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Unidentified_BA: I went ahead and rotated this for you. Nice pecks!

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Geravind: A supermutant from Fallout, no doubt.

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unknown_victor: Tip: when you're taking the picture try to get it in better light. Still looks cool though.
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BadReligion: @unknown_victor: Because it is sooo eazy ...no it isn't.

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Vidiotdragon: @BadReligion: These seems unnecessarily rude/sarcastic dude

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korblborp: @unknown_victor YOU tell Sony to put a better camera or a flash or something on the Vita, why dontcha. This wouldn't be an issue if my laptops weren't out of it and I could SCAN ;__;

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @korblborp: You could go to your local library.