Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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PermanentFace: A worthy addition to the featured masterpieces.

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PermanentFace: This is very cool.

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PermanentFace: I like this a lot.

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PermanentFace: This is rad.

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PermanentFace: Wait, where'd that Amulet of Silence come from?

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PermanentFace: Also, am I the only one who finds it a little weird how many pictures of her nipples we have on this site? It's not a popular subject, with Katia only having four that I'm currently aware of, and this is at least Rajirra's third. I've been working through the last dozen or so pages of pictures on this site, adding and adjusting tags, so I've had cause to take note of the tag's distribution.

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PermanentFace: A balance of dark and light? What light exactly does she bring to the table, besides being a long-haired cat girl over whom some people would like to project an air of canonically absent tragic innocence?

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PermanentFace: I'm with Zargothrax on this one. Seems like kind of an overreaction to swear off Prequel fanart just because someone mentioned your tags weren't particularly contextual.

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PermanentFace: See, Kaz, was that so hard.

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PermanentFace: And we never heard from him again.

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PermanentFace: This should be featured.

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PermanentFace: Quirk: Tippler

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PermanentFace: 20% fire resist on five or more separate pieces of gear.

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PermanentFace: **F**

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PermanentFace: This is very cool.

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PermanentFace: Oh yeah, that scene that just happened, right now, just a few moments ago. Totally not several months ago in the previous year.

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PermanentFace: She's done something with her hair.

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PermanentFace: Is it just my khajiit racism again or does Katia's older sister look exactly like older Katia?

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PermanentFace: The invisibility panel is comedic genius.

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PermanentFace: I can't believe it's been 72 years.

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PermanentFace: Yeah, this seems appropriate. Terrible dreams for the rest of her (short) life, as her guilt consumes her from the inside out.

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PermanentFace: Nice one.

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PermanentFace: This is pretty fucking hilarious.

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PermanentFace: Must have been. I just checked your tag and there are plenty that break the pattern. It was just five in a row, with at least one eye closed or obscured.

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PermanentFace: I was tagging some pieces earlier and it seemed like every one of yours I came across had her with one eye closed or obscured. Maybe just a coincidence, I guess.

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PermanentFace: Where is the 'plain_background' tag even coming from? I'm seeing it from loads of different users applied to pieces that don't even necessarily have a plain background.

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PermanentFace: Say, why is Katia always winking in your pictures, Iapma?

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PermanentFace: Katia is here pictured breaking the law. The Levitation Act of 3E421 expressly prohibits the use of levitation magic.

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PermanentFace: Kazerad has a demonstrated predilection for wanton destruction. I'm still hoping Rajirra gets eaten by Tyranids.

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PermanentFace: Quentin and Scleepy are completely different characters.

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PermanentFace: Kuro continuing to represent the underrepresented.

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PermanentFace: I'm inclined to agree. There's a lot of fantastic art on this booru.

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PermanentFace: The real joke here is that an argonian is wearing a snorkle.

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PermanentFace: Vaermina's boobs are the real nightmare.

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PermanentFace: Oh no, the tof.cx image is gone!

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PermanentFace: I mean, it's gotta be Arbonian. Right?

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PermanentFace: Great to see Eyetia making a comeback. One of the weirdest/best things this booru has spontaneously generated.

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PermanentFace: OTP

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PermanentFace: Did someone say 'perfect for the October feature'?

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PermanentFace: Best Nerevarine remains Best.

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PermanentFace: When are the mods going to get around to fixing the artist tags so that they're not case sensitive.

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PermanentFace: Why is 'pineapple_shorts' a thing.

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PermanentFace: Yeah, the Rudolph effect. People that abused you before you got famous will come crawling back once you make your fortune.

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PermanentFace: Technically speaking, none of Katia's actions have broken the law. While usually not APPRECIATED, they are perfectly legal under Imperial Law and therefore fine to do.

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PermanentFace: Yeah, this is almost an exact trace of the first panel, except with bigger boobs and a smile.

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PermanentFace: Rajirra's depravity knows no bounds. Trapping that awkward stranger in an attic to be killed by an impmaster murderboss wasn't enough. Now she's stealing Gaius' style!

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PermanentFace: Just a flesh wound. That'll teach her some manners for next time she locks someone in a room with a vicious beast.

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PermanentFace: Fuck it, it's happening.

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PermanentFace: Petition to consolidate the 'docks' and 'anvil_docks' tags into one 'docks' tag @mod
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