Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: Thanks, that was actually pretty helpful. The new ones I made are now all 256x256, 4bit for compatibility on all desktops, and significantly brighter. I also went ahead and made the border a bit smoother for the resolution and it actually came out nice I think.
So this:

Turns into this:

That's zoomed in quite a bit, so if you want to see it regularly go here.

@Vinarto: You had a good point, so I redid the shadows to seem a bit more natural. I hope this is better

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Toxic: Quick poll: game icon. If none of these are up to your code, feel free to suggest or submit a different one.

Also keep in mind that it'll be a lot smaller on your desktop, about this size:

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Toxic: Thank you Pocky, very cool!

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Toxic: omae wa mou shindeiru

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Toxic: Probably going to start posting updates to the youtube channel.

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Toxic: @Sashimi: It's back and it's gonna be better. I spent some time learning new things and have since assembled a small group to help me make this game.

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: That comparison was exactly what I had in mind. And yes, I do plan to add a lot of variety and interaction.

Following your advice, realistic V2 has been created and will be used rather than the "realistic" shown above.

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: I'm more of showing these textures as a reference to how the entire game would be textured. For example, if I use original, the entire game would be colored and shaded to match the original's color. If I use the recolor, the entire game and environment would be colored accordingly.

For example,

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Toxic: Just a quick vote. Before I make a whole bunch of in-game animations, I need to know what texture preset you guys would prefer.

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Toxic: @Asperger_kitten_1337: 'fraid not, my friend. The truth must be known.

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Toxic: @XenoYparxi: Yeah you're right, I'll make sure to keep that in mind next time and put more effort into it.
@AMKitsune : Thanks, I actually was wondering what he used.

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Trust no one

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Toxic: Experimenting with Kaz's style.

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Toxic: @XenoYparxi: It is indeed an M14

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Toxic: The wasteland is a dangerous place for a cat

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Toxic: Short gif to showoff a Rajirra animation I made.

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Toxic: I think I've got the hang of art for now. With superhuman effort and lots of practice, anything can be achieved.

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I still plan to make it, I figured it would just be for the best if I focused on smaller games and build my skill before I jump into something as big as that.

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Toxic: Ignore the white pixels on the left door, key, and sword- there was a transparency glitch during export.

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Toxic: Preview of another game.
Similar to the gameplay and style of games like The Binding of Isaac.

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Toxic: @CandyDragon: The sound make the whole thing better. Note to anyone reading this: Make sure your volume is up to get the full experience!

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Toxic: @Rick2tails: @Unidentified_BA: Perhaps the kind eagle lady is offering Katia a drink?

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Toxic: Do you think 191 comments on a single image breaks some kind of record on this site?

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Toxic: If somehow you don't know where these images are from, you can find 95% of them in the comment section here

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Toxic: It has reached its final form
Or go to the YouTube video version here

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: If it is the will of the gods, then I will argue not. Perhaps it is time to close the loop.

Look here, an ordinary scene. But if we look ever closer...

It is revealed that it was here all along!

And thus, the circle is closed. The missing link has been returned. The revolution that has remade a generation has come to its conclusion. But what will become of such a treasure? The answer we must find on our own.

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Toxic: Oh would you look at the time

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Toxic: @Toxic: or not

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Toxic: @lapma: That's a wonderful pictire here I'll fix that link

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Toxic: @CandyDragon: If you are implying that I make the next image Quill hallucinating whilst drunk, then yes; I'd say it is most certainly booze o'clock

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Toxic: Always watching

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I will. Enjoy your trip!

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I was just busy the last few days. I've got plenty of plans for this coming down the pipeline.

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Toxic: But let us not forget what Katia was doing in that shop anyhow. She had a sign to redesign, remember?

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Toxic: "You’re the best fucking pen in Cyrodiil."

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Toxic: @Evilpopcorn: It will never stop

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Toxic: @CandyDragon: I was already on it

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I will happily take responcibility for my role in this

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Toxic: @Sashimi: This is getting intense

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I've never seen such majestic art in my life. I feel it is my divine duty to choose the red pill.

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Toxic: @Sashimi: How deep does the rabbit hole go?

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Toxic: @Rick2tails: All the same down here

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Toxic: whoops

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Toxic: @Sashimi: Did someone say "bastardizing artwork"?

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Toxic: @bluedraggy: Before we loop back, we need to make sure that we stretch this as far as possible, leaving no loose ends, using every possible character.

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Toxic: @Sashimi: I'm eager to please!
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