The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.

Dramatic Descriptions

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realbboy: @IkkyKrrk: I find it hilarious that the shitposting channel was taken over by art, again.
Keep it up! :D

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realbboy: Urgh, I think the wood looks more like katia than my shitty mouseart does, the only advantage I had was color, and facial features.

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realbboy: I should make this better after I find a proper arting™ surface.

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realbboy: Mouse, why do you forsake me?

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realbboy: "And so it begins, the catastrophe"

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realbboy: @Kazerad: @Kazerad: You're the one who started this lewdness, plunged the booru into chaos. AMK is going to put you down, and restore the peace!
Sorry, I saw an opportunity, and I took it.

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realbboy: It might just be me but I think the perfectly rowed scales despite the curvature of Quill's body looks kinda weird. I'm not really sure if this could be easily fixed though.
Maybe angle the scaled based on where they are on the body?

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realbboy: @Enheldor: Is it the waffle one? It's the waffle one, isn't it.

Also I feel like you put effort into making this art bad, it would have been quicker to just draw the outlines with a line tool and fill the innards.

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realbboy: She's holding a waffle because someone said that I should replace the tablet she was holding with a waffle.
For more crimes against art, see my stream albums, put together by the lovely makimb0:

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realbboy: I was doing an art stream and makimb0 told me to post this one on the booru.

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realbboy: Oh wait, you said never, sorry. I guess I should mark this as 'things I regret I said on the booru where I can't delete it'

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realbboy: @Grape: GIAO asked for his OC's doing 'something cool' as a commission, and Kazerad has an ice cream fetish. The rest is history.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: I'm not saying how they feel about a specific piece correlates to the quality of that piece, just that self-deprecation is a mindset that, if it doesn't discourage them entirely, leads to more critical examination of their art, which improves their art.

Such an artist would be more likely to be open to criticism than a egocentric artist.

As will all things, you do get exceptions who think they're the best thing in the world, and god's gift to humanity, and still manage to produce higher quality art.

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realbboy: Pretty cool. Usually when there's so few frames my eyes scream at me 'This is terrible!, but this someone managed to circumvent that.

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realbboy: I agree with this message.

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realbboy: Personally I think this might have been depicting a 'life swap'.

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realbboy: @Lykozze: What emote is that? Intoxication?

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realbboy: @Sashimi: Artists pretty much universally think their work is terrible in comparison to others. For instance Kazarad thinks his art is terrible and doesn't understand why anyone would commission him.

This can be applies to other forms of content as well, self-deprecation is a hallmark of quality art, likely because the increased self-introspection leads to higher rates of evaluating an figuring out how to improve your work.

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realbboy: @Raydio: Kazerad's waifu, obviously :P

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realbboy: @bluedraggy: I'm pretty sure the two resident Brazilians said it was accurate on stream.

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realbboy: http://www.indiedb.com/games/wasps-with-insect-wings

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realbboy: @Millie: If I remember correctly, Quill-Weave's gay-dar confirmed he was gay in a side story. I guess he could be bi or the gay-dar marked him as the slang meaning of the word, 'lame'

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realbboy: This flawless masterpiece is a monument to the progress that purrgatory has instilled over the course of it's existence.

The attention to detail in this piece is astounding, it it merits comparison to the great works of Kazerad himself.

Take note of the careful pixelation of the images, how it starts ok, but then the lines descend and the image is embraced in fuzziness.

Admire how quill holds the camera, how her hands appear to actual hold the arcane device, and how it inducing the artifacts of .jpeg into the falling prequel images.

Behold the outline left behind as quill weave lowers her arms, with the insides carefully cut out, to depict the rapid jerking motion of the scaly authors fecund phalanges, how the reddish-orange argonian grasps the lensed device that so elegantly captures the light that bounced from the images of a sad cat.

And the image it produced it masterwork in quality, far surpassing human standards of beauty. Even the mightiest of internet trolls will fall victim to the cuteness that emanates from that image.

Triskeleion for Kazerad 2017! :P

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realbboy: @Sashimi: To be honest I don't think there's much you can do to make me sympathize with a character that mocks Katia for preparing, then "rats out" (that's roughly the caption her running away is giving in the flash), bars the door so Katia can't escape dying to the imp (she has so little respect for Katia and almost certainly expected her to die), and then flat out lies to the shopkeeper, which stops the shopkeeper from getting help or the fighter's guild guy from going up to help/save Katia.

I honestly don't know what she was expecting. If Katia dies then someone is eventually going to find out, and possibly get hurt in the process. She also incriminated herself by talking to the shopkeeper. So she either plans to skip town and get a new identity, or she's not that smart.

If she had actually gone to get help, she would have returned with that help by the time Katia finished messing around trying to get out and shopping.

Still, I look forward to reading your fanfic. Not everything has to line up with canon to be good, in fact the best fanfics usually diverge from it.

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realbboy: But is she lusty?

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realbboy: Did someone forget to take out the /trash/ again?

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realbboy: Halfway through drawing my second drawing I realized that I drew Quill-Weave so deformed that she was past the point of redemption by editing, so I decided to make her get corprus from the 'disaster' lever, which arbitrarily creates disasters to slow down production of the update.

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realbboy: I'm marking this as questionable because the booru marked a head fungus as questionable and this is definitely worse.
You have to set your avatar through gravatar, which is an external site.
You can find slightly more detailed instructions here: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4365

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realbboy: Triskelion notified me that I used the wrong word (I actually looked up the spelling but I had assumed the definition I read had the same spelling as the TES disease, but I was wrong) I have a plan though

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realbboy: The real reason why the characters anatomy is vastly different depending on how detailed he's making the scene. That, or the result of what Katia did in my last drawing.

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realbboy: >"not a furry"
I thought I was the only one. :P

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realbboy: This is arguably worse than pudding because the pudding could be eaten or sold. This drawing holds no practically value whatsoever, aside from increasing my art skill, but that is counteracted by the facts that cooking pudding would increase my skill at cooking. If I had cooked pudding and molded it in the shape of Katia I could have put it on the booru as well.

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realbboy: @Rick2tails:

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realbboy: I almost forgot the tail, but then I didn't. It took like an hour.

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realbboy: It's 4:56am, I don't know how to art, I just downloaded graphics gale, and my mouse is completely terrible in practically every way. When did I lose control of my life?

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realbboy: @MetalC0Mmander: A little late, but I suspect it's a reference to the cash now advertisements.

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realbboy: -> =

-> = +

-> =
+ = + +

-> =

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realbboy: @Unidentified_BA: But you guys are really funny. Like, if you had to watch paint dry it would be enjoyable for us to watch you watch paint dry.

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realbboy: @Nafaalilargus: This is what happens when you randomly start speaking other languages: you force people to resort to online translators to try to understand you, and maybe reply :P

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realbboy: So it got featured 5 months later? Hmm, I guess the featured masterpiece's work differently than I thought.

I do vague remember Enheldor talking about it.. and here it is: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3883

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realbboy: Az út vezethet, hogy meleg homok.

Does anyone here actually speak Hungarian or are we just butchering the language with online translators?

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realbboy: Miért beszélünk magyarul?

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realbboy: @Sashimi: I'm sorry I have to say this, but Khajiit are dumb, but dark elves are dunmer.

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realbboy: @Toryu-Mau: I can kinda lick my own elbow.

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Remember that time where she said she would be drinking water but put clear rum in her drink? Yeah.

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realbboy: @Grape: There is direction from fixed points of reference. Above Katia's head is the section of the universe on the side of her head that her ears are on. (ie the top).
Therefore only that section is her hat.
The rest is her helmet. :P (I dunno, I was mostly just objecting the the statement that space is directionless. Just because gravity doesn't necessarily pull you a certain way doesn't mean that orientations are false.)

Also I would like to inform the mods that weird stuff happen in the picarto chat and if you would like a log of it, just ask me.

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realbboy: @Rick2tails: It looks like she's stealing it.

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: ...What?

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Reverse prequel or something. It won't be questionable at all. Even if some other people would rather it be, I prefer to keep my creations on the other side of the M line.

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realbboy: This was too awesome for GraphicsGale to handle, but Kaz made it anyway.
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