more than a little pissed of if their gift pack overflowed to the $5 postcard. =P

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John_Medina: Hey Kaz, can we use something we previously uploaded to the Booru?

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Kazerad: @John_Medina: I'm going to say "no", partly to generate new artwork, and partly because I don't think anything on this booru already would really /win/. Like, I was kind of scraping the bottom of the story-barrel just to find the examples I used above.

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KillerfishSG: Aw, I want to draw but I have a big exam on the 8th :(

I don't think I can come up with anything good in one day >.>

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Kazerad: @Salamanakis: Yes they are!

@KillerfishSG: Yes you can!

@Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Yes they would be!

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Olaffson: Damnit, I'm stranded with no scanner in sight until the 15th :| Welp, it will be for another time.

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Fralex: @Olaffson: Take a photo on your phone and upload it! As long as it's a clear enough picture to show what's going on, it won't matter how good it looks!

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Prophet_Lord: Of course this has to happen during finals week

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Fralex: Nyah-nyah, I don't have any finals to study fooorr

I just have three huge final projects

And I'm horribly behind in two thirds of my courses

And doing make-up work sets me behind even more

And I hate everything

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angrybacteria: @Fralex: I feel ya, on all accounts. And still I have a fun idea I'm probably going to throw something together anyway.

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Radian: @Kazerad: Can I use a bit of text for thing like a label on a potion?

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lockerobster: Oh wow, thanks so much for using my image in the competition flyer! You guys are great.

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Kazerad: @Radian: I'm gonna say "no", just because allowing text would be a slippery slope. If you look closely, I even scrubbed the little QW in a heart out of Lockerobster's pic. There are plenty of symbols that can convey meaning, though, like medical crosses or skulls and crossbones.

@lockerobster: You're welcome! Thanks for drawing it. It was actually pretty hard finding stuff on the fanart page that exemplified the contest's premise, and yours was probably one of the best.

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Rinrhajii: Of course you'd start this when my tablet is broke and taunt me with mercandise I have no money for normally but also really want! D:<

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UncleSquidbow: TFW I just want the cards, but I have no money to spare. If I decide to join, if I win, can I just have the Candy Lizard pack (the pack costs the same as the apparel pack)

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Quasarcat: @Kazerad:
Sooo.. Can an image have multiple panels?

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: Are pictograms allowed? like if we want dialogue, using mini pictures instead of text?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Quasarcat: If you read the rules, it explains you cannot have multiple panels, unfortunately.

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: Well.I have 9 ideas, a very uncooperative tablet, and two days. Hopefully I can do something.

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DeltaYD: lmao I tried
Tomorrow it's over and I did it wrong because I misunderstood xD

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Tahrey: When you say "by Dec 9th", does that mean the start or end, and in which time zone?

Cuz it's kind of morning of the 9th here and I might have a scribble :)