
Dramatic Descriptions

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POMA: But that's racist!

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POMA: I have randomly spotted them on youtube just yesterday and instantly liked everything about that title.

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POMA: They've created a startup, now they're hiring people, going to release pilot episode in 2016 and then will try to get picked up by some network (they hope to hop on disney channel)

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POMA: As I recon it's only second his prequel-related drawing that going under that category =)

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POMA: Well it sorta is/gonna happen. http://www.youtube.com/user/TrueTailSeries/videos

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POMA: http://orig13.deviantart.net/271b/f/2015/185/2/5/asotil_render_by_mizaar_me-d8zvoez.png

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POMA: Just a little quicky parody of lolnein's gadget wars. It was so quick I even forgot to remove watermarks :3

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POMA: Scrubleader confirmed to be the only human being that uses pixelated brushes.

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POMA: Her pose, metal hand and sign on back reminds me of Batman.

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POMA: "My fist into your face, your blood onto my body, your money into my box"

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POMA: You forgot the crossover factor. "HERE'S KATIA!" would fit much better.

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POMA: Damn son! I was just rechecking for original picture and suddenly stumbled upon this. So I see you decided to hide outline with blur-ish effects?

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POMA: What's happening? ENCHANTMENTS!

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POMA: Hey it's that guy from Fantastic Four! :D

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POMA: Looks like travelling magician outfit, looking gut.

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POMA: At least it comes with belt.

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POMA: I can't help smiling when look at this picture. Rly cool work =D

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POMA: Perspectives are weird.

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POMA: Invisibility jokes already?

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POMA: Is it just me or there is really only half a kitty on this picture?

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POMA: Super Castlevania IV

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POMA: Just scrolled through google images and noticed random-ass similarity O_O

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POMA: Well That's weird =\ I can't see Katia that chubby so here is quick2dfix

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POMA: It was supposed to be witchhunter from Disciples II but I've screwed everything. Also don't ask about the pose - I have no idea what's going on on this picture.

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POMA: I use my cat as a pillow, does it make me a furry?

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POMA: Preview image is like "What the hell am I looking at?"

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POMA: They still can make up. After all Rajirra just didn't expect Katia to stay alive after fighting the impboss.

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POMA: When I see such tail twist I can't help but think about broken bones :(

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POMA: About us? Nothing at all. About VanRipper? He got unique and awesome style that cannot be forgotten.

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POMA: @Sasquatch_boote: http://i.imgur.com/z1T8UEc.gif
P.S. I blame Macromedia flash 8 for this.

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POMA: If not tags I wouldn't get she's sleepy. I think i can blame makingfailure for this.

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POMA: "Deal with it or I will deal with you"

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POMA: Funny how double sets of brackets makes picture questionable.
( )( )

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POMA: Work on nuclear plant ofc. Haven't you watched the simpsons?

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POMA: Who else can make such face expressions?

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POMA: More memes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=VqB1uoDTdKM

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POMA: Doubling the memeness.

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POMA: This one already was on booru - http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/668

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POMA: @Geravind: I'm kinda learning by doing and I still can't draw whatever I want. What I do now is redrawing every line hundred times until they look somewhat okay. That's the main reason I delete sources after 'completing' pictures cuz it's unlikely I'll ever gonna redo anything.

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POMA: Ei Ivan! Bring me botl of vodka end mai balalaika. Ai vil shou you hau mai biar kan duns!

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POMA: @Man_Of_Mer: That's mostly my fault. About one year ago I started to translate this comics to Russian.

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POMA: You mean something like this? http://i.imgur.com/75QxR9R.png

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POMA: Katia will hit Imperial City prison when it happens. That's the only constant fact we know about whole Prequel thing

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POMA: @Barnwatch_cutie Can I request a link to deleted Spankzerad image? =)

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POMA: Rajirra did. Why do you think she escaped the attic? Scared the murderboss? Hell no, she foresaw the collateral damage Katia inflicted.

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POMA: Look on the bright side! Head is still on its place :D

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POMA: Глаза на 10 пикселей вправо уехали, я начинал с головы и не заметил косяка. А руки... Чтобы руки рисовать, надо рисовать уметь, то бишь это дело в процессе.

P.S. Nice to see I am the only one on booru who drew something with plain backround =)

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POMA: Welp, i haven't read the twokinds comics past first 15 pages but i really like its art style so I've tried to do some kind of fanart.

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POMA: Aaand i cut the word 'fate' in the end. Can some good mod replace this picture with http://i.imgur.com/u2WQ81Q.jpg ?
Thanks in advance.

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POMA: Since when Fkcking is a race?
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