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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Wherever that carrot is going, It's probably going somewhere painful, I respect your way of revenge, Katia.

Bazelini, this is adorable! :3

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angrybacteria: Looks great! But I still think it should have been a pineapple for continuity.

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Ritter: "Butthurt"

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: "And 9 Months later, you were born... magic is weird"

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: are you implying that the carrot is filled with sea people? or implying that it turned into that substance, after.. *Ahem* 'making Rajirra butthurt'
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BadReligion: At least Rajirra can defend herself ...I hope.

Don't you dare, Katia.

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Kewot_Rokar: Now I want to eat a carrot.

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Nyflex: That carrot is so huuuge! It would be extremely painful! ..Because of blunt trauma.

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Olaffson: This is so adorable in a weird way! Great work.

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Tahrey: Cause of death: Massive blunt trauma injury in the... eh... "swimsuit area".

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tahrey: and most gruesomely, her insides rearranged themselves, her heart was punctured by the carrot.

Rip in pizza, Rajirra.

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Tahrey: Oh god, what animes have YOU been watching? {O_O}

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Tahrey: Methinks the police vehicle doth protest too much.

Urotsukidoji da-Shi, hai?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tahrey: What Police?

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AMKitsune: And that, my friends, is why Khajiit can see so well in the dark.
Nothing to do with mystical beings or racial inheritance. It's all thanks to a diet rich in vitamin A.

You too, can be like your favourite Khajiit by simply eating your vegetables (and drinking too much)!

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Tahrey: ...I assumed an Armored Struggle Wagon was the Nirnian equivalent of a Paddywagon

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tahrey:

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Tahrey: Nah but it has something to do with this.

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Tahrey: What! I would never do such a thing. How dare you.

(Yeah, I figured it was either a SWAT van or a tank, and flipped the coin the wrong way ;)

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: In other words, *ahem*, that carrot's going where no (large) carrot has gone before.

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SlashSeven: these moments of sweet revenge...