A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images

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madmanransom: responsible for multiple war crimes in kosovo and bosnia

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madmanransom: she looks polite

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madmanransom: this has nothing to do with prequel

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madmanransom: hell yeah

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madmanransom: ass

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madmanransom: wuddahmelon

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madmanransom: No.

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madmanransom: Hero of Kvatch, I kid you not. She turns herself into a hotdog. She's called Hotdog Katia. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

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madmanransom: what

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madmanransom: what the hell this is great!
look at gaius back there
he looks so happy

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madmanransom: very simple submission but it has a lot of character to it
i rather like it

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madmanransom: This is the first time I've seen something on the Booru that has had me on the verge of pissing myself laughing. Make this a featured masterpiece now.

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madmanransom: what

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madmanransom: that's a funky lookin outfit. i like it

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madmanransom: Lackadaisy Fashion Kat

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madmanransom: @GalaTheFish: Good boy.

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madmanransom: nyeh

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madmanransom: tits

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madmanransom: November 2013. Good Christ.

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madmanransom: yeehaw

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madmanransom: holy fUCK

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madmanransom: i like ass

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madmanransom: @bjornhansenthemansen: its penis time

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madmanransom: penis time

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madmanransom: what

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madmanransom: They took her eyes.
Her eyes.

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madmanransom: I want to die.

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madmanransom: @Rick2tails: Yes, of course. The joke would work much better with her looking at an entirely blank canvas.
If that's the case, then what I'm gathering is you don't want jokes at all.

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madmanransom: Now this is a fine way to say "screw your rules".

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madmanransom: Nice work there, Pocky.

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madmanransom: Feast upon their flesh, my child.

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madmanransom: nice job uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
*checks roster*
oh dear. it seems the artist isn't with us on this website.

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madmanransom: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
nice colors

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madmanransom: >your weird OC
This is Kazerad's weird OC.

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madmanransom: this is art

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madmanransom: Happy milestone, boys.
Five thousand images.

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madmanransom: hmmmm
is good
good piece
sehr gut

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madmanransom: stephane "stephanie" larouche
the breton boy
the nose
the prude

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madmanransom: interesting...

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madmanransom: Why have you done this?
Why do I love you for it?

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madmanransom: @MrCoopy: EVERYBODY LOVES 'IM.

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madmanransom: But this isn't my story. So I will not interfere. I cannot interfere.
But I CAN be a whiny lil' bitch.

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madmanransom: @PermanentFace: I know, I know, "this is the Prequel to something great."
It's just the obvious outcome isn't the great I'm looking for.

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madmanransom: >implying kat is the Champion of Cyrodiil.
I will never accept this theory because it's too obvious and I despise it.
The emperor tells the Champion that he sees them in his dreams. Katia sees old "Uriel" in her nightmares.
Katia posesses great potential for magical power, hinting that she will become a strong mage in the future (a fitting Champion).
The bloodstain on Katia's chest fur in Infiltrate is shaped like the jewel in the Amulet of Kings.
It's just so expected that it feels like a fucking cop-out. It's the easy way out. It's the route which everyone can see happening, even if they don't pay attention to those little details like the dreams and the bloodstain.
Another theory I've heard is she's dragonborn, because of the stain on her chest. Only those of dragon blood can wear the amulet. She also picked up Dragon Tongue with some ease and in Precede she speaks to a sickly little flame wyrm in her dreams. I prefer the Dragonborn theory to the Champion theory, but I'm still hoping something even more unexpected comes out of this.

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madmanransom: This is now the canonical ending. Nice work, Toxic.

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madmanransom: And?

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madmanransom: @tuf_: Then it is you who will die.

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madmanransom: Ray.
I know you showed this off in Discord, but if I knew you were going to put this on the booru, I'd have strangled you to prevent this horrendous war crime you've committed.

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madmanransom: Cease this foolishness.@Asperger_kitten_1337: And you. That's disgusting. >:[
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