lapma: @PermanentFace: As much as im more of a Katia person, i cant honestly say Rajirra is a bad guy and has to redeem herself in any way. In opossite to the to Sigrid, Sigrid was under influence but under influence of her own magic and drugs only seeking more power, especialy evil thing if you are a part of guild with tagline "the collection, preservation, and distribution of magical knowledge with an emphasis on ensuring that all citizens of Tamriel benefit from this knowledge". In oposite Rajirra is just a civilian promised nice slice of reward for scaring of 2 imps. And then she ends up in 1 room in with imp-murder-boss. It is only natural for her to panic and run, running was allso in Katia mind. Rajirra was faster and runned away first. Sure that locking door was a dick move, but it was made in live or dead situation so its normal she had her own live as a number one in her mind. And btw Rajirra is not atronarch so she would not survive a fight with that big bad imp.
lapma: @damrok4321: Well, i have a tip,there is always one dolmen up in the zone. There is no respawn time. Just if one dolmen is destroyed, another will activate. So there is no reason to wait on one. Go and fight on another.
lapma: @AMKitsune: About company scrip, sadly it used to happen, but it was an exception while in communism its close to being normal(especially that one of communism goals is abolishing of money). And about military as a analaogue to communism, military can work as it does, only because it is funded by taxpayers. Military produces little on its own so it has to be based on taxpayer money. Whole country can't work as a military because it would not be able to produce enought to sustain all of its citizens. I dont want to argue about ideals of communism(i still think that they are wrong, but i can see why someone would like it) but I simply think that communism is bad economic system, it is inposible to create working market while you only have state enterprise and government is deciding prices on any goods. And worst of all is abolishing of money. People have a diversed intrestings and while someone might want to spend his money on a car somebody else might be intrested in table top miniatures. How can a government ration all of those diffrent goods to peope with diffrent needs. Communism kills individuality and in place of individuality creates group mentality. But i came out of track, so going back to military, it can work with all of those government provided stuff because of the taxpayer money. And there would be no taxpayer money without strong market. And last but not least military is armed service after all, so its hard to expect it working like some kind of private company. Well i think i should draw something now, instead of talking about communism.
lapma: @AMKitsune: I like what you wrote, but i think there are some things i would argue."Of course people should be able to determine how much they're able to make by how much they work for it, but when the ability of a person to earn a wage is determined by another individual who also wants a larger slice of the pie" Thats true, but its easier to negociate wage with boss than with government in case of communism(common ownership of the means of production). And 2cnd employee can always try to find other job if he/she is not happy with wage. While in communism worker prety much need to be a part of some kind of political organisation if he/she want to get good job/wage. Im from Poland so i can give some examples from my country. Meat and some of the other food products were only aviable to get with ration cards. Or for the example if somebody in your familly worked in the west and wanted to send some money back to Poland, government would take the money and in excange would give you a coupon that you could use in shop called Pewex (Przedsiębiorstwo Eksportu Wewnętrznego, in english
Internal Export Company and of course it was state enterprise) so you could not even have real western money. And by the way those coupons value was way lowwer than value of real money. And thats only a few examples of what communism is in practic. So taking into account fact that in communism country government is preety much in harge of what what you can or cant buy, I dont think that having a low wage as a worker with low qualifications(those are people earning realy low wages) is not such a big deal in comparisson to having much of your live decided for you by government. As usualy im sorry for any mistakes.
lapma: @Rick2tails: Oh boy it came to this... I hoped this wont get all political. Capitalism is not about complete disregard for human live, its about profit, of course there will be some problems like oil spills or chemical plant explosions but nobody couse them on purpose, they are accidents. And cigarettes, sure they are bad for you but large part of humanity enjoy them and will enjoy them no matter who makes them, and from what i remember comunists allso made alcohol and cigaretts, and much worse in the communist countries gov sold them in (im not sure if i used good translation) monopoly shops.
And i think the most important aspect, comunism is utopia, it cant sustain its citizens, thats why there were huge problems with food in Ukrain in 1932–1933 that coused 6–10 milions deaths from starvation. You cant have well established economy and market if gov makes the prices. Because in reality something's value is not decidet by gov but by the amount im willing to spend on it and somoene ellse is willing to sell it for. Thats how free market works and that's what helps to fight monopols, while communism builds monopols runned by goverment. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
lapma: Your sad devotion to that ancient CULT has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fort.
lapma: Khajiit of Rawl'kha honor their trickster god Rajhin with the Trial of Five-Clawed Guile.
Celebrate the New Life and pay your respects to Rahjin, all at once.
Rajhin once said, 'A rock is a pebble to be tossed from one's boot.' Use your lockpicks to retrieve the contents of the nearby chests. Show you have as little regard for barriers as the mighty Rajhin. And be quick about it!
lapma: Ok, so TwistNtwirl's work inspired me to try do something more realistic, i realy liked look of faces he made for khajiit's so i made something similar. I present to you thieves guild Katia.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Internal Export Company and of course it was state enterprise) so you could not even have real western money. And by the way those coupons value was way lowwer than value of real money. And thats only a few examples of what communism is in practic. So taking into account fact that in communism country government is preety much in harge of what what you can or cant buy, I dont think that having a low wage as a worker with low qualifications(those are people earning realy low wages) is not such a big deal in comparisson to having much of your live decided for you by government. As usualy im sorry for any mistakes.
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And i think the most important aspect, comunism is utopia, it cant sustain its citizens, thats why there were huge problems with food in Ukrain in 1932–1933 that coused 6–10 milions deaths from starvation. You cant have well established economy and market if gov makes the prices. Because in reality something's value is not decidet by gov but by the amount im willing to spend on it and somoene ellse is willing to sell it for. Thats how free market works and that's what helps to fight monopols, while communism builds monopols runned by goverment. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
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Celebrate the New Life and pay your respects to Rahjin, all at once.
Rajhin once said, 'A rock is a pebble to be tossed from one's boot.' Use your lockpicks to retrieve the contents of the nearby chests. Show you have as little regard for barriers as the mighty Rajhin. And be quick about it!
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