Toryu-Mau: Paper airplane batting is cool and all, but I'm not sure whether Stehngir is attempting to play lymbo or dodge the plane or is pretending to be a captive or all three at the same time? Or am I entirly misunderstanding the situation on screen and everything happening is much more sinister then I can comprehend? :?
Toryu-Mau: This makes me wonder if it counts as a homerun if a baseball brakes in half? If he manages to strike a bowling ball flying too, he may have found a less self destructive career for himself in sports just now.
Toryu-Mau: Hehe, Nice satire on eye size to adorability ratio. AKA "Kinderschema" It's kind of funny that out of all the countrys that could have done a documented research on what makes things Cute, Germany was the first.
Toryu-Mau: I'd totally put this up as a tapastry on silk screen. Now, excuse me as I observe in great detail and attempt to emulate the techniques involved. And most likely fail a literal hundred times before "Getting it".
Toryu-Mau: Wait, I recognize this style. Fischbach?!
Cool, I had no idea Markiplier's Bro was in Prequeldom. But then again, considering his web comic is anthrophomorphic he would be sabby in the scene.
Toryu-Mau: @Geravind: Is this where our fair maiden encounters a magnificently bearded man in a vest sitting on a glass throne, hunched over a curiouse Dwenmery Pewter box? What devastating truth does he know that we do not?
Toryu-Mau: @Wafflehead_Man: "Good dog, Best friend" Indeed, Becquerel truely is a girl's Bestest friend EVER. Given that he has literally out-lived every other dogs.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Awkward bumps are +
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So much nostalgia rolled into a ball here.
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The Beast has been unleashed!
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Katia be like, Nu'uh, Rawl rawl! >:□}-<
LoL, This is so Fun to watch.
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Have thyne eyes be burned by golden juices.
Aye, aye.
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Third time watching and my brain still trips right the heck out.
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No idea what it could be.
Anyone else have ideas?
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Been saving up to dump a bunch of awsome on us, eh? ;]
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Sadcat: Oh... uhm, ok. :[
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( Squeezes lemon on a pretzel )
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Or did it suceed at being slippery?
Either case, hilarity was ensured. :P
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BB: "I Want To Play A Game. My Game."
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Did Vaermina mess with Quill's dream for LoLs?
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"Huh, must have been a Guar."
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PS: ¡ENCHANTMEN! has negative perception confirmed.
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Cool, I had no idea Markiplier's Bro was in Prequeldom. But then again, considering his web comic is anthrophomorphic he would be sabby in the scene.
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Admire it, but make it quick because... you know, it's fire... on your Hand. Ouch. XP
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Quill looks so happy! *'w'*
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It Undulates like my sanity. }:]
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