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madmanransom: ...the hell are her shoulders at?

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madmanransom: how did this become the featured masterpiece so quickly?
a lot of the featured masterpieces are like- six month old posts
mods are operating in a timely manner...
Where am I and where is the real fanartbooru?

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madmanransom: Came out nice in the end. Good work, Ray.

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madmanransom: these war crimes need to come to an end
i'm sure there's something about this in the geneva conventions

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madmanransom: I admire your dedication.

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madmanransom: Thanks, Pain.

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madmanransom: no

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madmanransom: uhhhhhhhhh i mean it looks nice.
but i struggle to see what this has to do with prequel other than the logo.

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madmanransom: ...hell, I'll take it.

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madmanransom: I mean, it's gotta go through the courts and all, and even then it has a long road to being a successful repeal with all the lawsuits and whatnot...
It's still possible it could happen, but it's also possible that it couldn't.

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madmanransom: I didn't get around to it yesterday, but I really like this. Linework, color direction, it's all grand.
Only problem I have is that she's backlit. Sure, it implies this sense of power on her part, like you're standing in her shadow, but I'm not getting a chance to see all them pretty colors at full brightness!

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madmanransom: what

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madmanransom: No thanks, Pain.

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madmanransom: ARISE, KITTEN.

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madmanransom: Throw ket

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madmanransom: Thanks, pain.

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madmanransom: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: This is Sigrid, according to tags.

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madmanransom: @Raydio: Decent because I reconstructed it.
It was an absolute mess at base translation.
Google is fine with translating other Germanic languages like Norwegian, Dutch, or German into proper English, but you take one step outside of that family tree and it gets just awful
Especially with Asian languages like Korean.

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madmanransom: @Raydio: The Korean is part of the image, and I'm not willing to put in the effort to find out what it means.
At the source, Google Translate does a pretty bad job.
I can only reconstruct two sentences in broken translated English:
"Did you cast the magic spell? It looks pretty painful."

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madmanransom: @Rubedog: Give this fella a medal.

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madmanransom: I was the one who made the rude post regarding the lack of tail.
I wanted to see where this would take it and I have to say I was not disappointed.
Regardless of whether it was planned for there to be no tail or if it was a complete accident on the artist's part, I really appreciate this guy, because either way you'd have to be clever for this to work out.
I honestly hope he legit forgot the tail because that just shows he knows how to carry satire. He fucked up and he made it work anyway.

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madmanransom: Is nice, yes.

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madmanransom: Gotta love hatkid.

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madmanransom: *pounding electronic music in the background*

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madmanransom: Thanks, Pain.

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madmanransom: Purge it.
Do it.
For the

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madmanransom: This was a lot of fun, Dragster.
Thanks for the readies.

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madmanransom: @forestOverlord: Khajiit do have whiskers in-game, but like you said, they aren't seen in the comic. I like to think that Katia just trims hers.

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madmanransom: @damrok4321: For one thing, Katia has no whiskers, also, the nose is too small and her mouth is not low enough.
I would talk about eye size, but that's a variable that is highly style-dependent.

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madmanransom: Damn wonderful style, really.
I hope Kaz sees this!
I do wonder if that Korean artist knows English...

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madmanransom: Oh, come now, boyo.
Worry not.
'Tis a good piece.

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madmanransom: @Grape: Oh look, a sensible man.
What an oddity.

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madmanransom: *Great Cornholio Voice*
"Are you threatening me?"

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madmanransom: Thanks, Ray.

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madmanransom: y tho

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madmanransom: ALRIGHT

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madmanransom: Thanks, pain.

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madmanransom: What the hell is going on?
You want to delete this... beautiful specimen of a clusterfuck?
It's too beautiful, please.
Let it stick, fam.

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madmanransom: @yugijak: Bottom right hand corner, link to some pony fanfiction that people seem to like. (I ain't reading it.)

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madmanransom: @LuminosityXVII: |:[
Thanks, I'll buy a party hat.

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madmanransom: you know what's funny?
I'm mad right now.
The universe must not like me.
Because I pointed out the link before Lumin responded to Kaz.
I just posted the fucking comment right after he posted his.
I gave it away a split second too late.

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madmanransom: @LuminosityXVII: Your use of red herrings is insulting, to say the least.
But it's necessary to make something like this. I am incredibly fucking lost in this sea of mindgames you have created.
Also, to anyone interested, you'll find a link in the bottom right-ha-

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madmanransom: @Kazerad: Gotcha.
Less pictures.

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madmanransom: invisibleket

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madmanransom: mageket

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madmanransom: I genuinely wish we reached two years just for the anniversary.
It's really weird that I wanted that.

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madmanransom: It seems my follow-up was also removed.
Very well.
I suppose I'll make a reasonable critique.
As always, I adore FN's color choice and shading, as well as his backgrounds, and his cutesy faces for the sake of being cute.
All-in-all this is a good piece and I can't see anything I actually dislike.
(ten cents says this comment gets deleted too, just for the sake of moderator amusement)

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madmanransom: I must see
but I have no eyes.
I must smell
but I have no nose.

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madmanransom: I must scream
but I have no mouth.

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madmanransom: Thanks, pain.
I imagine Kazoo had a giggle.
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