Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

7517: Khajiit animation artist:ChrisMono audience character:Katia_Managan text wilderness

Khajiit animation artist:ChrisMono audience character:Katia_Managan text wilderness

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ChrisMono: part 1

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ADudeCalledLeo: good animation!
is she eating the paper

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NotGodOkay: Nom

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KuroNeko: Katia is so poor she has to resort eating paper.
I'm curious to see where this is going

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Zargothrax: That's some super smooth paper animation!
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GrizzlyBear: “Eat the book”

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Skybolt06: Noice, I love to see your little animations, they are nice

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Sashimi: Whoa, That paper fluttering animation is really well done!

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ChrisMono: part 2

7524: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Skybolt06 cake character:Katia_Managan happy missing_tail pencil_drawing photo smiling text

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Skybolt06 cake character:Katia_Managan happy missing_tail pencil_drawing photo smiling text

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Skybolt06: So since Prequel is now 10 years old I decided to make some art for the occasion as well, sorry if these lines aren't the darkest... and the cake looks freakin... janky as all hell.. but yeah

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Zargothrax: "Drawing me into existance day" lol, nice.
Looks a bit like it's "1.0" though. Like she's celebrating a software release

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ChrisMono: all the more cake for the kitty to enjoy, gj

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ADudeCalledLeo: Happy anniversary! And good art!

7328: Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:Bokdan0 casually_underdressed character:Rajirra dreams fear missing_tail monochrome night

Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:Bokdan0 casually_underdressed character:Rajirra dreams fear missing_tail monochrome night
showing 10 of 16 comments

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Rick2tails: this is pretty neat !

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_Noxygen_: This is badass I'm jealous

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ADudeCalledLeo: Damn that's some good-ass animation

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Bokdan0: Thanks very much for the kind words.

@KuroNeko: This sounds like a challenge to make you even more sorry for her or to animate this poor naked Qill on the parachute

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Sashimi: @Bokdan0: Challenge accepted!
And @Bokdan0: excellent animation!

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Sashimi: Dang it, that first reply was meant for Kuro.

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KuroNeko: @Bokdan0: @Sashimi: You know, if you keep making me feel sorry for her I'll have to make her suffer to restore the balance :p

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Sashimi: @KuroNeko:
You end up feeling so sorry for her that you can't bring yourself to cause her to suffer?

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Skybolt06: Me who just watched both Infinity War and Endgame this weekend, feeling like the balance thing felt like a reference to those movies

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PermanentFace: Yeah, this seems appropriate. Terrible dreams for the rest of her (short) life, as her guilt consumes her from the inside out.

7522: animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text

animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text

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NotGodOkay: Christian logic

7406: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Khajiit_123 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan digitigrade featured_masterpiece gold

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Khajiit_123 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan digitigrade featured_masterpiece gold
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Varanonegro: Me encantó el diseño que usaste en esta Katia, se ve muy bien felicidades
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: i really like the style
its like
its hard to get the right words, but things really feel like they are there
they occupy space, and have stature


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Skybolt06: This is adorable, really like your style, nice job!

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Rick2tails: this looks fantastic!

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Zargothrax: This is pro grade linework! Stellar drawing overall

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KuroNeko: I love that style, It's really awesome

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ADudeCalledLeo: And here we see Katia creating a new timeline to save the game.
This is some cool-ass art!

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PermanentFace: Nice one.

7518: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:ChrisMono audience character:Katia_Managan portrait text

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:ChrisMono audience character:Katia_Managan portrait text

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ChrisMono: NOT part 2, but an old piece I didn't upload. I was reminded by it by a comment on the last post
Used watercolor and texture paint tool

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ADudeCalledLeo: c o n s u m e l i t e r a t u r e
good art!

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Skybolt06: Haha, I love her expression here
awesome work

7515: Half-Life animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug

Half-Life animation character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug

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NotGodOkay: Well.. At least it started with Prequel characters?

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Skybolt06: "How embarrassing" XD I died
these are the funniest and also most cursed and I don't even know, lol, nice job

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NotGodOkay: Thanks very many

7514: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Noxygen character:Katia_Managan dragonish drugs monochrome sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Noxygen character:Katia_Managan dragonish drugs monochrome sketch

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_Noxygen_: I haven't really been posting anything due to the Texas blackout, then packing and moving to a new city and now working, but I'm glad I can still have time to draw atleast.
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TempIntel: I see Katia has gotten into Caius Cosades' stash.

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APayne1776_2: Don't do drugs unless they're free

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Skybolt06: I see that Katia enjoys cat-nip quite a bit
This looks great man, nice job

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ChrisMono: good stuff, glad you can draw again

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ADudeCalledLeo: blaze it
Good art!

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Whistle: I think I'm dying when I see her like this):

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Zargothrax: Katia's learning a different kind of magic

7513: artist:Bluedraggy character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC questionable

artist:Bluedraggy character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC questionable

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bluedraggy: Evil Quill-Weave 3 pt. 6. TBH I've had this one lurking for months, but the next chapter had me stymied and then I got to doing other naughty things. But sometimes you just have to forge ahead, so posting this long-delayed chapter. Sorry, no Kuro goodness on this one.

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KuroNeko: Damn, I got exited thinking it was a new chapter but then remembered I had already read this one XD
Still great to read it again.

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Sashimi: Yay! The Mistress of Evil returns!

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ADudeCalledLeo: This is some good writing!

7511: Khajiit Saturalia accidents_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave digitigrade monochrome presents

Khajiit Saturalia accidents_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave digitigrade monochrome presents

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KuroNeko: "well look on the bright side, you said you always wanted to sweep your chimney"

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Zargothrax: Katia needs to gain a bit more weight for this role. And a beard. It always comes down to beards.

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Skybolt06: Haha yes, this is amazing, I love how it's no where near christmas anymore but we still get christmas fanart, all it reminds me of is this: https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4869#search=artist%3AFurnut

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Rick2tails: its sandyclaws ! aka Katia! well more coal claws really

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APayne1776_2: Plot twist: Katia is actually drunk and tried to break into Quill's house again designed as Santa but doesn't realize that Christmas was like 2 months ago

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damrok4321: Haha, that one made me giggle. Love Quill coughing with coal dust, just priceless.

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ADudeCalledLeo: she_tried.png
Good art!
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