Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags animation artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology musicality song_and_dance
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KuroNeko: Just a simple two frames animation to see how it looks with colors and also because I wanted to share this masterpiece https://youtu.be/V2liozIXhJA

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APayne1776: I really like your art style keep it up

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MinnoSimmins: Very nice!

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Rick2tails: this is cute

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Dominik: Very like it, especially that idea for headphones for khajiits

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KuroNeko: @APayne1776: Aww it's always nice to hear that people like my style

@MinnoSimmins: @Rick2tails: Thank you

@Dominik: Yeah I alway found weird how charaters with animals ears used headphones shaped for humans.