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Dramatic Descriptions

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Geravind: Moar confident Katia!

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Geravind: Cute ket.

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Geravind: Ankha approves!

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Geravind: Aww, she needs some patting and hugging!

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Geravind: You'll make a fine hug, cat!

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Geravind: Cute!

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Geravind: Aww...

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Geravind: Very accurate ...teammates should think about abandoning the quest for now.

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Geravind: =>_>= I see, what you did there.

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Geravind: Puss in boots.

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Geravind: Looks like she met ASOTIL after all.

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Geravind: A sling? Accident is waiting to happen...

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Geravind: That second tail has own face. ...that's why she's looking at you disapprovingly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Geravind: Блики местами слишком глянцевые.
С пропорциями я бы поспорил, а именно: длина торса, местоположение плеч, длина правой руки.
А вообще... с возвращением, Радик!

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Geravind: "Thick!" ...but it still looks cool.

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Geravind: Curious is the trap maker's art — his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes.

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Geravind: Cutie!

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Geravind: Interesting style...
I see, what you did there.

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Geravind: What is so "questionable" here? That flirty tail?...

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Geravind: =ಠ_ಠ= "I watch your back."

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Geravind: A particular style ...barkskin.

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Geravind: Nice net texturing!
Try to pinpoint tail to coccyx next time, not to middle of her back.

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Geravind: Stylish QW!

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Geravind: Werecat.

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Geravind: It has begun...

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Geravind: @Makkon: She's so cool ...even being robotic-modeled!

"balls and tubes"
Heh, "sticks and stones..." (c) JC Denton

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Geravind: @damrok4321: The bigger issues, Khajiit noticed here, are next:
- head/neck/shoulders positioning (she doesn't look just cringed, she looks weird):
- eyes positioning inside the skull (you mischecked nose-occiput axis, and yes ...side view of an eye);
- tail length (straight khajiit tail reaches ground level).
Always use skeleton layer: crude lines of spine, shoulders, pelvis, arms, legs, tail. — It takes a damn minute ...yet helps a lot.

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Geravind: @Makkon: This One is eager for feedback! ...yet has to finish the damn picture first.
@damrok4321: Best way to recheck wether a pose is okay — just take it yourself IRL ...in a minute or two you'll know it's okayness.

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Geravind: Cuuute!
...wait, is it a drawing, not a figurine on photo?!
Master of illusions confirmed!

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Geravind: Juicy!

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Geravind: Dat style, tho.

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Geravind: =*ω*=

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Geravind: "Sorry, but you can not even into apples."

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Geravind: @Sashimi: The facial surface looks stretched off the head because of the muzzle point. The eyes expose it mostly. Therefore her forehead looks too flattened.
...nonetheless, it really makes her look more elegant here.

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Geravind: Weird skull shaping ...but still good art.

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Geravind: That face...

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Geravind: Too strict borderlines ...even between colors on the character. This One usually has hard times too with mid-smoothed lines.

You evem managed to picture her tiny cheeks, yay!

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Geravind: Wrong shadowing on her collar, right eye and forehead.
A bit wrong the collar-shoulders-neck positioning.
...yet pretty good — almost Makkon's style.

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Geravind: Khajiit approves.

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Geravind: Бельчонок!

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Geravind: "SLEEP"?! Like... really? You're the most cunning hider, Kaz. Khajiit was neglecting that word in the comic until now.

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Geravind: Пионэры... всегда готов!

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Geravind: Man, just CAN into their tail's length and head's depth. It's not so hard to notice and adjust on "building" phase of a picture.

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Geravind: Ah... you messed up with the right foot ...mostly by pink spots and shadowing. The ankle and the heel are a bit off (Khajiit had hard times figuring it out during own drawing attempts).
Guys, shadowing is fucking simle to comprehend (if you CAN into stereometry), yet not so simple to picture sometimes. Just check out, how it works IRL.

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Geravind: Yay, edgy Makkon's style! :3
The torso looks tiny in comparison to the mighty legs.
The third one looks de-tailed (yes, yes, it's simply behind her).

...pss, vibrissae grow off their muzzle, not off their cheeks.

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Geravind: @Rick2tails: IF an artist CAN into sub-drawing.

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Geravind: @XenoYparxi: Chameleon confirmed!

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Geravind: There are no obstacles for Highwayman.

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Geravind: Looks like someone is faaaaaaar from astronomy.

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Geravind: Aww... give her hugs!
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