Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Enheldor: @Sashimi: While it may not be a "real" law for legal purposes, needlessly bringing Hitler into a discussion undermines your position. If you were doing a discussion in which Hitler and the Nazis were relevant, Godwin's Law would not come into effect. But pulling him out of the blue would. Godwin's Law is meant to cause both sides of a viewpoint to think before they type. If you can't come up with a better comparison than Hitler (in a discussion hat would not ordinarily involve him or his fanboys), then yes "Someone's view point becomes invalid because of some made up internet rule". Just because you decide not to "...subscribe to fictitious laws just because someone says it's true" doesn't mean others here will think the same. Those people will immediately dismiss your side just because of the Law. I personally agree with your points: not everyone is super evil all the time and it is possible (but I personally think hard and unlikely but still possible) for people to repent and change. But then, not only did you invoke Godwin's Law, you tried to get out of it by stating that you don't follow it and that since it won't hold up in court, it doesn't apply to what you say.

Also, I never wear purple shirts. The colour clashes with my eyes.

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Enheldor: @Sashimi: The point about Godwin's is that it does negate the point you're trying to make! If had used Stalin, like you suggested, you would be completely in the clear.

So that's not Rajirra's child?

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Enheldor: 2 things.

First, who is that with Rajirra?

Second, Sashimi, you were doing so well defending your story and its accompanying art. But now, thanks to Godwin's Law, you lose the argument.

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Enheldor: These are amazing gpain. Keep up the good work.

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Enheldor: The most unrealistic part of this piece is Katia being successful.

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Enheldor: @Geravind: Thank you google: "А чё там сложного как трах?" becomes: "And what's so complicated about fucking?"

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Enheldor: @furnut: IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: (X): Doubt

Of all the not-Kaz artists, I would think Cider is the most well-known.

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Enheldor: @YeOldeCuckolde: Like you drew, turn your heads at an angle so you don't bump snouts noses.

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Like a phone lock screen.

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Enheldor: @Kazerad: But he's the most important character.

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Enheldor: Adine and Rainbow Dash with Welkynd Cat. Thanks Cider!

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Enheldor: I am so glad that went the way I thought it was going to. This made me laugh! Well done.

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: What do you think escargot is?

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Enheldor: @Geravind: I absolutely love the google translate for your comments. Our future overlords still have a bit to go.

My favourite translated sentence: "Chaos of shadows in the left armpit causes the brain in an attempt to extrapolate the locations of the luminaries."

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Enheldor: @bluedraggy: @Kazerad: I like the other picture just because of the bait and switch! That's how rick rolls are meant to be experienced.

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Enheldor: @Norad2: I'm fully in the opposite camp.

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Enheldor: @Kazerad: As long as its known that madman got it first and that I got it after him but before reading the comments.

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Enheldor: Is it the link in the picture?

Now that I've finished the comments, yep, it is.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: GOOD

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Enheldor: @Rittilisers: In what?

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Enheldor: @Toryu-Mau: *Great Merch Hiatus

Purrgatory is the name of the comments section of the most recent update. The almost 2-year long wait for Infiltrate is the Great Merch Hiatus.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I followed Quill's advice and am not on that server.

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Enheldor: @Raydio: Take Quill's advice.

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Enheldor: @Raydio: Why would you ever?

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: William Gibson would disagree.

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Enheldor: @Toxic: Look at her face. What a trooper, showing no pain with that dislocated arm. Quill is hardcore.

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Enheldor: Finally, the piece you have all been waiting for: the Vitruvian Kat.

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Enheldor: Did... did you upload a picture you took of the drawing on your computer screen?

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Enheldor: Katia, doing cat things.
The final physical stream drawing to be uploaded. Prepare yourselves.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Horses, ponies, same thing.

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Enheldor: Those Racist Fucks from the beginning of the comic in fun, Crayola™ form. Another drawing sent my way.

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Enheldor: @Shoka: All in due time; I have a bit of an uploading backlog.

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Enheldor: @Sashimi: I have all 10 versions.

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Enheldor: Another "Beginning of Stream" drawing. Turns out, some of the drawings sent my way will never see the light of day. That's ok; I have them in a nice binder in some of those clear sleeves.

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Enheldor: @Pohatu5: Kaz doesn't want anyone to watch the streams in the first place, so unless a viewer recorded them, then no.

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Enheldor: @fastolaf: Oh look, it's the bartender!

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I just got this in the mail last week.

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Enheldor: A stream drawing that no one claimed. It got sent to me and uploaded or your enjoyment. It was drawn to see if the stream was working.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Nope.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Because it is an awful place. There's a reason 4chan is described as "the dregs of the internet".

@Raydio: I try not to go often, so no idea.

@Rick2tails: No, it was before the update this stuff was going on. They were just straight up terrible. Look them up if you don't believe me.

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Enheldor: @Pohatu5: Nice! Florence is super cool and used to dealing with someone like Katia.

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: On 4chan. Never go there.

@Rick2tails: You must not have very many then, because there were only maybe 10 that were not awful. The rest are so bad.

@Raydio: You really aren't; never go to 4chan.

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Let's just say they got... creative with Kaz's invitation.

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Enheldor: @Mezhik: Woah, I've never seen that before.

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Enheldor: @Raydio: Sleeps Darkly

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Enheldor: @Miki: I remember this. I've had it in my prequel folder for a while because I figured it may be a bit too much for the booru. I don't remember who made it, but it was shared with me during a stream. I'm certain that it was drawn before then, however.

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: Clearly, you haven't been on the 4chan threads.

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Enheldor: @EggEggEggEgg: Pretty recent. I still have the other claimed drawings to upload as well.
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