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Dramatic Descriptions

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POMA: Hindenburg: be the creation of Katia.

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POMA: @CaptainLackwit: Oooohh means "shit"?

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POMA: Something like this? http://i.imgur.com/q96FtYR.png

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POMA: Yay! A kangaroo!

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POMA: There was a few racism-based pictures towards Rajirra.

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POMA: This one comes after save-load.

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POMA: Best fucking pen

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POMA: Olga Magnuson maybe? For Nordish sake.

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POMA: I suppose it says something like "Hey everything is happening in Skyrim 200 years past the Oblivion Crisis". And then (s)he discoveres s(he) is Dragonborn. Btw you didn't clarify your character's gender yet. Are readers choosing it as well?

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POMA: This looks like a parody not a sequel.

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POMA: Let's make this story even more brutal. How about Urist McDwarf?

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POMA: Housepet version Katia of yours looking more and more manly with every strip. Is it intended?

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POMA: Why is Gharug's skin so grainy?

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POMA: Homestuck is too much of a... thing for me. Couldn't get past the Act 1.

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POMA: Ended up as bet of them all. I can feel the christmas spirit trough the screen!

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POMA: Oops, forgot to say this is outstanding!

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POMA: I suck at shading but anyway you can adore Rajirra in colors now! - http://i.imgur.com/UxbQpTl.jpg

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POMA: I believe this one's author is actally Cider.

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POMA: It's little Katia's plush guar :3

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POMA: Reminds me of stairs sequence.

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POMA: @Sasquatch_boote: I consider this as 10 minute paint work. I just want to cover her head asap.

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POMA: K. Get your hair guys :3

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POMA: or maybe I simply don't know how to draw.

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POMA: Awww she looks like she's going to hug everyone :3

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POMA: Third one supposed to be Pineapple Kitten.

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POMA: That's some weird cat cat dreams.

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POMA: Next featured will be this one for sure.
Great job Blockhead.

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POMA: Doesn't matter. Became canon.

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POMA: Let's imagine Katia stands on hands.

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POMA: it's totally Kaz's work here. All the fires are just the same sprite!

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POMA: 4) There is no bone. We all die waiting.

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POMA: @Kazerad, Oh you sly comic-writer! Well now you can get as much chicken wings as you want.

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POMA: Yay, Finland!

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POMA: This third cat is from Skyrim lockpicking! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq6h85VFfEU

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POMA: just wait till i learn to draw and set up an interactive fanfic :3

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POMA: Update... Update never changes.

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POMA: Well i did that inking-coloring, and placed your? image as a source. If you need more credits than i copied this cake from portal :3

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POMA: Anon, what are you doing? Ahaha, STAHP!

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POMA: That's what happens when you... damn, that's never happens!

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POMA: Katia staring at some sort of anthropomorphic rat in swimsuit? Also Katia wearing swimsuit herself...

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POMA: She looks so manly in this jacket

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POMA: Oh come on you can simply heat the pole with bare hands.

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POMA: Why do i keep doing this? Is there anybody who need colors? http://i.imgur.com/lKTvcOA.jpg

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POMA: That's what happens when you're allergic to moon sugar :3

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POMA: If it hurts your eyes as much as mine here is image with black outline >_< http://i.imgur.com/3foSoXI.png

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POMA: Makkon is not only musician? Superb work!

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POMA: The lack of pictures makes me sick :3

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POMA: I know what you did last summer :3

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POMA: More stupid coloring! http://i.imgur.com/8UoVQfO.jpg (still with no permission though :3)
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