Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Radian: А еше колени немного подними, особенно левое. А так вроде ничего выходит.

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Radian: If you think this is the worst art just look at this:

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Radian: @Scrublord: Wow,so hot.

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Radian: @Scrubby: This is your fetish?
Colored version: http://i.imgur.com/kzoX5SB.jpg

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Radian: (

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Radian: attempt two:

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Radian: Dark Magic! try link: [url]www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1952 [/url]

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Radian: Everyone loves enchantments.

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Radian: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Well, I expected different reaction, but thanks.

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Radian: It's full of stars.

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Radian: @Radian: Oh, please forgive my incredibly silly mistakes. My English sucks sometimes.

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Radian: Really good. The fourth is best, on my opinion. I can't decide between yours and Sock's design, both are cool.

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Radian: I will never be a good designer =\

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Radian: @Rinrhajii: Just relax. You deserve it =)

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Radian: Well, my attempt. It's not as good as I want plus horribly unsymmetric and looks slightly different on Katia's sprite.

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Radian: The best ending.

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Radian: @RoninSmall: Ну это очевидно, я просто отметил сходство. Давай доделывай, хочу посмотреть на результат.

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Radian: @Geravind: Don't forget appropriate pic!

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Radian: @POMA: I don't agree with you sir! I think head is really good. In your version nose looks too long and narrow.

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Radian: Ты таки поднял свою задницу. Неплохо выходит надо сказать. Правда торчащая арматура мне напоминает сталкеров из Half-Life.
Why not adventurer pose like here?:

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Radian: It's funny how "love Kaz" contrasts with the rest...
or you mean... oh

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Radian: :D

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Radian: I completely mess up proportions, but
It's Katia in organic, magic powered armour.

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Radian: Just Rajirra want to lick imp's udder. Nothing special.

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: For me, with stripes she looks prettier and more... completed, I guess.
I can upload a version without stripes in hires if someone wants.

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Radian: @makingfailure: Picture? Or outfit? Or both?
Thanks anyway.

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Radian: One guy gave me this crazy idea and i was must to draw it. And yeah, it's outfit from makingfailure's last picture.

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Radian: Looks like all professional whitchhunters have cool sunglasses.

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Radian: we know

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Radian: Very good.

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: I thought everyone already know it.

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Radian: @POMA: I can't bring you vodka because my bear drink it. I send him to shop for new box of vodka while i find balalaika.

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: Glad to see it. I visit here because here more art, more discussion and all news appeared here (and i can understand their, more or less).

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: Why not? The prequel is truly a masterpiece, but I would not find it without @POMA's translate (and I thankful for it).

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Radian: Also, how about RSS for fanart page?

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Radian: @Geravind: Ну тут я с тобой немного поспорю.
Грудь немного больше чем в оригинале, но, на мой взгляд, смотрится нормально.
Тут у нее фигура более реалистичная поэтому выглядит худой. Бедра чуть шире и норм.

А мордаха приятная, да.

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Radian: @POMA For scientific research, right?

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Radian: @Sasquatch_boote: Don't sorry my friend, it was really funny.
I started it and I ready to take the rage of Dark Lord.

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Radian: It's dangerous experement, only brave hero can do it. So...
I dub you, Kight of Palm and Butt!

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Radian: @Man_Of_Mer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyA8odjCzZ4

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Radian: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
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