Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Geravind: Wow, she looks pretty realistic! (except clavicles maybe) But... why does she have an argonian face?
The emotion is clear and delicious! But something with the facial details is not... -well-... feline.

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Geravind: It clearly reminds this:

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Geravind: This one failed to apprehend shading, and without it a drawing looks flat, not three-dimensional. =-_-=

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Geravind: Whoah! ^_^
Those boobs are purrrfect. (completely platonic!)

Picture's context: Hopefully, it will not backfire disastrously.

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Geravind: Oh, she's so sad.
Wait... Star Wars trooper?

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Geravind: Awww :3, a tadpole is growing up!

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Geravind: General Katia, commence final assault!

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Geravind: With such perspective it's like a monster, which is going to swallow the sun.

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Geravind: Her nightmare has infiltrated her.

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Geravind: Dat heart-formed tail...

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Geravind: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: He's busy with important elements of the next update ...he has to be.
This one does not like the altered zoomed out version.

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Geravind: Yay, a fox!

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Geravind: "Overwatch, sector overrun with biotics. No discount. Wait, what's that yellow felin... arkhhhhhhh!..." [Lost biosignal from civil protection team unit, remaining units, contain.]

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Geravind: That's why Katia is not in H-L universe. -- Otherwise Gordon would suicide with his crawbar.

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Geravind: What the sh... portal-gun? Oh, now it makes sense.

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Geravind: Murrreover, she's missing her berserkers beard. =P

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Geravind: Cuuute!
There are usually two hinges on a shield, if used soft version -- to put in on one's forearm. One hard handle is appropriate for small bucklers.
Oh! You've got somewhat okay about her arms -- congratulations!

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Geravind: Yay, a squirrel!

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Geravind: @POMA: QW's main weapon is a quill!
Nice lizardwoman, POMA! ;)

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Geravind: Her legpaws and abdormen are too massive... while her handpaws are canonic. Well... they are much closer to purrrfect now! Carry on, please.

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Geravind: Why? She's pretty cute... Even in such drawing style.

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Geravind: Nice!

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Geravind: It contains a doubled paragraph. O: "That is a story that will be told around...".
Thank you, lady Ja' Jarsha and Lord Kazerad.

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Geravind: Btw, why those tips are encrypted now? If this one remembers right, earlier they were readable.

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Geravind: @Ilita: You mean her LEFT eye actually, right? XD
Sorry, when this one writes in russian, there so many puns happen, that any translator will get drowned...
Khajiit will try his best.

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Geravind: @Man_Of_Mer: Oh, no, no! Don't use that headless google-translator. It's inadequate like drunken zombie.
This one meant: her eyes are too big, like anime-style; her face is a bit fat accordingly to her skinny body; her wrists looks unnaturally log-shaped. And yes, the color-scheme is cool.

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Geravind: Глаза анимэшно большие.
Мордатость не сильно соответствует комплекции остального тела.
Руки... Руки! (мыли?) Запястья -- натурально самое тонкое место, даже под таким углом, даже в таком платье.

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Geravind: "Security alarm. Pheromone spreading detected. Code: cauterize, stabilize, isolate."
Recurve, recurve! Overwatch, we've got a non-tech virus. Requesting medicals and out.

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Geravind: @Bob: She plays this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQmkYPMBROk no doubt.

Пома красава! Её реально хочется погладить -- так офигительно получилось! Завидую...

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Geravind: @tronn: Imagine your, when you walk bareoot on hot sand.

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Geravind: It's not Katia... but wow! She's cute!

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Geravind: Yay! *pats Katia on his monitor*

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Geravind: Happy Katia -- it's a miracle... another miracle... Splendid art!

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Geravind: Dat ironic-sadistic half-smile...

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Geravind: Two questions:
why she's holding the instrument "left-handed"?
she's sitting... on what?

Looks pretty cool.

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Geravind: A grasshopper!

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Geravind: Why it's so... uh... predatory faced? It does not look like Katia.
That right elbow is disfigured a little... Generally, good shaping!

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Geravind: Awww. :3 Happy Katia -- it looks like a dream.

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Geravind: JJR, good emotion implication!

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Geravind: Oh, she's so cool!

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Geravind: Ухи/глаза что-то неточно прилеплены... если мордаха повёрнута, значит ухи немного не так должны выглядывать.
Руки... получились слишком мощными отн. плечей и торса. Руки движутся к идеалу... медленно и пока неуверенно, но движутся.))

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Geravind: So many fireflies in the darkness, yay!

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Geravind: "Your conjuration skill increased."

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Geravind: Wow! Her outfit is really deeply detailed. Awesome!

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Geravind: Верхушка посоха сильно раскорячена, но нарисовано в целом отлично!
До сих пор помню, какие эти личи в Обле деревянные -- долго и нудно выбиваешь из них пыль, а им будто пофигу...

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Geravind: No! Not to happen!

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Geravind: @Kazerad: This one isn't mean -- most noticeable mistakes (if any) must be pointed out (hopefully, it helps all local artists someway). And compliments should be applied as well.
Generally this drawing is pretty cool.

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Geravind: @Kazerad: It would be reamarkable!

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Geravind: Her torso is too small accordingly to her paws.

Good composition though.

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Geravind: There is something odd with that line of closed eye...
...Oh, got it! -- lower eyelid is not so movable and it has to be smaller than upper one.
Try harder about her arms...

She's pretty cool anyway. Thanks.
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