Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.


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makimb0: Un-enslaved a second unnamed character from the new side story, I have made it my goal to edit all pictures of slaves in the side story to make them FREE.
original image: http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/shhsecrets/aggy10_57343.gif

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Rick2tails: she is free due to his ghost powers!

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FriendOfFennecs: Yay, she's happy now! Free all the slaves! (And possible ennoble them, too.)

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Furomone: Hang on, I'll draw her as a noblewoman too
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MetalC0Mmander: @Furomone: Let the slave uprising begin!

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Yangrel: Did you guys not see the outfit of the girl holding the leash? They're off to do kinky shit in the town square, baby! Trust me. I'm an expert.
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Furrymoan: @Yangrel: I mean it's confirmed she's that lesbian Dunmer woman Kaz was gonna draw, right?
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Furrymoan: @MetalC0Mmander: IT HAS BEGUN! http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4094

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Enheldor: @makimb0: Instead of freeing everyone, why not enslave everyone?
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MetalC0Mmander: @Enheldor: Hmm... Well it does sound like equal opportunity for everyone.