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7417: character:Quill-Weave monochrome

character:Quill-Weave monochrome

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ADudeCalledLeo: Yep, that's a lizard alright. A pretty good one, too!

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Skybolt06: Very nice Quill, probably better than I could do XD
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: behold

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damrok4321: Who is it if not my fav lizard there. Nice art. Keep it up bro

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KuroNeko: Best lizerd

7414: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:ChrisMono character:Katia_Managan knock_off night snow video_in_source

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit Kvatch animation artist:ChrisMono character:Katia_Managan knock_off night snow video_in_source
showing 10 of 11 comments

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ChrisMono: (Audio on) would take forever if I did in betweens, so this is happy holidays. (view in website if no audio)
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: good luck cookie

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ADudeCalledLeo: Cookies make everything better.
Good animation!

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Skybolt06: Yay cookie, I find it awesome she pulled it from the snow, nice job!
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Streetwind: But why are there crickets chirping in winter? =P

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KuroNeko: That faceplant was amazing and the fact that's it's only two frames and there is no sound before it make it even better.

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Zargothrax: Looks like they don't always land on their feet.

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AmericanPatriot: @KuroNeko: you spoiled it

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damrok4321: Poor kat, at least she had that cookie

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KuroNeko: @AmericanPatriot: Ah, sorry. But let it be a lesson to never read the comments first.

6278: animation artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text

animation artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text
showing 10 of 16 comments

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APayne1776: By being the best Khajiit that you already are
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Lurci: By sitting on my lap and giving me a kiss

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Rick2tails: I can think of so many ways..many of them not very work friendly

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KuroNeko: Ok this is amazing her outfit is just too adorable and those fluffy cheeks are so cute.
Zasily one of the best artwork I've seen in a while.

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Zargothrax: Raydio is one of the artist here whose skills have improved the most since they joined the boruu. Truly impressive!

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DarthVader: Give me her now! That’s an order!

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Raydio: @Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: I’m humbled... thank you :)

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Geravind: =*ω*=
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Killyellowcatnow: That window triggered me

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AmericanPatriot: @KuroNeko: Even more than the outfit and cheeks, the stance is likely the cutest thing.

4614: artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro modern_clothing monochrome night noir

artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro modern_clothing monochrome night noir
showing 10 of 13 comments

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bluedraggy: Wow - that's a REALLY good line!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: ooh... neon colo- *hotline miami flashbacks*

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Raydio: @bluedraggy: Thanks :^)

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Toryu-Mau: ... This city... is where dreams come to die. >):^[
( Melancholic Blues plays in the background. )

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Raydio: @Toryu-Mau: The Elves are running this city.

They have control over all the major trade ports that girdle this city's industry. The monopoly the Mer have made has given them unimaginable power. Although, It would be a shame if something came in and changed that, now wouldn't it?

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Toryu-Mau: @Raydio: ... I swear by the nine, the Altmers are going to enslave everyone before the God Head wakes up from this dream. ]^:(<

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furnut: But...but I DO wear sunglasses at night! also, great color choices!

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jimmybub: slightly cat shaped couch has been noticed.

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Raydio: @jimmybub: ;)

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Skybolt06: I find this strangely alike to something somebody wrote, I don't know who wrote it and can't seem to grasp the writing, must've slipped from my mind... oh well...

6433: Zootopia artist:Raydio brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan crossover law_enforcement modern_clothing text

Zootopia artist:Raydio brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan crossover law_enforcement modern_clothing text
showing 10 of 20 comments

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Dominik: Soo cute, already lighter on the heart

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Zargothrax: The way Raydio does lighting cannot be confused with anyone else. Very nice!

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APayne1776: I feel tall
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Deo: By that perspective I can say that she probably talking with high elf... A very HIGH high elf.
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somethingsomething: This style is so good

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damrok4321: I love those eyes

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Atum_Doxhun: nice

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AmericanPatriot: @KuroNeko: follow ups?

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AmericanPatriot: Oh, nevermind. I see now why Raydio responded that way.

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Skybolt06: XD, we all know of those, and some would rather not look back on them

7411: Katia's_wizard_robe applied_telekinesis artist:Noxygen character:Katia_Managan drugs monochrome smoking

Katia's_wizard_robe applied_telekinesis artist:Noxygen character:Katia_Managan drugs monochrome smoking

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_Noxygen_: I was sketching things and playing around and I really like how this came out ( I have really low standards.)
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: bong

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Skybolt06: If I could roll a blunt/smoke weed with anyone, it would totally be Katia, this is epic XD

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Sashimi: @_Noxygen_: I quite like how this came out as well.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Drugs: only marginally better than alcohol. Good art!

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Rick2tails: NO! Drugs are bad Katia! mmmmmok?

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Zargothrax: Katia's trying to discover a different type of magic

7410: Khajiit acrobatics actual_talent artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan monochrome pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick yo-yo

Khajiit acrobatics actual_talent artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan monochrome pineapple pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick yo-yo

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KuroNeko: Katia showing off those Khajiit acrobatic bonuses
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: ...yeah ill just interpret that THIS is the party trick
safer for my psyche

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Skybolt06: Another (probably false, but for the best) interpretation of the pineapple yo-yo trick

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_Noxygen_: I'm wondering how the Pineapple convinced the meat sack to do this. nice!

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ADudeCalledLeo: This is probably the best interpretation of the pineapple yo-yo trick, honestly.
Good art!

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Rick2tails: Katia is very talented !!

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KuroNeko: @B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: @Skybolt06: @ADudeCalledLeo: personally I think those are the best interpretations https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/5677#search=pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1854#search=pineapple_and_yo-yo_trick

@_Noxygen_: By asking nicely, like any civilized fruit would.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @KuroNeko: >>5677 is the utopian interpretation of the trick, >>1854 is probably what actually happened.

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Zargothrax: Hey, this is a really nice gesture! Did you use figure-skaters for reference?
Also, pretty adorable.

4973: artist:Raydio character:Stephane modern_clothing plain_background

artist:Raydio character:Stephane modern_clothing plain_background

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Raydio: stussy steve

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madmanransom: stephane "stephanie" larouche
the breton boy
the nose
the prude

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MrCoopy: ew
I mean, good art, very well-made
but ew

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AmericanPatriot: So few comments on this one despite the quality.

7415: artist:Bluedraggy character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC questionable

artist:Bluedraggy character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC questionable

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bluedraggy: Sorry - no delightful KuroNeko on this one.

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ADudeCalledLeo: So we've had comedy, romance/lewd, drama, and now slice-of-lice. Really striking each and every genre, bud!
But no seriously good writing as usual!

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Sashimi: Love the variety you put into your stories, Draggy. Enjoyable read and I look forward to more!

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KuroNeko: She can cook too? Marry her you dumb lizard.
But seriously, very good chapter. Sad too, but the second part makes me hope things are going to get better soon.
I really like how Quill start thinking seriously about her relationship with her maid which contrast with the first chapter and her author charm nonsense.

7412: Quill-Weave's_house argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave monochrome musicality

Quill-Weave's_house argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave monochrome musicality

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KuroNeko: Quill while Katia is away in Kvatch.

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Skybolt06: XD yes, this is amazing, good work
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: very nice
cant remember what movie thats referencing
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GrizzlyBear: I like that old time rock n roll!!

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ADudeCalledLeo: I thought she was still sleeping after the whole Saturalia Nightmare business.
Good (and cute) art!

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Rick2tails: Quill looks good with no pants!

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KuroNeko: @B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: It's "Risky business"

@ADudeCalledLeo: She's dreaming of this while waiting for Vaermina to come back :p

@Rick2tails: She always looks good
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