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Uploader makingfailure,
Tags 3D animation artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan eyepatch Kvatch_arena_armor
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makingfailure: Posting here because I won't ever do anything with this ever. I used this to learn about 3D character creation and fucked up a lot along the way, so technically it's not usable... But I learned a lot, thanks Katia.

If people are interested I can compile my folders and put it up for download, but it's pretty much only good for mediocre poses and learning from my mistakes.

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MikeyTheFox: @makingfailure: Do it! I'm pretty sure someone could make it into a use-able model :D

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KillerfishSG: @makingfailure: I'd like to put her into the game we're making! (Just for funsies) What do you feel about seeing Katia punching some robots? :p

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Kewot_Rokar: This is really good! I always found it difficult to bring a 2d drawing into a 3d environment without making it look like the artist had a stroke while modeling. But this is great!

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KillerfishSG: @Kewot_Rokar: Z brush works wonders!