Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

Dramatic Descriptions

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POMA: I personnaly like pencil sketch more. This is too edgy.

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POMA: I take justice every morning. Mostly intranasal.

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POMA: She ended Day 1 with bottle of cheapest Ale which is considered alcoholic beverage.

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POMA: You wouldn't feel better after 8351186 handshakes

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POMA: I want Kazerad to ship merchandise with paying customers.

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POMA: and now animation stutters on loop.

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POMA: Cool thing about topview - you can rotate the image as much as you want ` it will be great from any angle.

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POMA: And I just remembered I can ask moderation for replacing that with this - http://i.imgur.com/ri8RkdZ.png

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POMA: I actually have forgot one style but unfortunately it's not housepets. http://i.imgur.com/0yVHcB7.png
(I can't call myself webcomics lover)

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Seriously though without knowing the backstory who would get they are actually girls?

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POMA: I love how someone added black and white tag for a picture without any black or gray pixel.

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POMA: And this is the point where you could be right if at least someone before me was a bit negative but every single comment here is positive. What I mean is this guy posted loads of pictures in one day and he haven't even sketched anything or erased a single line. Either he's not trying to improve his drawing or he's not getting any constructive critic due to excessive amount of political correctness. Both ways are wrong so please don't let it go down the "bad attitude drain"

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POMA: This all went too far so I have to say two things.
One: all your pictures are shit. Work harder.
Two: With lack of wordy updates some people started to add entire stories or lauch huge discussions about many images here on booru which is fine but totally not what I expected from fanartbooru.

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POMA: previous one was featured for like less than 2 days or something?

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POMA: just me practicing anatomy. Feel free to delete if it's too stupid for booru

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POMA: It's nice besides the "whorst idea". I really don't feel like pursuing it.

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POMA: oh uploaded mid-done edit, this one is final - http://i.imgur.com/eTlZQWC.jpg

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POMA: This is really cool but I can see Katia beign so fat. No offence to artist but I had to make this -http://i.imgur.com/javOcRZ.jpg ; just for my mental health.

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POMA: Finnaly I quit my laziness and found a minute to fix that hand - http://i.imgur.com/TsNxC1g.jpg

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POMA: Yay for wasting 3 hours of my life! http://i.imgur.com/rL7zlAN.png

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POMA: And again I failed at drawing things I wanted. Initial plan was about memes and shovels...

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POMA: http://i.imgur.com/Fefqmhs.png - I just couldn't resist

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POMA: I question that life choise....

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POMA: I still can't get the joke

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POMA: @Olaffson:I think you've watched this yesterday: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1727

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POMA: More likely to be one of her dreams after watching Cyrodilic rat fighting an alligator

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POMA: I see myseterious ghost block and hard-rock mage robe :O

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POMA: @CaptainLackwit: Notice broken torso and quite big head for this angle of perspective.

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POMA: Well to be fair it's not good edit considering how much was cleared. You can see here that hairline is almost straight here which is not what can we see on other pictures of Nah on IG page. Also her jacket on the left side goes up in weird manner and flows right into her skirt instead of covering it.

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POMA: Pineapplepeak is Prequel's spiritual successor featuring unlucky courier girl, lovely law enforcer, huge bitch that ruins protagonist's life, vague references to pineapples and much much more. (Too bad it availible only in Russian)

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POMA: 7 seconds later -> http://i.imgur.com/iKAWFPS.png

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POMA: Anyways, noone will see it now with tons of new beatiful images =)

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POMA: http://i.imgur.com/7ElYmld.png - abit better quality of the same image

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POMA: @AMKitsune: It's Fortify Conjuration 100 and required 100 Willpower to equip. Haven't you seen anything of green lantern series?

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POMA: Katia's birthday is 8th of Sun's Dusk which is 11th month in Tamriel.

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POMA: meh. update - http://i.imgur.com/fG8ZPfG.png

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POMA: It's actually a level 0 fire spell for beardless wizardfolk.

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POMA: I just think it was the same layton crossover but of better quality.

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POMA: This is actually a reconstruction of communistic meeting before october revolution. I doubt this is srsly your kind of place - http://pravdamoskvy.ru/uploads/posts/2013-11/1383887957_43_page_5_image_0002.jpg

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POMA: Part of my references is his deviantart so sometimes you may see similarities in style and stuff.

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POMA: Weird Al suggests

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POMA: Sad cat. Status: not hugged for 3 days.
P.S. Still working with hundreds of references and can't really do anything by my own.

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POMA: @reiler12: Oh boy! You sure got sore serious case of furryfandomphobia! How is this picture even connected to the aforesaid fandom?
As for me I can say 3 things:
1) Wow 2) I would like to never see this picture again 3) This picture is fine to be on booru

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POMA: @MetalC0Mmander: I will sure do it. Right after I do something worthy.

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POMA: Again bits of dump of my pratice. Just say a word and ill stop posting these sumb sketches.

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POMA: First day on a ship.

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POMA: Dumb robot! You've spoiled everything!

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POMA: She's leaning back to see the sword from max distance, i think. About glits - I have no idea how to draw them so I just wasted 10 minutes drawing and redrawing them again and again; that's my best attempt.

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POMA: Uploaded the wrong image. http://i.imgur.com/8rfPc5Y.png - this is what it should look like.

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POMA: Katia visiting Anvil's Fighter's Guild.
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