Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Zerorganic: Eh let’s just ignore the typing mistakes

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Zerorganic: Also i have no clue how to tag correctly

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Zerorganic: Im still creating Assits for the Prequel Animations i wanna do and yea.... i love this face so i made this here quick. Can we make Kati cry by making her happy for once ? This Cat need some love

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Zerorganic: I can’t remember where exactly you can find this picture. But I know it was somewhere near the beginning. The context of this picture was that Katia imagines herself being competent

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Zerorganic: Just let the boy like his cat boobs. Katia has way more to like about her tho

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Zerorganic: @Tabby why chill ? I hope my text didn’t come across aggressively D:... frick. And what exactly do you mean with remasters ? I don’t have anything against those in general. As long as it’s close enough to the source material. But it’s fine for me if it differs but only if that’s the purpose and goal of the creation. Something like a reimagining. But in terms of that a reimagining has to convince me on its own and can’t rely on the opinions and emotional connection I have to the original source. I count those things strictly apart.

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Zerorganic: @Tabby_Catface because some people do prefer this cartooni look because it feels more like Katia. For example.... I would say this model here looks amazing in quality. This guy is good at modeling. But I wouldn’t use it if I want to play as Katia in Skyrim. U may say ,,but why, this fits much more into the world of Skyrim „. Yes, it does. It fits much more into the game and is perfect if u want to play as a yellow Khajiit. But it doesent capture Katia for me because it differs too much in terms of artstyle. Now u may say ..yea but that’s the point“ so the answer is : people do have personal opinions

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Zerorganic: The Quality of this is really good! But it kinda looks like old Grandma Katia

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Zerorganic: Thanks both of u ^^. But i really think i need to add something. It looks so blank

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Zerorganic: @Zargothrax Yea, its from this mod. It may not be the best Katia Model in terms of quality but i still think its the best one we have so far in my opinion. For me It captures the feeling of ,,yes, this is our yellow sadcat'' the best. And gosh... after removing this mesh part i was literally like ,,oh not... Eyetia is really everywhere''

KuroNeko3D: I really love how it seems that this is an ongoing theme xd

Rick2Tails: Catboobs ?

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Zerorganic: maybe i should add something like a belt ?

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Zerorganic: Katia is having a nice day. Running around and doing ... katia stuff. Well. Im close to finishing up my katia-clothes-mod. This little tunic is the first and only upgrade of katias dress. I assume wearing a dress isnt that practical if you are a wannabe adventurer. So i did decide to give her something thats more suited

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Zerorganic: yea.... it was a bad idea to do that

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Zerorganic: Kazerad streams ?

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Zerorganic: i still doubt that quill is into katia

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Zerorganic: chubby lazy katia

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Zerorganic: Why is Eyetia even a thing

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Zerorganic: @damrok4321 Yea thats a good idea. But tbh.. im not able to do something like that. This is my first skyrim mod
and im too inexperienced. Also the implementation of invisibility is way more than i wanted to do with this mod. I just wanted to bring katias armor and robe into skyrim, mainly because of the fact that i play as katia and wanted to let her get her stuff back as part of my personal skyrim story which lets her grow as a person and become the dragonborn.i dont want to implement new gameplay elements.... i just want to let you find those clothes and let you update them with materials you do gather.

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Zerorganic: i mean... i could do that. I just force the game to load nothing of katias character model if you equip it but is it really worth it ? :P

But tbh i thought about putting it into the mod too.If people want it, ill do so i guess.... but the main problem here is that i cant
implement invisibility on a satisfying way... and.... i dont really like the design of the robe so much, so yea.. i dunno.

Would only impliment the robe if interest is high enough. Because i have no reasion to create her for myself because i wouldnt wear it.
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