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Dramatic Descriptions

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lapma: That has something special about it, i guess eyes and those dots makes it for me, overall cute and unique.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: Oh I love that feeling, sadly it is rare for me, still great piece

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lapma: HELLO THERE*hic*, You know... I'M a mage too.
And that's how she meet Dmitri.

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lapma: I kinda dont know what to say, It is just awesome.

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lapma: @AMKitsune: I guess the only relatable part is being tired of waiting.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: @Zargothrax: Nice, I guess great minds work similarly.

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lapma: It seems that someone is tired of waiting...

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lapma: @Tabby_Catface: Im using huion myself (1060 plus).

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lapma: @Tabby_Catface: Cool, any specific model on your mind?

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lapma: @AMKitsune: She could have just licked it to check it out.

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lapma: @Tabby_Catface: I would never post some kind of secret message to influence your subconscious. And also i did not make this picture because i cant keep rat pets in my home but i want too and im kinda mad about this.

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lapma: It seems those rats aren't as bad as Quill makes them sound.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: Your idea is way better then mine. And i would feel bad to say "Yea thats what i ment"

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lapma: @Zargothrax: Once you said that, all I can see are baby legs instead of her sitting cross-legged.

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lapma: It has been a while since the last time i drew her in Elsweyr, but I always enjoyed doing that (I love those warm colors) so I figured it wont hurt to do it again.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: And We would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!!!

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lapma: @Zargothrax: Well we have prof that it was a work of fithy namira cultist. Here is a link to source and "author's" comment https://twitter.com/WAHKI_KI/status/1188083391628865536 좋은카짓을 넘어선 맛있는카짓 translates to "Delicious Kajit Beyond Good Kajit".So that's why we had to take actions.

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lapma: @Tabby_Catface: It was removed because mods don't support Namira's cult.

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lapma: @lapma: Also thanks to KuroNeko i finally know how to draw Quill's face from front!

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lapma: @Dominik: Yea that comic at the back of instruction book is neat.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: well,at least it won't end up as a sign outside of a shop

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lapma: @Rick2tails:
Its a straw to drink from Endless Vim.

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lapma: This new magical fashion magazine is preety cool.

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lapma: I'm not a fan of xmas stuff on november, but this is cool.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: thanks, i like to give her big head but it could be a bit smaller here.

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lapma: Have you seen my package anywhere? Kat?

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lapma: I love this

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lapma: Some time ago A.M.Kitsune was wondering how would Kat look in nyakuza outfit, i decided to draw it.

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lapma: This pose was tricky for me, still i thinks it looks decent.

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lapma: @semiafro007:

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lapma: A little thing i came up with when i heard A.Kitsune saying a "nightmare king himself"

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lapma: @semiafro007:I think I did it just because sitting in only sweater and panties seems really comfy for me.(for some reason)

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lapma: @Dominik: It is "FUN" juice.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: yes,I felt something off about it,I just couldn't pin it. But now we know where I messed up

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lapma: @Zargothrax:Maybe, it's more about me, I just find that if i won't find time to draw 1 think a week.

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lapma: I'm drunk khajiit Cyclops!!!
Fast little drawing since its been a while since last time i uploaded.

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lapma: LET ME IN!!!

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lapma: @Dominik: Idk why some ppl find it controversial.

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lapma: @Drasci: It is from another universe when after a misspelling incident instead of waking up in Quill home Katia woke up in Skyrim as a forsworn with purple paint all over her.
@Zargothrax: Thanks, and the tattoos design was made by Raydio a long time ago, but I realy liked it so since then i made it quite a few times@KuroNeko: I think it only counts towards armor, her body temperature should be safe.

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lapma: It has been a while since the last time i drew this outfit, and I think it is time to add some quality of life improvements to it, Skyrim can be really cold place

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lapma: @semiafro007: It gives me familiar vibes, we dont want to start this all over again.

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lapma: Party Kat

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lapma: @somethingsomething: Is that the most accurate thing ever?

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lapma: Katia explayning basic economics to Captain Gaius

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lapma: @Rick2tails: it is in shop now, ancient dwarven wonder

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lapma: @Zargothrax: That's fine, i just forget about half of the tags in the existence

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lapma: @semiafro007: it was not intentional, but after all you don't eat magical bread that lets you see thru the walls and skin

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lapma: It seems that something is off with this dog statue...
Quick drawing i made mainly for the joke.

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lapma: TACO Tirdas!!!
Im not quite happy with this picture, but i figured it's worth to share it just for the joke and some tweaks in arena armor design.
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