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Dramatic Descriptions

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Zerorganic: i like it ^^. But i feel like you should add more frames between the blinking.. its a bit too fast. Also i feel like giving the blinking animation more frames in general would also kinda help.Adding some slight pupil movement would make her look a lot more alive too i guess. But i might be wrong here. Im learning animation right now too and so im still hyper noobish. So i assume my criticism could be wrong there. In terms of the drawing itself... what can i say. you really captured the feeling of katia! So Good Job ^^, I like it a lot

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Zerorganic: i dont know why.... but it kinda looks like she wears a hoodi. Hoodis are hot

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Zerorganic: the point that katia has no long her makes her mor appealing in my opinion. But we had this discussion more than often enough xd

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Zerorganic: i think my brain just died

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Zerorganic: im not that new in terms of skyrim modding. Im working on a mod that puts a playable katia 3d model and some of her clothes into the game. The book system is kinda simpel. But if you have experience with oblivion modding... is it possible to convert those models so that they can be used in oblivion ?

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Zerorganic: i was thinking about adding the prequel story as a skyrim book into the game lol. Sadly you acted on the book idea first

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Zerorganic: (i should correction read before posting stuff... god damn)

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Zerorganic: Okay. I took some time to think about this pice. its not as bad as i thought, but it has problems. would e nice if you could tell me what you think. So i can imrove with your feedback.

I would say the facial animation are good. i mean... this was the main point of this animation. But i should draw more head angles for transitions. Using this werid motion blur effect isnt good.

Maybe i should have made something with her body ? i mean. the focus is supposed to be on her face. But d u think its lame that er body doesent move at all ?

And the pain problem is... her arm. Im not sure how you see this. But i hate how his movement did turn out. The main problem i had was his lenght. Like... using a normal arm lenght was too short because of the size of katias head. So i had to play a bit around. Maybe it would look better if her shoulders or her tunic would move a bit more togheter with her arm. What do u think about the arm ?

An the last point...its not so important but i think its meh: some outlines are mote thiccer than others. Some parts dont even have lines. I made this beause this givs me the possibilty to hide stuff nd little mistakes that come with the animation model. But i should have ad sme lines. Problem was... i did think too late about that. Also my plan of postediting in photoshop did die hard.

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Zerorganic: its just sad that i wasted much time on this

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Zerorganic: to be honest i see this a failure and as succes at the same time. The piece as a whole i meh. But i learned that things wont work out on the wy i did originll plan and i have an idea how to improve future stuff

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Zerorganic: I did split up her body in different pieces. This allows me to move those by setting coordination and rotation points for every frame. Not the smartest and skilled way to animate but ye.... i doubt that im able to draw frame by frame animations. And this was my first try working with it. So yea.. things wil improve

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Zerorganic: wish the data limit would allow me to add more facial expressions and edit it more in general but yea.... this is my answer to damroks ,,Expression challenge''... was this even a challenge ? Well i took it as an opportunity to create my first animation. Still need to figur things with my katia animation model out tho.Things are still a bit rough.Hope you guys still like it

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Zerorganic: quation is... what did he want to do to her

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Zerorganic: I would like the drawing if it was katia. But in terms of Rajiira i think i made my point clear

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Zerorganic: But i may be wrong here. This kind of action is supposed to be quick. So a panel between those 2 might slow it down too much

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Zerorganic: i like it a lot! Also i realy like the layout. But i have the feeling that there is a panel missing. Between the first and second one. Wish there was kind of a reaction shot before she is being dragged down into the water. Yes you could say the second panel is what i want. But i dunno. It feels too quick somehow. Like something is missing

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Zerorganic: @Rick2Tails u think this is much ? U dont want to see what i made with his work in progres version of this drawing xd

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Zerorganic: https://s12.directupload.net/images/200724/5zvnu6cc.png

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Zerorganic: (and with work in progress i mean i did lose the newest head file by messing around in blender)

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Zerorganic: but i guess i will have it done in 2 weeks or so.

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Zerorganic: its still work in progress. Im sorry

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Zerorganic: i like this drawing. It looks really amazing. Great Shading, great concept and everything. Really looks like an old painting. (im also sorry for my awful edit. Its kinda like a Tradition)

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Zerorganic: @Damrok https://s12.directupload.net/images/200722/tzoe2gjh.png

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Zerorganic: i love when this happens

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Zerorganic: dont be too mean to kati

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Zerorganic: Really good drawing tho. I also feel katia would really try to fish like this

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Zerorganic: But.... Katia wears the new outfit in Lapmas piggy pic

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Zerorganic: Looks cute. Pig really shouldnt mess with dangerous stuff tho

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Zerorganic: Hmmm..... i could try to recreate some Panels in 3d.... but i dont know. Is this interesting ? I was already planing to 2d animate some of them as a training

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Zerorganic: Maaan. I didt mean this when i said ,,katias clothes are a bit too loose''

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Zerorganic: It takes a lot to convince me of the quality of my own works. Especially if im highly invested in it

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Zerorganic: The comic got updated.. its the first time i see new official Katia drawings. And i just realized.... the model *actually* really does look like katia. Im fucking proud of this becuase it feels like i made something that is good

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Zerorganic: wait did she draw the whole piece or that was katia is drawning on the paper ?

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Zerorganic: *to

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Zerorganic: Work smarter not harder. But yea.... converting it too vektor is too easy and lame

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Zerorganic: i would do atleast convert my lineart to vektor before coloring it. But i like my angular style and converting it would make all lines round

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Zerorganic: just convert it to vektor https://s12.directupload.net/images/200719/56ycima3.png

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Zerorganic: cute and nice idea. I also really love how you draw her side view head. Those black eye-outlines are also something i love.Or in general. i like the thiccness of your lines

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Zerorganic: whats so bad about mudcrabs tho

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Zerorganic: funny to see how it started.

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Zerorganic: ahhh its the chapel lady. I still dont like the ongoing joke that every khajiit looks like katia... or more like they all look the same. But one thing is sure...i love that like every character has some fan art.Only wish rajirra hasnt

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Zerorganic: Im glad you love it!. As is said... this mod was the reason why i did start modding. And holy.. im working on this for months now. Learning here and there something new and always coming back to apply it to the katia model. i just learned yesterday that i can edit the main mesh without killing the tri files. Wanted to edit those at some point... it ended with a flat head katia. i also converted this mod so it can be used in skyrim se. did ask you on the nexus if im allowed to upload it. or upload my edit in general. May i ask you something ? I assume this model had a hand with 4 fingers and cat like feet. At least that was written at some point. Do you still have those files ? I would love to use them. If im allowed to do so. In generali hopeyou approve my work since i have high respect towards you as the original creator

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Zerorganic: who is weedum-ja ?

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Zerorganic: really cute and good art. But i kinda have the feeling her left leg (our point of view) ends nowhere

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Zerorganic: so mean. Hope he wont find his way to the front side tho

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Zerorganic: Ingame footage ( i also feel like the end of the video is katias life in a nutshell so far ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WCfFWB9ytI&feature=youtu.be

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Zerorganic: But i changed mostly her face animations on the last one. Look at her eyes and eyebrows. They are more expressiv. Every Katie here has the same puzzled or more like uncomfy face

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Zerorganic: @KuroNeko thanks ^^. And yes, i changed the head but not too much. I only gave her face more cat fluff by adding her cheek fur. The original model was just kinda flat there.

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Zerorganic: The base model is really good in my opinion. Thats why i did even start to get into skyrim modding. I saw so much wasted potential because. it looks much better than most of the other models we have on the nexus and it could even look better with more work put into it. But to be honest I questioned some of his design decisions. Like her eyes and the weird ass chin he gave her. Not to talk about the lack of fur. But ive' gotta admit. its hard to balance this stuff. Making her kinda fit into the world of skyrim but also making her look like katia and keeping her art style.Dont know if i did succed with that or not. But for me its not weird to see her running around in this world and my brain still goes ,,naaaaw thats katia, my manacat'' if i stop for a second and look at her idle animations

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Zerorganic: Updating... huff... i feel weird about my new verions all the time. I really want people to go ,,oh, this is Katia! But in 3d!'' if hey see the model. So.. maybe u want to leave some Feedback ? I would really
appreciate it. I want this to be good
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