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Dramatic Descriptions

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realbboy: @ElstientheFallenKnight: I'm going to write a terrible fanfic about this. If I don't, someone bug me to.

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realbboy: If Kaz actually deletes this we may need to create a Kazerad fan booru or something. (I honestly don't think he'll delete it though, despite his comment.)

Hell, maybe we should make a Kazerad booru anyway.

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realbboy: @Dawoc: There already is a fair amount of transparency. One of the major things was that one of his collaborator's grandparents took a long time to die, and then after that they flaked out after Kaz manned up and gave them a deadline (Which was 6 months, I think), which forced him to hire a professional artist which he could have done from the start.
I think said background were shared over skype on stream, and Kaz has made the information public (if you stalk him like I do :P (Honestly he does need to do something to inform people outside of random disqus replies and unrecorded streams.)
A more recent issue was the rain rendering and cursor bug, although I think Kobal said he (Kobalstomo is a update programmer who hangs out in picarto stream chat like 16hr/7days) fixed the problem where the cursor blinks by applying Kaz's suggestion (Kaz actually told him to do it on stream) of just drawing it as a sprite and hiding the normal cursor.

There were probably a couple things I forgot, and I missed some streams as well as everything before like 2 months ago.

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realbboy: I'm pretty sure he wants to update to come up as much as, if not more than we do.

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realbboy: @Lykozze: Maybe it would be Humia Catagan?

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realbboy: @Toryu-Mau: 1+1=2
I don't have a degree in math.
What happens now? D: Does the universe explode or something?

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realbboy: @protofun: The nose flashes. :P
(Seriously though great job)

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realbboy: This was a reference to problem sleuth, where some artists were similarly merged together in a statue.

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realbboy: Katia as a werehuman.

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Everything material.

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realbboy: (also sorry kaz for getting overly specific)

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realbboy: I put my two commissions together in MSpaint.

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realbboy: @picartosux: https://xkcd.com/1110/
(Also it was a joke :P)

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realbboy: @Enheldor: Can confirm, super-secret plan to re-write xkcd entirely in prequel is go.

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realbboy: You guys as amazing. As promised, leaving the promised payment of praise in accordance to your typical contract, picatosux.
"This is praiseworthy."

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: Oh wow, I just noticed you put explanations for tags. That's an unparalleled amount of effort. This booru just got more polished than 99% of other places.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: It's much better, and actual amusing and helpful at the same time. My only criticism is that the toolbar on the first page is twice the size of the content, but it's not that bad since the important stuff is on the top. Still, it's very comprehensive, amazing job!

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realbboy: @Enheldor: The help section isn't exactly clear in general either... I'm pretty sure most of the things don't hold any useful information for normal users. Though more helpful information can never be a bad thing.

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realbboy: @Rick2tails: Actually, by ESRB, this would be M for mature. See the ESRB here: https://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.aspx That's a pretty far cry from E for everyone. (Well, if this drawing was a video game)

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realbboy: @mr_cat: Yes.

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realbboy: @furnut: Because daedric artifacts have essential nutrients that young dragons need to grow!
Beacon^tm, get yours today! (Note: Mereidia is not responsible for any resulting aliments including but not limited to: being warped to a plane of oblivion, becoming consumed in an undead hating rage, being force to do her's or any other deadric quests, and exploding into blue flames.)

As for why I commissioned it, I needed a profile icon, and I liked skyrim dragons and the beacon. Kaz is the one who decided to animate it, so if I ever use a site with animated avatars I'll be set. (Speaking of that, can people change their avatars here? I couldn't find any option for it)

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realbboy: @Lykozze: No, it's ok, I asked whether or not it was allowed in the stream chat and was told I could try. I was also to find another Kazerad Skyrim picture (without any prequel characters in it) on the booru, so I decided to upload it.
I think I'll leave it up to the mods whether to delete it or not.

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realbboy: @Lykozze: Oh, I thought it was customary for commissioners to upload their prequel-related commissions.

And yeah, that dragon is gonna get daedric quested.

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realbboy: My commission for Kazerad, of a dragon biting Mereida's Beacon. Not exactly sure if it belongs here, but I have seen some precedent of TES content on here, so I thought I would give it a shot.

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realbboy: How someone who isn't an artist tries to draw things. Note that this was done in a sprite editor, not a normal image editor. It wasn't really meant to do images over 128x128px. Kaz said I had to have some talent because I did the spritework for my game, but that talent obviously doesn't scale up very well. I should do a scaled down version later and I guarantee it would look much better. I didn't spend to much effort on this, but I tried my best to do as well as I could without getting over pedantic about the shapes, which would lead to me giving up.

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realbboy: "You. I've seen you before. Let me see your face. You are the one from my dreams. Then the stars were right, and this is the day. Gods give me strength."

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realbboy: @Enheldor: I think the dog is the great grey wolf sif from dark souls.

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realbboy: Disqus X-Post:
EDIT: I have uploaded an update ( that has fixed the startup screen crash, expanded the highscore output, introduced some neat quality of life features, and added an "Easy Mode" that will help you learn the game.
Easy mode has the indicator stuff, if I do a sound pass, the indicators will be in that as well. The startup screen crash was caused by an infinite do loop even though I specially made in with a break out when it runs out of things to look through, but despite my best efforts it decided to endlessly look through a <?> path, which I was not able to directly fix, so I instead implemented a 20 loop limit when looking for modded room categories.

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realbboy: @Pronin: Better than what I could do.

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realbboy: @GNFS: And then, Kat was a Noble.

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realbboy: @GalaTheFish: Dirty discord dealer! :p

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realbboy: @Pronin: Don't you need it to configure you internet? Also it's probably small enough that uninstalling it would be a waste of your time. It's also useful if you want to quickly access a website signed out of your account without actually signing out. If you use it as your primary browser, however, there is a problem.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune:
1. I'm definitely going to have to do that at some point, but I'll also have to account for players moving and running backwards, and strike a balance between making noise and not making noise when they rotate, since realistically that would involve them moving their feet.
2. I still have no idea what causes this, thankfully it isn't mid-game. I'll work on it, but I don't think I will be able to fix it until another change either fixes outright or reveals it's true nature.
3 + 4: I"ll put these together, and add a pause menu with options.

On the streaming, I was poking around in the manual and noticed that the application surface (essentially the end result of all the graphical stuff, which is then displayed on the screen) apparently is saved to a buffer every step. The network functions can only send over buffers. This seemed ten million times easier than sending over all the data dictating everything's blending, movement, states, and a bunch of other stuff that I use the draw things. The problem is that I can't find where this buffer is, and the function to straight up convert it to a buffer is very laggy. I managed to scale down the surface for sending, which takes care of the lag, but a bug is causing the client connection to crash which is why it isn't out already.

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realbboy: You should praobly also explain that Kaz was playing mostly without armor because he felt the game was to easy.
What I'm wondering is why the lioness's eyes and Quill-Weaves upper body are blurred. She's a reptile, right?

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realbboy: The next update will likely be delayed a day or two while I try to figure out multiplayer stuff, which is like three different things I don't have any practice suing rolled into one. Luckily there are plenty of tutorials and examples to pull from, so it shouldn't take to long.
If anyone's interesting in how I'm going to go about doing it, I plan to basically livestream the host's screen to the clients, who will only return input data. This means that one person will have to have a good computer and internet connection, while the others will likely only have to have a bad computer and an ok connection.

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Challenge accepted.

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realbboy: @realbboy: *None not one, sorry I'm a symbiote with autocorrect and sometimes things like this slip

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: The full saying (as far as I know) came in parts, with each following part being a retort to the last part.
"Jack of all trades" was completely positive
"Master of One" made it negative
"But oftentimes better than a master of one" made it positive again.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: When testing, I encountered it immediately on the pineapple swirl screen, so I don't think it's that. I put a message about it in the disqus update, but I think this is gonna be an issue that goes unsolved until I accidentally fix it or do something that breaks it more and makes it obvious.

X-post from disqus
The last version was bugger than expected, and was silently patched (not that you guys noticed the worst bug- the crash that prevents Quill-Weave from getting arrows) those bugfixes, as well as additional content and features, can be found here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/realbboy-infiltrate/downloads/realbboy-infiltrate-1-2-1-6

As usual, the discussion/bug report page can be found here: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4308

There are three primary new features to this version are YWOC, books, and arrows sticking in things.
YWOC is the ability to add your weird oc to the game as a playable character. You can find the guide for that here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/realbboy-infiltrate/tutorials/creating-your-weird-oc-in-realbboy-infiltrate If you want, you can even give Katia a beard! (I was going to make a skyrim joke, but now I can't find any mention of how much Bethesda pushed their beards anywhere)
The second new feature, books, adds two types of books to the game, attack skill books and special skill books. Attack skill books increase your damage, and special skill books improve your special skill. ASOTIL doesn't have a special skill, but he did have the balance patch of better hit detection, so go punch away for justice!

The final feature, arrows sticking into things, is pretty small, but I think it looks cool. True to TES, you can pick up arrows that hit walls solid walls but not arrows that hit soft, yielding flesh.

KNOWN ISSUE: The game sometimes, crashes after the start screen. It usually doesn't, and I haven't seen any pattern to it yet. You can just restart the game and you lose no progress, so it's not that big of an issue, but I would appreciate any evidence you guys have to offer.

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realbboy: Ok, so I think these crashes are compiler specific, ie my debug compiler doesn't trigger them but the one I use for the exports does have them. I think this may be because the functions with cancel were intended for debug, so I'll try to rewrite them in the 10x more unwieldy asynchronous dialog events.

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realbboy: @Evilpopcorn: Is this it?: "Epic armor I'm far to lazy to lazy to draw" (My handwriting is way, way worse.)

If it's that scribble to the right I think I need to concede to you though.

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realbboy: @realbboy: Ok, so I just spent some time bughunting and I wasn't able to reproduce the 'cancel' crash or the start screen crash. I do remember seeing both of them in this version and the last when I was testing my development builds, but I thought both were fixed. I looked at the code and 'cancel' crash is pretty much explicitly protected against. The start screen crash is more random and weird, so I'm going to need more details if I want to hunt it down. Is it after a specific start screen? Is it only when you load the game for the first time? Is it only with a specific character or option setting?

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realbboy: @Robbyn:
1. How high was the highscore? I guess it might be possible to go over the integer limit and it would crash, but that would probably take hours of not dying. I can't think of anything else that could cause a similar problem off the top off my head, but I'll look into it.
2 + 3 : argh, I though I specifically fixed those bugs, I'll have to look into that as well.
4 : I'm pretty sure that's a bug specific to clannfear that just never comes up because there usually aren't corners everywhere, and I'll probably get around to replacing the clannfear zombies with regular zombies before I manage to fix that bug.
5. I'm not sure what causes this bug, I looked into it before but it stopped showing up, thanks for reporting it, I guess I'm going bug-hunting now.

As for the Asotil suggestion, I haven't actually tried Asotil mode that much, probably for that reason, I'll make sure to buff the punch for the next reason.

Thanks for the testing, the game will be much better for it.

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realbboy: X-Post of my disqus update:
Ever wanted to see what happen if Quill-Weave or Aggy decided to loot the Kvatch Mage's Guild instead of Katia?

With my fan-update to my fan-game, you can!

For those of you who haven't heard of it, my fangame is my fanart of the update, except I can't draw, so I made a fangame of it instead! It's gotten fairly large since I first started around over a month ago (or maybe a few weeks, I'm not good with time)

You can find it here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/realbboy-infiltrate/downloads/realbboy-infiltrate-1-2-0-0

I strongly encourage any criticism or complaints, although I have to ask that, if possible you leave them on the fanart page, found here: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4308 so as to not spam this disqus page and annoy the mods.

I hope you have fun playing my fangame!

Also note that I didn't mention the added 'Your Weird OC' feature that is both untested an undocumented.

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realbboy: @OhHiThere: It's an .exe file, which means you can just double click it to run it. Sounds like you're having trouble finding where you downloaded it to, though. Depending on your browser, you might be able to find it by clicking on some sort of download queue and clicking 'open file location'. Alternatively, you can poke around your /C: drive or search for 'downloads' in your entire computer'

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: Ok, thanks, I sent him a PM about it.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: I'll definitely have to add indicators, and the sleep thing will probably work out to, although I'm currently implementing other characters besides ASOTIL so that'll have to wait.

What did Kaz think about the game? What did he say? This is the first time that I've heard him directly acknowledge it, so I'm kinda really excited to hear how he think more work holds up.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: ASOTIL's attacks (poorly animated punches) don't use magicka, so ASOTIL doesn't actually use magicka at all.

Unarmed attacks might be nice, but I'm not sure Katia could pull off a sneak attack kill, even with her claws. Thinking about it, has she ever used her claws at actually attack something over the course of the comic? In short, it sounds good mechanic wise but would be one of the more un-canon things. I might still add it because I really like the idea, but it would have to deal enough damage to kill at least scamp instantly or it's just not worth it, because the player would instantly die.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune:
The fireballs, swirly stuff, and dark room are all fancy title screens/ idle start screens, with the intention of being unquie-ish if you die and rage.
The black one actually comes from someone challenging me to make a game on a fanfic, which I promptly created an decided it would go along fairly well as a loading screen:

They're not meant as much more than pretty stuff to look at/minigames, but I'll consider sprucing the darkness one up some more.

The crash you found was caused by some code that didn't update to the new level file folder format, so I fixed it for the next version. (I should also note that the tutorial overrides your choice if you haven't completed it on any version on your computer yet, not that that will likely be relevant.)

On filenames I'd prefer to keep the files as text files so that whenever anyone opens them, they will automatically use their text editors of choice, having ".file"'s by any other name is still mostly annoying. There is the matter of whether the mods should have a custom and levels subfolder or if they should go in the custom and levels subfolders as it is now. Either way will result in the same amount of folders, and differentiate the characters (which can be crates or any in-game object if you haven't realized yet, even hidden ones (try my name hint hint).

Having a misplaced modlist.txt file is concerning though, are you sure this is the case? On the other machine I tested on it seemed to work fine, but it may be different on different computers considering I generate it at runtime specifically to try to put it in the same folder as the options save.

Speaking of options, I will definitely need to add a suicide/return to menu button, but a pause menu will have to wait until I clean up the menu proper and make it more menu-able, if that makes any sense.

As for the credits, I mostly consider the dedicated line or two on the (probably outdated) help screen to be credits, but as is everything else, that is up to change.

As always, thanks for the input.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: Alright, I had a larger reply but then I accidentally deleted it so here's a quick summary:
I saw your disqus comment, have already fixed the issue in a hacky manner which involved separating sets of levels into subfolder mods which are put in a load order file called 'modlist.txt'. They can only see characters in their corresponding custom folder. Don't forget that characters aren't restricted to just capital letters, you can use lower case and weird symbols too! Thanks for getting me to fix this before anyone made mods that could be disrupted.

I'll get to work with completing the tags now, but there will probably be a ton, which is why I refrained from using so many to start with.
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