Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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PermanentFace: @Gren: On the contrary! I encourage you to check out Hope For You Yet: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/937#search=music

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PermanentFace: This is quite good! In a horrible sort of way.

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PermanentFace: Very nice!

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PermanentFace: I just can't believe we've never had Alien or Predator fan art on this booru before.

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PermanentFace: Damn it... In theory this should bear the 'featured_masterpiece' tag, considering how the featured masterpiece is featured so prominently in frame. But in itself, it is not a featured masterpiece, and thus may not be assigned that prestigious tag. I am so conflicted.

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PermanentFace: Please don't tag things as 'featured_masterpiece' if they have not been featured as a masterpiece by the moderators.

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PermanentFace: I love this. At least the mountain lion hasn't shown up yet.

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PermanentFace: Is this Cosplay? Or a crossover?

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PermanentFace: It might be the most offensive instance of Khajiit racism on the site, but I can't stop laughing at it.

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PermanentFace: Damn, I forgot the very_casually_underdressed tag. Thanks, bluedraggy.

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PermanentFace: We need more fan-art of this mighty hero.

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PermanentFace: And, I mean, as an AU it's gotta be fan-fiction by definition, right? Wouldn't it be better to use that existing tag than add a completely separate one for a particular brand of fan-fiction?

I have nothing against your drawings. I think you've got a lot of talent. But I do like to have things organized.

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PermanentFace: I absolutely love this.

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PermanentFace: Umbra is taken. It's the name of a cursed blade containing a fragment of Clavicus Vile, as well as the people it consumes.

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PermanentFace: Katia's parents are khajiit, but they were apparently indoctrinated into Hammerfell culture sufficiently that Katia doesn't really know much about being a cat.

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PermanentFace: What the Captain said. Kinda rubs me the wrong way you have Katia telling us that your OCs represent the true spirit of Prequel or whatever. Also the way you say you're not a 'true fan' if you care to express disapproval of someone else's fan-art.

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PermanentFace: It troubles me that I can't think of more tags to apply here.

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PermanentFace: You MIGHT be taking this OC business a little far...

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PermanentFace: This is the kind of fan-art I like to see. Katia Managan, well-rendered, in circumstances in which you might expect to find her.

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PermanentFace: Very nice.

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PermanentFace: This is magnificent.

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PermanentFace: Not that I've got anything against your weird OCs, but this is kinda supposed to be a Prequel fanart booru. Maybe there should be a fan-run thing for AUs and OCs?

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PermanentFace: That might be the tiniest pineapple I've ever seen.

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PermanentFace: This is pretty great.

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PermanentFace: 0/10, you depict Little Katia clutching a teddy bear instead of a guar plush.

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PermanentFace: [Something witty about a dead parrot.]

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PermanentFace: Also worth noting that tags are not titles and are not intended to serve the purpose thereof.

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PermanentFace: Everyone on this booru gets the same tag for their weird OC. There'd be too much overlap and too many obscure tags that only the poster would understand if each OC was tagged with its canon name.

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PermanentFace: These are the bosmer from the ship, right?

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PermanentFace: Wow, didn't know we had so many RACISTS on this booru.

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PermanentFace: No other antagonist in this story has spawned so many apologetics. And the only apologists Rajirra has seem to be those who want her to be their waifu.

I'm not sure why Rajirra of all characters has stirred up this kind of passion, but I blame the furries.

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PermanentFace: I quit the murder talk ages ago. But I don't want Kaz to shoehorn in a redemption for this character just because he's afraid of upsetting some of his fans. That would be a really disappoint narrative turn for me.

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PermanentFace: Hardly. I'm not being contrary in the slightest. I have maintained a single consistent position, which is that Rajirra has been depicted as a bad person and the only reason I can see that anyone would feel otherwise is that they are enamored with her and want her to be finagled into something better than she is.

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PermanentFace: Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. It belongs to those who seek it.

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PermanentFace: You can't be frenemies if one of you consistently tries to be nice and respectful and friendly while the other just as consistently is an overtly hostile bitch who views the first with unmitigated contempt. That's just a regular person and an asshole.

You also don't get a pass for being cute. Sigrid is a classical beauty (although I suppose she lacks the exoticism and/or fur that Rajirra has) and she doesn't get a pass. Or do you think pretty Sigrid deserves more chances as well?

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PermanentFace: There's no way barring the door so your partner can't escape is a 'blind reaction.' Nor is it in any way an acceptable or expected risk upon entering a casual partnership to be abandoned and sealed in with an enemy you are unprepared to fight. The idea that Katia is to blame in any respect for being locked in a deathtrap by someone who had agreed to help her (in exchange for an extortionate percentage of the prize money, no less) is appalling. If you weren't so infatuated with Rajirra, I suspect you'd see that, but... Well. Here we are.

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PermanentFace: Sashimi: I'm pretty sure Tavia says Rajirra collected the payment before she left. And the way Rajirra eyes Katia as she edges out of the room (not to mention barring the door with her spear) makes me think this was a calculated move and not a consequence of being out of her mind with fear.

And I'm not condemning a person, Luminosity. I'm condemning a fictional character. I see no reason to protect Rajirra. I see no reason for her to be given a second chance (more like third, fourth, or fifth, really, considering how many times she figuratively spat on Katia even before locking her in a deathtrap). She's not someone we need to care about to enjoy this story. She's just another asshole who's screwed over our protagonist, like Gharug and Sigrid.

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PermanentFace: @Sashimi: It astonishes me to hear you claim that Katia bears some responsibility for being locked in a room with a greater impmaster murder-boss while her erstwhile partner claims payment and runs. That's some grade-A victim blaming right there.

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PermanentFace: @LuminosityXVII: Katia isn't a bad person. She probably wouldn't want to full-on murder Rajirra. But do not try to diminish the fact that Rajirra tried to get Katia killed. She didn't just cut and run, she locked her in a room alone with a monster. And this does not break the character we've seen from her. As far as the 'flow of the narrative' is concerned, Occam's Razor and her previous interactions with Katia say we should probably assume her reasons aren't as convoluted as "she's pregnant with the innkeeper's child and has lost multiple children in the past" and she just honestly doesn't give a damn about Katia's life. That's a perfectly legitimate characterization. It's okay for pretty cat ladies to be bad people.

But anyway, Rajirra is all but guaranteed a death. The Oblivion Crisis wipes out everyone in Kvatch except for a handful of survivors which happens to include Sigrid. More's the pity. But I trust Kazerad to keep this story a Prequel and refrain from spinning it off into its own AU just to protect someone's waifu.

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PermanentFace: I'm not sure the khajiit_racism tag applies here. Is this a cat meme?

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PermanentFace: Katia tried being friends with Rajirra. Rajirra screwed her over in return.

This isn't a story about healthy conflict resolution, it's a spiral that (hopefully, for Katia's own sake) will land our protagonist in the Imperial Prison.

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PermanentFace: But seriously, there's so much abologism going about for this character who has been consistently represented in the actual story as a huge asshole who left Katia to die alone and afraid. I don't want her getting redeemed just because the fanbase thinks she's pretty.

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PermanentFace: @LuminosityXVII: You can never be too murdery.

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PermanentFace: As far as I'm concerned, Rajirra is a bad person, and no amount of fan-fan-fiction will change this. I think Katia is entitled to a bit of revenge, but perhaps it's for the best that she keeps her hands clean and lets Mehrunes Dagon serve as karmic executioner.

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PermanentFace: Get 'er, Katia! Snap that neck!

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PermanentFace: Dear god...

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PermanentFace: Why do people like the bartender so much? He's even worse than Rajirra.

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PermanentFace: Unless you're making a reference to Neptune, Roman god of the sea, by drawing attention to nets and diving gear?

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PermanentFace: Lingerie and diving hoods don't lead to Neptune in my head.

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PermanentFace: Is there context in which a JRPG party of Katia, Quill-weave, and Dmitri fighting a giant floating Sigmund Freud makes sense?
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