Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
Radian: @Sashimi: I just wanted him to stop think "oh, it's good, I should continue this way" and start to think "I should find a better way to work and practice".
Radian: Well, "not really good" doesn't mean "it sucks and you suck too". It's middle, neutral point between "bad" and "good". It's not bad and not wrong, it looks like work made by beginner who aren't know much (we all was here). Honestly I said so because of comments like "Excellent" and "Impressive".
If it's "The best I can do coloring at mu current skill level" then it's time to change something. Like a way how you work, way how you learn and what you think. Maybe it's time to learn your fundamentals.
The fact you are only coloring drawings dome by other people means you are skipping most important part. Take a pencil and start drawing. The better you becomes at drawing - the better you will understand the form - the faster and easier will be shading and coloring.
Other problem is what you are shading highly stylized drawings. I'd recommend draw\learn from photos or much better from live. Start with simple things.
This overpaint was very fast and I spent about half of the time cleaning and selecting different parts. (also I like to overpaint when it's about render, very relaxing)
@Sashimi: do you want to talk about it? ;) Got a critique - skip not helpful parts, analyze and use helpful parts. As I said it was more like "-oh mate, it's so good" "-no it isn't, you can do better if you...". Yeah, it could be worded better (I need better english skillz).
Damn, I need to learn how to not make walls of text. But art is kinda complex thing, it's hard to simplify.
Radian: Man, I don't want to look like asshole but it's not really good. Don't use black for shadows and white for lit parts. You are not advanced painter so use simpler tools, use blending modes.
Layer 1(2,3) - line and flat colors
Layer 2 - multiply, fill it all, use mask, erase lit parts, use softer brush, play with layer color with HSV curves
Layer 3 - multiply, paint shadows in parts like tits, armpits, fingers.
Or better check Makkon guide, he write and show it better (more complicated though).
Now go and make new Magnum Opus that will be much better than this.
Radian: Oh shi... for 5 days it's definitely not bad! I'm probably too used to see\hear about years of practice, 5 days is not much to learn how to be good artist. Keep practicing.
@AMKitsune: Imo high quality line art isn't the most important part of art. If you can do it - good, if you just draw lines in pretty much right place - it's probably enough. And eventually you'll learn how to draw lines good enough just by practice art.
Radian: Clean curves is not the thing you should care about now. Learn fundamentals, perspective, anatomy, lights and shadows and shit. Apply it to your pictures. This picture definitely doesn't looks like made by someone with 5 year of practice (no offense).
Radian: @Pronin: Krita have hotkey scheme for "from sai" users. But I personally don't use default hotkeys and my scheme highly customized.
For fill tool: check "fill entire selection" or "limit to current layer" in tool options. I use hotkey that fill all layer though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Pronin: Sai is good program but it's very simple, you can do a lot more in other programs. Also krita is cheaper ;) Btw I came to krita from sai.
PS updated brushpack.
Radian: @Pronin: I use krita with my own brushes:
The brush I used here not in pack yet but I'll update it very soon.
About 98% of this was done with Oils_1 brush, it feels very nice and mix colors wonderfully but paintery effects like here is kinda tricky, I still learning how to work with it. You'll need tablet with tilt support (for brush rotation) but you can use direction with angle lock, should be pretty close. And check other oils brushes too.
Radian: Hm, "you really need to work on getting better at art" doesn't sounds insulting for me. Who the hell don't really need to work on art gains? From my point of view it sounds like "keep going". At least if you see something like this you probably wont stop progressing. I fucking losing that the heck I want to say...
BUT this "advice" isn't very helpful, if you want to say picture sucks you should also say why it sucks, and in best case you should also say how to make it better.
Radian: Whew, this curviness is beyond limits. And I doubt it will be easy to use.
As I know curved swords have some advantages but it's about swords that curved to opposite direction.
Radian: Well done! As always :3
But I have a question: how much are you experimenting with art and techniques? It feels like you found one good workflow and keep doing everything the same way. Just thoughts...
I said it before but I'll do it again, I fucking love your designs.
Radian: I agree with Gera. Your style is, ahem, pretty unique but I can't say it's appealing (no offense). Aside from some mistakes (in Gera's comment) I want to say I particularly don't like the eyes, this is the thing that needs to be worked on. Maybe change the way you draw eyes, study a bit.
Nice, appealing face is very important, eyes is important for face. Everything else is pretty much good.
@Geravind: В целом согласен. Надо бы таки заскульптить Катькину голову, буду увереннее себя чувствовать.
To others: it's mostly critique and it's mostly useful only for me.
@RoninSmall: @picartosux: А мне весело :D Хотя в этот раз действительно многовато, но я не сказал бы что кто-то виноват. Просто мой арт так хорош что собирает стадионы :D
Radian: Thanks!
@Furrymoan: Dark magic! Actually, some strokes done with clone brush, that way you can paint with multiple colors at once, sort of. I use krita but you can do pretty much same in PS with mixer brushes.
Radian: @Geravind: Не видишь выпукости теней? А она есть...
Перспектива криволинейная. Сигрид если и мелковата но совсем чуть чуть. Катю можно было бы сделать больше,да. Хотя тогда она с балки грохнется.
Это не дрова, это свитки :'(
Radian: @bluedraggy: It took 2 hours from start to finish, and it isn't actually fast. Actually I should been spend more than zero time to construction.
Things becomes easier and faster if you have experience. Learn fundamentals, analyze everything, spend any amount of time you need to do good work and eventually you will be able to make more in less time.
Radian: @Geravind: "Ой, село ты криворукое..." - отличное начало :D
Плечо - разве что немного. Шея - да, я и сам заметил но поздно, было лень переделывать. Ухи - черт, они действительно где-то в заднице. Морда - а какую бы ты сделал если бы тебя заставляли позировать голым? ;) Волосы - это прическа такая. Сиси действительно зажаты между рук, у правой просто ракурс лучше. Др? Волосы просто отдельная модель, торчит прямиком из головы :)
Пытался имитировать ощущение как от 3д но похоже не вышло, все-таки цвета не совсем те.
Radian: @cataphractz: Well, at least one of your tags are correct :D
And you can't just change icon, you have to go to other site (I don't remember) register account where and finally change icon. No idea why it's so complicated and stupid :\
Also, welcome?
Radian: @bluedraggy: Maybe I downplay a bit, I just see flaws here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and actual paper looks much better than this photo. This drawing is pretty okay, I just need to get used to pencils. Also I rather compare myself with myself in digital where I have more experience.
Thanks for kind words!
Radian: I have very small experience with traditional art, this one is my fourth pencil drawing...
On the photo it looks even shittier than reality, and I have no scanner :\
Radian: @Geravind: Старается же :р Со щитом косяк но в изначальной идее она одновременно атаковала мечем и защищалась от этого меча щитом, эдакая двойная тренировка.
Dramatic Descriptions
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У каза с определенных ракурсов вообще глаза чуть не выпадывают.
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@Geravind: текстура глаз?
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you make me blush
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Зато хвост не километровый :^)
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Great art btw.
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If it's "The best I can do coloring at mu current skill level" then it's time to change something. Like a way how you work, way how you learn and what you think. Maybe it's time to learn your fundamentals.
The fact you are only coloring drawings dome by other people means you are skipping most important part. Take a pencil and start drawing. The better you becomes at drawing - the better you will understand the form - the faster and easier will be shading and coloring.
Other problem is what you are shading highly stylized drawings. I'd recommend draw\learn from photos or much better from live. Start with simple things.
This overpaint was very fast and I spent about half of the time cleaning and selecting different parts. (also I like to overpaint when it's about render, very relaxing)
@Sashimi: do you want to talk about it? ;) Got a critique - skip not helpful parts, analyze and use helpful parts. As I said it was more like "-oh mate, it's so good" "-no it isn't, you can do better if you...". Yeah, it could be worded better (I need better english skillz).
Damn, I need to learn how to not make walls of text. But art is kinda complex thing, it's hard to simplify.
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Layer 1(2,3) - line and flat colors
Layer 2 - multiply, fill it all, use mask, erase lit parts, use softer brush, play with layer color with HSV curves
Layer 3 - multiply, paint shadows in parts like tits, armpits, fingers.
Or better check Makkon guide, he write and show it better (more complicated though).
Now go and make new Magnum Opus that will be much better than this.
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@AMKitsune: Imo high quality line art isn't the most important part of art. If you can do it - good, if you just draw lines in pretty much right place - it's probably enough. And eventually you'll learn how to draw lines good enough just by practice art.
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For fill tool: check "fill entire selection" or "limit to current layer" in tool options. I use hotkey that fill all layer though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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@Pronin: Sai is good program but it's very simple, you can do a lot more in other programs. Also krita is cheaper ;) Btw I came to krita from sai.
PS updated brushpack.
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The brush I used here not in pack yet but I'll update it very soon.
About 98% of this was done with Oils_1 brush, it feels very nice and mix colors wonderfully but paintery effects like here is kinda tricky, I still learning how to work with it. You'll need tablet with tilt support (for brush rotation) but you can use direction with angle lock, should be pretty close. And check other oils brushes too.
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BUT this "advice" isn't very helpful, if you want to say picture sucks you should also say why it sucks, and in best case you should also say how to make it better.
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As I know curved swords have some advantages but it's about swords that curved to opposite direction.
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But I have a question: how much are you experimenting with art and techniques? It feels like you found one good workflow and keep doing everything the same way. Just thoughts...
I said it before but I'll do it again, I fucking love your designs.
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Nice, appealing face is very important, eyes is important for face. Everything else is pretty much good.
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@Pronin: No idea, usually I get much less russian comments.
@Enheldor: Enjoy :D I'm pretty sure there is many people from other countries\languages, but russian one is more or less active.
@BlakeWolf5113: Whoooo!
@Geravind: В целом согласен. Надо бы таки заскульптить Катькину голову, буду увереннее себя чувствовать.
To others: it's mostly critique and it's mostly useful only for me.
@RoninSmall: @picartosux: А мне весело :D Хотя в этот раз действительно многовато, но я не сказал бы что кто-то виноват. Просто мой арт так хорош что собирает стадионы :D
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@Baz1S: Что там дальше следует?
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Если Катя себя изжила что ты тут делаешь? ;)
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@Furrymoan: Dark magic! Actually, some strokes done with clone brush, that way you can paint with multiple colors at once, sort of. I use krita but you can do pretty much same in PS with mixer brushes.
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We will await for more cute Katias, you know...
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Khajit waifu is the best waifu :^)
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Перспектива криволинейная. Сигрид если и мелковата но совсем чуть чуть. Катю можно было бы сделать больше,да. Хотя тогда она с балки грохнется.
Это не дрова, это свитки :'(
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W-wait, "amulet_of_silence"? oh you..
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than zerotime to construction.Things becomes easier and faster if you have experience. Learn fundamentals, analyze everything, spend any amount of time you need to do good work and eventually you will be able to make more in less time.
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Плечо - разве что немного. Шея - да, я и сам заметил но поздно, было лень переделывать. Ухи - черт, они действительно где-то в заднице. Морда - а какую бы ты сделал если бы тебя заставляли позировать голым? ;) Волосы - это прическа такая. Сиси действительно зажаты между рук, у правой просто ракурс лучше. Др? Волосы просто отдельная модель, торчит прямиком из головы :)
Пытался имитировать ощущение как от 3д но похоже не вышло, все-таки цвета не совсем те.
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@XenoYparxi: Так и планировал, пасиб.
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Not sure if it should be questionable.
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And you can't just change icon, you have to go to other site (I don't remember) register account where and finally change icon. No idea why it's so complicated and stupid :\
Also, welcome?
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Thanks for kind words!
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On the photo it looks even shittier than reality, and I have no scanner :\
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Also I probably should try out that new pencil I bought a month ago...
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