Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

Dramatic Descriptions

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PermanentFace: @Gren: *Dwemer, pretty sure. Not enough spikes to be Daedric.

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PermanentFace: @Mediocre_Scrublord: What does it say about us that I know which animation you're talking about?

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PermanentFace: @CatbeastLover: I prefer payment in cool, hard septims.

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PermanentFace: @CatbeastLover: I don't understand your reasoning.

I, like most of us I presume, hope very much that Katia is the Champion of Cyrodiil. But WE DO NOT KNOW THIS YET.

That Poma mentioned the Imperial Prison means... nothing. Poma, I'm pretty sure, doesn't have access to Kazerad's sketchboard, and so isn't any more qualified than you or I to speculate on what's to come.

What do you mean "which we can see coming?" We can guess that it's coming, but we do not KNOW.

The POSSIBILITY that Katia will become the Champion of Cyrodiil is blatantly obvious, but there is no GUARANTEE that this will happen.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: If the Oblivion Crisis hits before Katia leaves the city, we're even more screwed than I fear.

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PermanentFace: @Sasquatch_boote: You're all deluding yourselves. That Katia has just pwned the head off a Great Impmaster Murderboss in truly spectacular fashion means only that she has once again exhausted her accumulated karma and is now operating in a deficit. A crisis is incoming, mark my words.

Put me down for two grand on Katia being cheated out of her payment altogether by Rajirra, failing catastrophically to confront Sigrid, and plunging into another vortex of despair before sunrise.

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PermanentFace: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Ha! Hahaha! That is funny joke you make, comrade!

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: Who knew she could be so badass?

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PermanentFace: The whole "Rajirra is carrying Katia" social commentary doesn't really work after Katia single-handedly takes down an Imp Murderboss after being trapped in a room with it by Rajirra.

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PermanentFace: I'm not sure what the red fox thing is doing in the background, but I like the idea.

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PermanentFace: @Cool_Username: Speaking as the one who first introduced the anachronism and anatopism tags, I'm not sure if they really serve their purpose. It's difficult to tell exactly when they should be used and when they should not.

I'm thinking of reconfiguring the anachronism tag to refer only to artwork that represents characters in the Elder Scrolls setting in time periods to which they do not belong.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: You may be right.

In the wasteland that is the Youtube comment section, there was a trend some time ago of lay users setting their icon and name to those of famous content producers. Those dark times have left me mistrustful and bitter and unwilling to take a person's username at face value.

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PermanentFace: @sparton2005: I have no doubt Plague of Gripes is the artist. I just remain skeptical that the user posting on this booru is man himself.

Though I suppose I'm only basing this on the more aloof behavior of other Youtube celebrities. I may be mistaken.

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PermanentFace: Well played. But the People cannot be so easily quelled.

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PermanentFace: Obviously, actual merchandise would be listed under an improperly spelled sign.

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PermanentFace: @Kazerad: This is how the French Revolution got started.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: Pretty sure we're preparing to overthrow the corrupt and illegitimate rule of the Prequel Fanart Booru admins.

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PermanentFace: Because the admins of this board are the Illuminati and nobody understands why they do the things they do.

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm not familiar with that meme. Please correct the tags if you believe they are mistaken.

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PermanentFace: @Unidentified_BA: But what about this picture recommends itself to the title of featured masterpiece???

I regret that I can only question the featured masterpiece selection process in context critical of the work of artists such as Moss, but I do not apologize for requesting greater transparency in that process nor for expecting that it follow certain standards. This isn't 'Nam. There are rules. So what, I beg you are your standards?

Perhaps you operate simply on whim, but that answer
makes my teeth itch. I would like a better reason if you can provide one.

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PermanentFace: @Unidentified_BA: But why is a featured masterpiece? What is it about this two year old piece that inspired the admins to elevate it to that status?

It 'doesn't do a lot with the subject matter' in that it's a pretty vanilla portrait of Katia Managan. What makes this piece interesting?

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PermanentFace: Given the number of fan arts in the past by which Kazerad has been identified by his vest, I am willing to back down on this one.

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PermanentFace: 'VESTS' in all caps would not aid navigation through this database, particularly because this was the only image so tagged.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: You think we're here to have FUN? This is a matter of fan art, and proper and improper tagging! You think this is some kind of fucking GAME?

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PermanentFace: Do not oppose me. The tags WILL be perfected. You WILL be assimilated. Resistence is futile. Do not oppose me.

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PermanentFace: I cannot condone such profligate misuse of tags.

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PermanentFace: I feel I should note that Sleeps-Darkly wouldn't necessarily notice/care if poison were introduced to the well. Argonians are immune.

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PermanentFace: The sort of scarf bit and tunic hanging over the lower robes is Skyrim fashion.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: They don't have that kind of armor in Cyrodiil. It's a strictly Skyrim set.

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PermanentFace: I really love this one. Can we get a feature for this masterpiece?

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PermanentFace: Where does the name Sleeps-Darkly come from? And does Quill-Weave's feline counterpart have a name? As the indisputable most obsessively neurotic tagger on this site, I must know.

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PermanentFace: We need more artwork of people doing the mage hands, so that I can satisfy my insatiable hunger for tagging and spread yet another one of my own insidious inventions.

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PermanentFace: I move to establish the tag 'witch-hunter_control_panel' to be applied to artworks involving the blue magickal sigils that appear when our protagonist is calling upon her magic.

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PermanentFace: ......and the other was not a vere(y?) nice person...

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PermanentFace: Sorry:



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PermanentFace: s r b k
e a a a
k j s t
h i t i
m r e a
e r t
t a

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PermanentFace: ...khajiit worshiped above all else strange as one was a chronic fuckup and...

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PermanentFace: @Unidentified_BA: So what you're saying... is that... YOU'RE the person I have to kill to become an Admin.

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PermanentFace: @VashTheStampede: I crave power.

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PermanentFace: BOOM! Tagged less than a minute after it goes up. Do I have too much free time? Probably. Am I an admin yet? Apparently fucking not.

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PermanentFace: @PermanentFace: Apparently when Kazerad said "some time this weekend" he was referring to a hypothetical timezone in a distant meta-Russia.

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PermanentFace: I am delighted to see the tag 'fansnark' has caught on.

I understand the ETA for the next update was "Some time this weekend" a few weeks ago. C'est le Kazerad.

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PermanentFace: The Permanent Face, here for all your lazy tagging needs.

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PermanentFace: @Geravind: I think she's just robbing the store.
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