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cataphractz: helo this one is early because i made like a bunch of bored katias in a single sitting and have no self control.
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BadReligion: I don't understand, someone threw a Khajiit of decent quality.

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Rick2tails: hang in there Katia! the update is coming! honest!

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Enheldor: "One man's trash is several other people's waifu's."

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Beetleguy: Poor Kat...

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furnut: #GrapeJuiceRights

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Dugar: This likes so good, like it should be in the update!

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Pepsidude: I think we can officially call prequel dead.

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cataphractz: @Pepsidude: no
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MetalC0Mmander: @Pepsidude: I appreciate how you decided what was the state of this comic for Kazerad... Look I like jokes about how much it takes for PREQUEL to update as much as the last guy but really who cares how long we have to wait for an update be it an other year, more or even forever. There are plenty of other comics to read in the meantime.

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Enheldor: @MetalC0Mmander: At least it hasn't taken as long as Half-Life 3.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: ...YET

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Verskon: What will it take to appease the All Mighty Kazerad to update?!

Find out next time in the next "Katia is still out in the snow fanart!"

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PermanentFace: I think it's time to start eating each other.

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: Who cares, you ask? Everyone who, for whatever reason, will never be able to see the end of the story.
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BadReligion: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I still have a small hope for "Spaceballs 2 The search for more money", sooo....

But waiting for Samurai Jack to come back was worth it.
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MetalC0Mmander: @PermanentFace: You and I have put time, effort or money into this comic so for all intent and purpose we can go fuck ourselves.

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Skoon: @MetalC0Mmander: I'll be honest, even I am starting to get aggravated about the lack of movement.

It is worth noting that I am a patient and forgiving person. I am often late on my art projects as well, but over a year is pushing it.

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cataphractz: I really enjoy this story with all my heart and I didn't mean to start something here!

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm not sure I understand your train of thought there, unless you meant to include a 'not' in the first part of your comment.

But that doesn't make much more sense, considering how many of us actually HAVE put money into this comic.

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Enheldor: @PermanentFace: Who's put money into this? The merch was for merch, not donations for the comic.

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PermanentFace: @Enheldor: That fundraising campaign was to pay Kaz so he'd be able to work on the comic full-time. The merch was just an incentive.
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forestOverlord: The crowdfunding campaign was so that people could buy merch without Kaz having estimate how much merch to order up front. He said that raising more than $50,000 would probably make it a lot easier for him to work on things such as Prequel, but he made no promises.

That being said, I'm sure that he is working on something.

It would be great if the story ever started to progress at a descent rate again, though.

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Enheldor: @PermanentFace, @forestOverlord: I never saw any announcements that that the merch run was for anything other than merchandising. As such, I only gave money for merch; now that I have received my product, the transaction is completed. I expect nothing more because I have not purchased anything (except for some fanart that is somewhere in the mail). I do not demand a free thing immediately; because I have not given money for an update, if I want one, I must patiently wait until it arrives. Or I could make my own, with blackjack and hookers.
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forestOverlord: @Enheldor: In fact, forget about the update. And the blackjack. Ah, screw the whole thing.
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MetalC0Mmander: So I might have started a civil war... Yay!
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AGMsInbound: @MetalC0Mmander: It wouldn't be the Prequel fanbase if we didn't start a war every two months. Just think about it and you'll see we start one up like clockwork. Or a least we have over the last year or so. Before a time about 13 months back it wasn't so common.

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MetalC0Mmander: @AGMsInbound: Ha. 13 months ago. The prequel community as been a bunch a pendantic fucknuts at least since http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2809#search=artist%3AKatiaaitaK March 2, 2016... Fuck he's right!