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lapma: I think one of them will enjoy grilled carrots a bit more than another.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Grilled... carrots? That's a new one. Is Katia trying out a vegan diet?
...wait, aren't khajiit carnivores?

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lapma: @ADudeCalledLeo: I believe khajiits are omnivores after all they eat a lot of pies and other sweets. But still i doubt she would go vegan even with her love for piggy. She is kinda cat after all. But maybe she will stick to fishes. One way or another we wouldn't want to make princess uneasy at family BBQ plus she needs a snack too.

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Rick2tails: if you know anything about pigs. they will eat anything! even other pigs .I would hardly figure either of them as vegetarian.

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lapma: @Rick2tails: Yea piggies can eat pretty much anything just like humans we are omnivores after all, but it doesn't mean they should . For example raw eggs are not advisable. And when it comes to pigs eating pigs as in most cases canibalism is not advisable too and can end up with serious brain damage, from evolutionary stand point you should breed with felow pig after all not eat it. So Katia being good owner that I believe she is is feeding Princess nice rather plant based diet.

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Dominik: Well, who knows. Grilled carrots may be actually good with some flavouring xd

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lapma: @Dominik: Honestly I'm surprised I never had them. I think I should go for some BBQ once in a while, instead of cooking usual meals.