Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...

Dramatic Descriptions

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doodlemancer: @Tahrey: Well my sketch lines are rather clean so I cover most of them when I ink my sketches...in short I'm rather good at this cos I've been doing this for a long time

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doodlemancer: I keep asking myself this every day too ( ; _ ; )

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doodlemancer: @Tahrey: Did the sketch wiv pencil first though...you can still see the pencil lines

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doodlemancer: @Geravind: he's supposed to spiral upwards...also no, he ain't a genie in a bottle

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doodlemancer: Tried to upload photo from my phone and wasn't sure how the image got flipped in the process. Somehow this view seems to work better in highlighting his madness, so happy accident I guess?

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doodlemancer: would totally upvote this

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doodlemancer: lovin the details on the armor and the shine

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doodlemancer: lookin' fine

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doodlemancer: @Tahrey: We'll have to check her Unarmed level

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doodlemancer: Karma's a bitch. A little something to kick off the new year I guess ;)

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doodlemancer: another sleepless night for QW i guess

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doodlemancer: just give in QW!

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doodlemancer: this is amazing!..now for some icing/chocolate to highlight the lines...

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doodlemancer: I have no idea what's going on here but I like it

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doodlemancer: i am so disgusted and impressed by this character right now

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doodlemancer: adorable!

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doodlemancer: this is so rad

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doodlemancer: NICE

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doodlemancer: @Tahrey: That basically sums up everything about the manga series ^_^

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doodlemancer: Stand Name: Crazy Yoyo
Stand Ability: Telekinesis
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: E
Precision: A
Potential: B

Description: Able to move objects according to the user's will. Furthermore, the stand is able to vibrate an object on a molecular level, causing it to heat up and catch fire rapidly. Currently limited to 1 object at about 3m (10 ft) from the user and efficacy decreases with wieght of the object, but the user is capable of affecting heavier and more objects with training.

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doodlemancer: Had this idea when someone commented that the fire giant in <a href="http://doodlemancerart.deviantart.com/art/Purr-sona-Prequel-Persona-Crossover-526273531">my previous drawing</a> looked like a stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. So here's my take if Katia was in the Jojo universe :)

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doodlemancer: nice~~~

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doodlemancer: :'(

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doodlemancer: Portrait of the most charming mage in all of Kvatch :)

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doodlemancer: @Gren: technically it was Sigrid who did the backstabbing and stealing...all he did was watch

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doodlemancer: tried blending with a different brush which made blending much easier. Overall color scheme turned out rather dull tho imo

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doodlemancer: apart from the missing nipples he's looking pretty good

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doodlemancer: Remember Aggy.

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doodlemancer: @Bob: thats a good question! I myself can't tell whether the brown or black-haired dude is the breton... we need your clarification oh great Kazerad \o/

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doodlemancer: like a boss

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doodlemancer: some cats just wanna watch the world burn

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doodlemancer: @Man_Of_Mer: none taken...in fact, I take that as a compliment (^_^)

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doodlemancer: @Grape: deal with it (⌐■益■) ... also, this pleases Vaermina greatly

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doodlemancer: coloured version is done~~~ posted it a few hours ago

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doodlemancer: it's finally done~~~

anyways not sure whether I can post the uncensored version here so I'll put a link to it on my DA page instead:


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doodlemancer: dat expression frm Rajirra ლ(o◡oლ)

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doodlemancer: reminds me of the lady on those Everquest Online covers

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doodlemancer: @Nefel: thanks :) and @VashTheStampede: it's better if you stick to the manga since the anime ends way earlier than the manga

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doodlemancer: oh, and Angel Densetsu is pretty funny too

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doodlemancer: @VashTheStampede: it's only an awesome manga about half-demon female warriors killing monsters so yes it's good

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doodlemancer: @Man_Of_Mer: Claymore by Yagi Yorihiro... he also created this other manga called Angel Densetsu

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doodlemancer: @Nefel: incidentally she was demonstrating her new sword technique but WHOOPS SHE SCREWED UP then some 20 odd warriors became mincemeat

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doodlemancer: I present to you number 13 of the organization, Katia the Pineapple Slicer. Just a random crossover idea that hit me a couple of days ago.

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doodlemancer: @Kazerad: ok i shall proceed with the all-male cast then :)

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doodlemancer: @Gren: my god its the persona Surt from the Shin Megami Tensei games... google Shin Megami Tensei Surt and you'll see what I mean

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doodlemancer: @Man_Of_Mer: like i mentioned in my previous comment, there are no penises drawn in this pic and

@MetalC0Mmander: the original pic seems to feature all men ...@Kazerad pls confirm whether this is true or not

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doodlemancer: @tronn: no tts Surt from the Persona series by Atlus... further details:


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doodlemancer: @Kazerad: thanks! also, i was reading Jojo's bzarre adventure when I drew this so yup :)

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doodlemancer: incidentally, i didn't draw the willies in this sketch but put up the pineapples anyway just to make it lewd lol

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doodlemancer: @tronn: will do! it's just that given my ever growing backlog of todo art + the sheer amount of time to do a decent coloured version means that you might not see it till next month (or longer if i decide to do more fanart of my skyrim ocs)
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