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Uploader Tejo,
Tags acrobatics actual_underwear artist:Tejo character:bartender khajiit_racism
Source Unknown
Locked No

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Tejo: Slightly less shittier than the previous one.

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Zargothrax: Is he climbing a May Pole? I've heard this is a thing in Austria.
@Tabby_Catface: A cat that can't climb a tree. He brought dishonor to his ancestors. Also that was goddamn hilarious
@Tejo: The general procedure of uploading a fixed version of an image is reporting you own uploaded image and in the description have a link to the new one and explain that you'd like to exchange it to that one. The mods take care of the rest.

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APayne1776_2: He climbing but where to tho

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Tejo: @Tabby_Catface: Nice

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Tejo: @Zargothrax: Yes, it's kind of the maypole. I will report the other image.

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Tejo: @APayne1776_2: He may want the goodies on the top.

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Caps: Hang on there, Kitty.

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: Lmao that face nice work

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Rick2tails: you can do it bartender! I have faith in you!

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ADudeCalledLeo: There's a reason he sticks to bartending.

Also, it seems you've borked your artist tag: it's not detecting it since it starts with a capital letter... but tags are case-insensitive, so "artist:Tejo" now gets 'corrected' to "Artist:Tejo".

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Caps: @Tabby_catface XD

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PermanentFace: When are the mods going to get around to fixing the artist tags so that they're not case sensitive.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @PermanentFace: They can fix it manually, IIRC. Might want to go shout at them.