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Dramatic Descriptions

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madmanransom: wait wait wait
you mean to tell me that of all the years this has been a thing, it hasn't been uploaded here yet?

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madmanransom: WELL, NOW.

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madmanransom: I have no words.

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madmanransom: WHOAH

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madmanransom: MERCHANDISE

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madmanransom: I like her hat.
I mean, I don't think it's necessary, the setting and art style makes the reference automatically noticeable, but that's kind of what I like about it.

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madmanransom: OBSERVE MY POWER.

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madmanransom: She can't thug
She need hug
And for some reason
She smug

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madmanransom: Oh bitch, you dead.
Grab the bagpipes and sheet music.

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madmanransom: Fine art.

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madmanransom: This is a sin.
But it is a good sin.

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madmanransom: Mainly because I used the word 'realistic' twice.

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madmanransom: I don't think I've ever stated my sentiments in a manner so hostile yet honest.
Every time I reread that last sentence I just hate myself a little more.

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madmanransom: Probably don't panic.
I don't know if Kaz is fucking with us, but according to picartosux, somewhere on disqus he addressed it and said it was just blood from the imp.
I still don't know.
I hope I don't have to worry about this story about a character undergoing the realistic, brutish slog from a nobody to a somebody in a realistic manner to a cookie-cutter copy-and-paste tale of "you're such a special little girl, aren't you!"

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madmanransom: LOOK AT THAT FACE

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madmanransom: what the fuck?

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madmanransom: >inb4 child abuse and favoritism

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madmanransom: @Raydio: What's with that frown, you BRAT?!?
Wipe it away!

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madmanransom: @Makkon: Hey Makk, no worries man. Iss all good. She's in a better place now.
And updoot will come soon.

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madmanransom: @MetalC0Mmander: No, dude. It was on the board /trash/. And what you're describing is pathetic. If that's something you consider bad when you're concerning 4chan, you are quite clearly not a regular there.
I mean, holy shit, man. You haven't seen anything.

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madmanransom: Found this absolute gem on the WORST /trash/ thread I've ever seen.
For your own sanity, I'd advise you don't go there.

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madmanransom: @Kazerad:
Kaz. No. That's just mean. Gala worked really hard on this. Now print it out and put it on your fridge. Be nice.

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madmanransom: bitch, she already lost her way

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madmanransom: Oh yeah.
You know.
She's mad.
She's not howling in pain that two sharp objects, traveling at a speed of six hundred feet per second have entered her knees with enough force that her joint bones are shattered into countless tiny fragments and her ligaments are severed horrendously.
She's not in pain, no. She's just mad because she can't walk.
Cartoon logic. Don't try this at home, kids.

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madmanransom: @Baz1S: she has six fingers

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madmanransom: what

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madmanransom: YOU SAID YOU'D UPDAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!
GODS DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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madmanransom: I SEE A REPOST.
I think.
(I know you've already addressed this. I'm just pretty sure I've seen it.)

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madmanransom: Holy shit.
He said he'd upload it.
I didn't believe him.
God bless you, /trash/.

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madmanransom: It's good. But we have to go further.
make the expression more extreme.

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madmanransom: @Raydio: Indeed, Krita is good for animation.
Thank you for being free, Krita, you BEAUTIFUL, SEXY BITCH!

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madmanransom: http://imgur.com/a/WAz79
This isn't even done yet.
That's a link to the full-resolution gifv file.
And I owe a thanks specifically to nexivian.
I've been trying to find a way to comfortably draw Katia that blends into my style without doing away with her notable appearance. The drawing you see in the animation is essentially a trace of this:

With a few choice edits (neck thickness, eye size, etc.)
Because of nexivian, I can now comfortably draw this cat.

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madmanransom: It's canon.

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madmanransom: @AMKitsune: You are a gift, AMK.

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madmanransom: @ElstientheFallenKnight: She has her face looking skyward, but her eyes are leveled normally. Her neck isn't too long, it's how she's looking around.

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madmanransom: Never said it during stream, but fuck me are his hands tiny.

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madmanransom: Nice colors, yo.

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madmanransom: @madmanransom: forgive this broken reply,
The second sentence should read:
"I fixed it because I wanted to, not just because Pronin pointed out flaws."

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madmanransom: @Glorious_Chairman_Meow: Are you implying I got my walters waddled?
Because I didn't really.
I fixed it because I wanted, not just the ones Pronin pointed out.
Hell, I still want to fix Kaz's face. Looks fucking nothing like him.

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madmanransom: Let's try this again:
I'll just post the damn image, then:

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madmanransom: Here it is, without any stuff in the right margin.

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madmanransom: @Kazerad: Hey man, like I said, I have faith in you.
I did it for the memes.
Shit's funny, as much as I disagree with the message it sends.
Don't worry, I'm just fuckin' around.

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madmanransom: @Makkon: Well worded, you beautiful bastard.

I do admit to making fansnarks myself, but not because I believe in this "no update" business (to be honest, I just like the memes, I'll shamelessly admit). You have, however, made me rethink my use of these (but Kaz has seemed resilient thusfar, also.)
When people say it and they're serious, that's when I find it toxic.

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madmanransom: Kaz, pls.
(Just kidding. I'll be patient.)

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madmanransom: @Makkon: I feel kind of compelled to side with old Makk here.
I am patient with these things and I do believe at some point an update will arrive.

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madmanransom: @Ahan1899
Keep at it, lil' homie.
I believe in u.

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madmanransom: @LutheranWolf Forgot to include the name here

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madmanransom: The fucking name of the image is

Holy shit dude, I love little coincidences like this.
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