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Toxic: In hindsight it may have been a good idea to make some kind of thumbnail. Woops.

This is the intro for the game. The version in the game will contain audio.

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Skoon: Cool stuff!

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damrok4321: woah... nothing more to say. just... woah

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Sashimi: Awesome work! I eagerly await the finished game.

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madmanransom: >implying kat is the Champion of Cyrodiil.
I will never accept this theory because it's too obvious and I despise it.
The emperor tells the Champion that he sees them in his dreams. Katia sees old "Uriel" in her nightmares.
Katia posesses great potential for magical power, hinting that she will become a strong mage in the future (a fitting Champion).
The bloodstain on Katia's chest fur in Infiltrate is shaped like the jewel in the Amulet of Kings.
It's just so expected that it feels like a fucking cop-out. It's the easy way out. It's the route which everyone can see happening, even if they don't pay attention to those little details like the dreams and the bloodstain.
Another theory I've heard is she's dragonborn, because of the stain on her chest. Only those of dragon blood can wear the amulet. She also picked up Dragon Tongue with some ease and in Precede she speaks to a sickly little flame wyrm in her dreams. I prefer the Dragonborn theory to the Champion theory, but I'm still hoping something even more unexpected comes out of this.

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PermanentFace: @madmanransom: You don't need to get into the whole dream thing or analyze Katia's 'level 0' abilities to expect Katia to become Champion. Do you know what this story is called?

Anyway, her being a dragonborn would make no sense whatsoever. I advise you not to speculate too wildly on the outlandish paths Katia's story might take when the clue is right there in the title.

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madmanransom: @PermanentFace: I know, I know, "this is the Prequel to something great."
It's just the obvious outcome isn't the great I'm looking for.

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madmanransom: But this isn't my story. So I will not interfere. I cannot interfere.
But I CAN be a whiny lil' bitch.

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MrCoopy: Raymond Albert Romano.

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madmanransom: @MrCoopy: EVERYBODY LOVES 'IM.

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WassapDude94: One month? arent we like, one week away in the current point of the comic? That would make it 1 week and 6 days (or 13 days) before the crisis.
Also it wouldnt be fun if the comic ended (or even kept going) in katia becoming the Hero of Kvatch, there are some things that tells us she is and others that dont, one of those being the fact that she hates Kvatch and basically prayed to have the city burnt down, also, making her the HoK, would make the story incredibly predictable and not fun, then there is becoming Sheogorath which while it may give us a way to make katia inmortal it also thechnically means that katia isnt herself anymore and such
Now for the theory of being dragonborn, that seems more fun and with cooler outcome, yet who knows what could be done in the oblivion times being a dragonborn, i mean, there are no dragons, so katia is still the somewhat useless Khajiit we all know and love but she is technically important.

this is way longer than i expected it

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PermanentFace: I honestly don't know where you people are getting the whole 'it being a prequel to Oblivion isn't fun because that would be predictable' thing. Even if we know the story is going to end with Katia being thrown in a cell to meet the uber-royalty himself, we can only speculate as to how that will happen or how she'll react to that meeting by the time it finally comes around.

Incidentally, I think it would be wonderfully ironic if the person who just absolutely hates Kvatch ends up being hailed, everywhere she fucking goes, as its savior.


I'm also going to take this opportunity to reiterate my opinion that the PC's actions in Oblivion were in fact performed by multiple characters, and the Champion is not necessarily Sheogorath, nor the Crusader, Listener, Gray Fox, Grand Champion, Master, nor Archmage. I suspect some overlap, however, and I hope Katia fulfills her dreams of being the mightiest wizard of them all in addition to her mythic responsibilities to the Empire and the Mundus.

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Toxic: @WassapDude94: I put one month as an estimate because I don't know the exact day. I wouldn't want to put "2 weeks before" or something and then have the comic last 3 weeks and be underestimating.

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Toxic: To join in on everyone else's discussion about the outcome of Prequel regarding Katia becoming the hero or the dragonborn or Sheogorath or whoever else, I honestly wouldn't mind any of these endings. I read for the style and content and will be happy with whatever Kazerad desides Katia's fate will be.

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WassapDude94: I think we didnt mean "The dragonborn" (that title would go to The Last Dragonborn aka you in skyrim or Miraak as well), we meant she is dragonborn, like probably a bunch in that moment, incluiding the royal people, and can inherit their powers, which isnt as much of an ending unlike being the Hero of Kvatch, which already has a set ending technically, it just brings more opportunities, but were not certain is as many as being the hok, which are all listed alrady, or less/even more. @Toxic

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WassapDude94: Also, becoming the HoK also means becoming Sheogorath, it is a main quest after all afaik

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AMKitsune: @WassapDude94: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4780

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Toxic: @WassapDude94: I meant dragonborn, not the dragonborn. That was a typo on my part, my bad. As far as the Sheogorath thing, I haven't completed Oblivion yet so you probably know more than me.

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WassapDude94: Actually ive never played oblivion, but i plan on doing so, i was picking my first TES game some time ago and picked up Skyrim SE cause its more casual friendly, i like the idea of being dragonborn, and cause its not as horrifying as oblivion, if it wasnt for that then i probably would have played oblivion by now

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PermanentFace: Out of curiosity, in what respect is Oblivion horrifying?

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WassapDude94: Have you seen those "faces"? dude they look like they were purposely made to look bad, and sometimes its just nightmare fuel.

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Toxic: @WassapDude94: I suppose the faces could be seen as a little unsettling. But you have to remember that development for Oblivion started in 2002, and facial design has came a long way in 16 years.

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WassapDude94: Yeah but i guess Morrowind's faces were better, also even if it was good back then i dont have a time machine and now is ugly at best.

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Toxic: @WassapDude94: Faces aside, Oblivion's not too bad of a game so far of what I've played. Once you get past the 2002 faces, it's pretty enjoyable.

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Toxic: (For the record, I don't mind the old graphics. It has a nice nostalgic feel of older games)

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PermanentFace: Most of Oblivion's faces are fine, from what I recall. There are some frighting ones, but mostly they're about par for the time.

Morrowind has the advantage of peoples faces basically being one polygon, so you can sketch something and just plaster it on.

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