Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
Geravind: Nice expression, nice little details, nice coloring.
Something wrong with her legs/boots (shape/proportions).
Incomplete shadow from her left arm, a bit wrong angle of the shadow from her right leg.
Geravind: Правая коленка высоковато, т.к. сапог высоковат... или в положении таза что-то не так.
Скетч про защиту от рефлекта "Глаза страха" няши JJR?
Здесь лопата очень похожа на копьё. :р
Geravind: @Tahrey: She didn't even drink it: she had been posing for POMA for several minutes and then immediately ran back to help Kaz with the flash. The kitty is busy-busy!
Geravind: Мсье, у вас маниакальная тяга рисовать эту котэйку с квадратными щеками, точнее с шерстистостью на щеках, придающей ей квадратность мордахи лица. А в целом очень мило. =*_*=
Кстати, череп в профиль получился хорошо (с чем раньше бывали проблемы)поздравляю.
Ловушка интереса: что на чашке написано?!
Geravind: It was completely hard to read: some typos, some unmemorable names, hordes of rare words (this one's vocabulary is on fire), nonstandard dialogues, not clearly logical decisions. It should be more... clear to comprehend for reader.
Katia still acts like a ballast, but it looked like she's an important person to be worth of saving at the beginning.
It's completely okay, if she kills an enemy, but a kind soul -like hers- is capable of doing it only with real hatred on board.
It would be nice, if author put a few (<1%) deeply professional details here and there. For example: how to cross a river in the best possible way or how to change formation, when facing a single enemy or a group of enemies (of course, such hints should come from someone completely professional, not from some clueless cat)... It's usually hard for an author to figure out such details, but a sophisticated reader greatly appreciates it. And it's cool, when character's decisions are copletely logical (accordingly to condition, temper, etc.) and their behavior is most natural.
Geravind: On the first picture her expression is inconsistent a little: not all facial details follow one particular emotion, but... ouch! Her neck makes it clear -- why. And her fur looks like feathers mostly.
The second picture is almost purrfect!
On the third picture there is only one unnecessary line on her occiput.
Don't stop!
Geravind: Именно это я и пытался сделать во флэшке -- непроходимо. Но как идея для арта -- супер.
У неё вид не столько счастливый, сколько одержимый. Смотрит не вдаль, а в точку прямо перед носом. (Хотя, если б я увидел дреугха, выглядел бы не лучше. =-_-=)
Похоже, что весь корабль движется только за счёт её хвостика.)))
A bit of critics.
It looks like the whole ship is propelled with her tail only. =>_<=
Geravind: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Her eyelashes stick out too much, it looks a bit scary. Her knees are misplaced. All the rest varies acceptable->purrfect.
That's pretty good.
Geravind: @POMA: Fine... Imagine: the armor just disappeared from her... -- see? Her neck is too long, or shoulders are too low. The position is right, proportion is not purrfect. This one was working that out a while back -- an author should follow body proportions through any obstacles.
Glares are pretty simple to understand (just stereometry), but it's difficult to illustrate them correctly.
Ah, this one has bored you too much already...
Geravind: Катя конечно худая... но шея по пропорциям куда-то слегка улетела. И блик на затенённом глазу непонятен.
Как Катя правильно сказала в комиксе: тут есть мои любимые цвета! =*_*= (серьёзно)
"Гера, как обычно, влезет со своей критикой -- лучше бы сам больше рисовал, морда ленивая!" =-_-=
Кхаджит не злой, Кхаджит помогать.
Geravind: Этот меч видел лучшие времена... но Катенька так приятно удивлена держанию хотя бы такого оружия! Там не видно, но её хвостик явно одобряе.)))
This sword knew better times... but Katy is so excited to hold at least such weapon! It's not illustrated, but her tail definitely "appreciates" that.)))
Dramatic Descriptions
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- I'm instead of her... =>_>=
They used a citation from one classic soviet film, but english-speakers will never understand the joke.
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Purrfect emotions are so delicious!
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Aww. :3
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Very good shapes though. Even the sword looks purrfect!
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Looks arousing.
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Unfamiliar with Undertale, but she fits amazon-style pretty well!
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Прикона. =*_*=
Откуда там крылья, так и не понял... ну, Каз такой Каз -- ему видней.
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Her expression says: aliens already regret for visiting Nirn.
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Something wrong with her legs/boots (shape/proportions).
Incomplete shadow from her left arm, a bit wrong angle of the shadow from her right leg.
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Скетч про защиту от рефлекта "Глаза страха" няши JJR?
Здесь лопата очень похожа на копьё. :р
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Кстати, череп в профиль получился хорошо (с чем раньше бывали проблемы)поздравляю.
Ловушка интереса: что на чашке написано?!
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Well... tag "friendship" means it's completely platonic. (But that little heart does not. :P)
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Why QW reminds a vulture here?
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Sorry, english-speakers are unable to understand the joke.
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Katia still acts like a ballast, but it looked like she's an important person to be worth of saving at the beginning.
It's completely okay, if she kills an enemy, but a kind soul -like hers- is capable of doing it only with real hatred on board.
It would be nice, if author put a few (<1%) deeply professional details here and there. For example: how to cross a river in the best possible way or how to change formation, when facing a single enemy or a group of enemies (of course, such hints should come from someone completely professional, not from some clueless cat)... It's usually hard for an author to figure out such details, but a sophisticated reader greatly appreciates it. And it's cool, when character's decisions are copletely logical (accordingly to condition, temper, etc.) and their behavior is most natural.
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The art looks cool anyway.
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Proper illustrating of emotions is an important skill, Khajiit thinks.
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=О_о= Чёйта не могу в линии -- более толстую под левым локтем просто забыл убрать?
She looks excellent generally!
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She's not showing "the end" actually, she's just expecting a hug! =^_^=
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The second picture is almost purrfect!
On the third picture there is only one unnecessary line on her occiput.
Don't stop!
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У неё вид не столько счастливый, сколько одержимый. Смотрит не вдаль, а в точку прямо перед носом. (Хотя, если б я увидел дреугха, выглядел бы не лучше. =-_-=)
Похоже, что весь корабль движется только за счёт её хвостика.)))
A bit of critics.
It looks like the whole ship is propelled with her tail only. =>_<=
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Her hat slipped backward a bit.
She looks sad even here. =-_-=
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That's pretty good.
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Why he's burning slowly?
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Glares are pretty simple to understand (just stereometry), but it's difficult to illustrate them correctly.
Ah, this one has bored you too much already...
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Как Катя правильно сказала в комиксе: тут есть мои любимые цвета! =*_*= (серьёзно)
"Гера, как обычно, влезет со своей критикой -- лучше бы сам больше рисовал, морда ленивая!" =-_-=
Кхаджит не злой, Кхаджит помогать.
A little critics.
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This sword knew better times... but Katy is so excited to hold at least such weapon! It's not illustrated, but her tail definitely "appreciates" that.)))
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Awww, this one adore her robotic boots. :3