Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

7466: Khajiit artist:EmsiCemetery artist:KuroNeko booze drugs modern_clothing monochrome

Khajiit artist:EmsiCemetery artist:KuroNeko booze drugs modern_clothing monochrome

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KuroNeko: Lmao, I was thinking that head looks oddly familiar, then I saw the tags.
If you're the one who drew it (or know who did) I suggest you also add your artist tag because as far as I can tell only the heas was took from my art.

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Miki: сукаблять!

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Skybolt06: Epic, bartender is now part of multiple gangs
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Denis: Может Бригаду пересмотреть... Эххх
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bigchungus: bartender has joined gopniks and now only listens to hard bass and call katia "western spy" , well done
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bigchungus: @Miki: cyka blyat

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ADudeCalledLeo: I see the bartender is a fan of Boris. A man of taste.
Anyway, cool art/edit!

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Tabby_Catface: Приятно знать, что сюда приходят люди с разных стран)

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EmsiCemetery: he is a punk ass

7451: artist:Bluedraggy character:Architect character:Dodger fanfiction

artist:Bluedraggy character:Architect character:Dodger fanfiction

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bluedraggy: Sort of an experiment. Will the booru handle an entire long-form fanfiction as a single post? Answer: yes! It will! Kuro mentioned this and after a little search I realized I only posted the first chapter here and the rest on Tumblr. To hell with that! Granted I haven't got the images here that are over there, but I'd rather have the whole thing here in one shot. Proof positive I CAN write an entire, long-form fanfiction and actually finish it! Or at least I used to be able to. Not even questionable. Well, not REALLY. So, if there are any kindly mods around who wouldn't mind - could you delete https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4576 pls? Same story but this is complete and that isn't.

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ChrisMono: rope?

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bluedraggy: It makes more sense if you read the whole thing. Which is not required so no need for anyone to tell me "I'm not reading that wall of text!" because that's like 95% of everyone here and I understand that. Though you can print it out with the date and time so you can prove you knew BD before he became the famous author!

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ADudeCalledLeo: Holy crap, something BD related that isn't questionable? Who are you and what did you do to the real draggy?!
But no seriously this was very nice!

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Sashimi: Wow! I sat down and read that in one go. Very entertaining, especially with those delightfully unexpected twists. Well done Draggy!

7465: amulet_of_silence artist:Skybolt06 blushing character:Katia_Managan character:anon happy lined_paper_club monochrome photo text

amulet_of_silence artist:Skybolt06 blushing character:Katia_Managan character:anon happy lined_paper_club monochrome photo text

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Skybolt06: Better late than never right? yeah I actually drew this a while ago anyways, sometime before new years actually, but I never got around to taking a picture and posting it, but here we are... I think this is my best work overall as I absolutely adore what I've come up with. But yeah, this is Katia going out with Anon/Viewer for new years, and as most of us know, Katia isn't confident about herself in any way, so Anon/Viewer decided to give her a reason. Hope you enjoy this art even though I am a bit late (and sorry for making my comments on stuff I upload way to long XD)
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GrizzlyBear: Looks like another new best, you’re really getting a lot better with each one

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KuroNeko: Pretty cute :)
Katia deserves some praised.
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bigchungus: amazing progress

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ADudeCalledLeo: Cute art!

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AMKitsune: Absolutely precious.

7458: adorable artist:Diorum character:Katia_Managan digitigrade

adorable artist:Diorum character:Katia_Managan digitigrade

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AMKitsune: An adorable piece by Diorum, kindly drawn at request during a triple art-stream between himself, Cider and Kazerad.
The request was something along the lines of "Katia wrapped up in a puffy blanket, all warm and snug"

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_Noxygen_: wow, how long did this take to make? Asking because I take fkn forever to make something like this

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APayne1776_2: Adorable and amazing

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AMKitsune: @_Noxygen_: About an hour I think. He was really quite fast.

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KuroNeko: Alright, this might be the best Katia I've seen her. It's so adorable

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ADudeCalledLeo: Now that's what I call C O M F Y

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Skybolt06: This is absolutely adorable
nice artz
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Denis: Прекрасный арт
Вот оно сразу видно, у кого есть умение. Оно просто есть и будет, и всё. А у кого-то нет. Просто нет и не будет, и всё

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Dominik: Its soo frickin cuuuute, good job ^^

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Zargothrax: So damn adorable!

7461: character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender romance sleep-over text

character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender romance sleep-over text

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BontheDoc9: Since I just read the whole thing and this ship is the thing that's been on my mind, well why not?

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Skybolt06: Interesting and nice art, I think you did a good job

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BontheDoc9: Thanks dude, appreciate it

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ADudeCalledLeo: Lucky.
Good art!

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KuroNeko: Welcome to the world of alchemy S'thengir :p
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bigchungus: man I thought that lizzard's a l*s or something

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ADudeCalledLeo: @bigchungus: no that's Quill
are you saying all Argonains look alike >:( (/s)

7463: Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC text

Katia's_wizard_robe animation character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC text

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Skybolt06: Very sweet as always, I like the dark thoughts opposite side of Katia as well, very creative!
Nice art
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bigchungus: nice art , but i dont think anyone would kick out someone because of breaking a glass by accident , unless.....
it was a gilded

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ADudeCalledLeo: Nice animation and art!

7462: Friends_in_High_Places armor armor_design artist:GrizzlyBear blood character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology fanfiction knife modern_clothing sad snow tears

Friends_in_High_Places armor armor_design artist:GrizzlyBear blood character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology fanfiction knife modern_clothing sad snow tears

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Skybolt06: Finally... after a hiatus of about two months... waiting for art and overcoming a huge amount of writer's block... it's here. Chapter Seventeen, one of the most planned an anticipated I've ever written. This chapter's contents had actually been planned since I started writing this entire story, and it only gets better. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I am proud to say that chapters will be posted again probably once every one to two weeks. And of course we can't forget the main attraction, I would love to give a HUGE thanks to GrizzlyBear for making this amazing art, please show him some love as he thinks it took too long to make. Personally I think this wait was 110% worth it, and I hope you feel the same. Cya guys in the next chapter!!!

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Almighty_Kat: I have not read the that story (I should do it, as I like fiction and am a hobby writter myself). I will consider it!

About the image: Awesome. Perfect! Ah, I love this fanart page a lot. The armor actually reminds me very much of my own futuristic world. And Katia is in my fiction too!

I will read your story, I am intrigued. Give me some time. I am willed to share a bit of my fiction if you want to know anything.

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BontheDoc9: Somebody get this man a publisher
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GrizzlyBear: Ayy sorry about the massive delay guys, that’s my bad. The image here was my biggest project yet, and I’m glad to have been a part of this, and thanks to Skyobolt for putting up with me lol. Chapter itself is outstanding, has gotta be my favorite one yet, and it gets pretty emotional too. I can tell you had a lot of time to refine it

7460: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan monochrome portrait sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan monochrome portrait sketch

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egliomatn: bigger resolution this time

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ADudeCalledLeo: very good kat

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Skybolt06: This is how I draw, the head is very big, but you actually made it look ok, nice

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_Noxygen_: Why does this remind me of a 90's cartoon

7413: Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko booze character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender modern_clothing

Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko booze character:Weedum-Ja character:bartender modern_clothing
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Rick2tails: SHHHHHH! nobody let the Bartender know we saw him smile for once! XD

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KuroNeko: @Skybolt06: @ADudeCalledLeo: Thank you :)

@Rick2tails: He thought nobody would notice him in the background.

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damrok4321: Really nice, you did a great job with her suit. Love how it turned out

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Thank you, glad you like it

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BontheDoc9: I'm wondering when did the Bartender and Weedum ship really happened?

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KuroNeko: @BontheDoc9: No idea. I know bluedragyy made a story aboutthem last year but I think the ship was older than that.
Knowing shipers, I'd say a few hours after the characters were introduced.

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BontheDoc9: @KuroNeko: Do you have a link to the story?

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bluedraggy: At some point prior to 3/06/2014 (since thats when it was uploaded to a certain site) Kazerad made a .gif of Weedum-Ja and the bartender hooking up but getting interrupted by an off-screen patron. It's really quite funny and worth looking up. It's not here on the booru, probably because Kaz doesn't like his own stuff here - or maybe because lizard boobs. But on certain sites it can still be found by searching for Kazerad and Bartender. Kaz has mentioned numerous times that it's not canon. However since the two aren't exactly busy doing anything else these days, why not? That's the first I recall of the ship but that's a helluva way to kickstart an unlikely paring.

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bluedraggy: I can't link directly to it. It is clearly erotica. (the quote from a mod was "Isn't the limit of cumshots in a story limited to < 1?") So you'd have to do a little work of your own, but it's on FA and if you searched for Weedum and Story you would find it.

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BontheDoc9: Couldn't find it in FA, but thanks anyway and keep up the good work

7449: Katia's_Thief_Tunic booze character:Katia_Managan fansnark kvatch_arena_trousers magnus wilderness

Katia's_Thief_Tunic booze character:Katia_Managan fansnark kvatch_arena_trousers magnus wilderness
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durandal: Prequel where

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Skybolt06: This is very cute, nice job

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KuroNeko: She looks pretty happy despite her broken left foot :p
Pretty cute style.

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damrok4321: It gives out a very nice atmosphere, I like this kind of drawings, nice job dude
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